Kunpeng woke up with surprise in his eyes, and was obviously very excited about his changes.

"Thank you for the gift, Master!"

Kunpeng said gratefully, and there was no arrogance in his eyes.

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me! The gift I gave you is not just to thank you.

In the future, you have to do things for me. When the merits are fulfilled, I will give you freedom..."

Lingmo said calmly. He never gave gifts without reason. Giving it to you means that you have to pay the same price to return it.

This is called equal exchange.

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"This seat, uh... I understand!" Kunpeng said it, thinking that calling himself this seat seemed inappropriate, and then changed his words.

"Okay! You will follow me from now on, and you should have a more appropriate name..."

"Please give me a name, Master!"

"Okay! Seeing that your whole body is blue, I will call you Xiaolan in the future..."

To be honest, Lingmo's ability to name is really not good.

Such a domineering and majestic beast, Kunpeng, actually has such a sissy name, isn't this an insult?

No, is it an insult to Kun?

"Thank you for the name, Master!"

Obviously, although the name is not good, Kunpeng did not refuse, nor did he dare to refuse.

At the moment the contract was signed, its life was in Lingmo's hands. Lingmo only needed a thought to kill it, so... it didn't dare to have any complaints.

"Okay! Wait for a moment, I'll put a soul ring on you first..."

Back to the topic, Lingmo chased Kunpeng for millions of miles, not to save it, but for the soul ring.

Now that everything that should be done has been done, it's time to deal with his seventh soul ring.

The 200,000-year-old Kunpeng soul ring, with storm attributes, is really perfect for Lingmo.

Lingzhu has an extremely perverted magical power, that is... it can copy a soul ring with the same attributes from Kunpeng without hurting it.

Fortunately, Lingmo did not attack directly before, otherwise his seventh soul ring would not be 200,000 years, but an ordinary 100,000-year soul ring.

This seems to be a difference of only one golden ring, but in fact... the increase brought by the soul ring is very different.

Holding the spirit pearl in his palm, Lingmo slowly sat on the ground, the surrounding sea water began to return to normal, and everything seemed to be calm.

This ruins is very deep, and there are basically no soul beasts here. It seems to have become Kunpeng's nest.

The Three Worlds Scripture directly activated, and the five-color divine light burst out directly, illuminating this area under the abyss.

Kunpeng and Lingmo were in it, and saw the spirit pearl emitting a green light, and the two merged and began to merge.

"Don't resist!"

Lingmo gave another last instruction, and directly activated the spirit pearl. In an instant... all the soul power went to Kunpeng.

It instantly merged into its body and began to run rapidly. Through the operation of the spirit pearl, soon... a soul ring shining with red light slowly emerged in Kunpeng's body.

This is not the one Lingmo needs. This is Kunpeng's own soul ring. It cannot be moved. If it is moved, Kunpeng will die.

The Lingzhu reversed again. With Lingmo's slow guidance, another red soul ring slowly emerged above the red soul ring.

Its quality is the same as the one on Kunpeng.

This is a soul ring copied by the Lingzhu. It is no different from the one in Kunpeng.

The copy was successful. The soul ring slowly left Kunpeng's body and appeared in front of Lingmo.

"Good guy, it succeeded!"

Looking at the soul ring in front of him, Lingmo laughed, and Kunpeng was also surprised by Lingmo's method and dared not speak.

This perverted method completely replaced the original way of obtaining soul rings and indirectly avoided the death of soul beasts.

It can only be said that Lingmo's method is too against the sky. The Lingzhu is just an auxiliary. The real copy of the soul ring is still the strange power in Lingmo's body and his strange method.

Feeling a paralysis in the body, the soul ring finally left the body and appeared in front of Lingmo and Kunpeng.


The soul ring appeared, Lingmo did not hesitate any more. This copied soul ring was not like the soul ring when killing soul beasts, which could exist for half an hour.

If this soul ring was not absorbed early, it would soon dissipate.

After offering the Peacock Martial Soul, Lingmo began to absorb this soul ring with all his strength, relying on the auxiliary effect of the Spirit Pearl.

The soul ring did not have any energy riot at all, and flew towards Lingmo very steadily, instantly entering Lingmo's body and covering the peacock.

If it was to kill Kunpeng and absorb this soul ring, Lingmo might have to worry about the soul shock caused by the soul ring.

But... with the suppression of the Spirit Pearl, this shock did not exist at all, and the soul ring quickly melted into Lingmo's body.

It was unimpeded and completely fit on the Peacock Martial Soul.

This was the first time Lingmo had experienced such a fast soul ring absorption method. There was no risk at all, and he absorbed a soul ring of 200,000 years.

"Oh my god! If I had obtained this spirit bead earlier, my first spirit ring should have absorbed a 100,000-year spirit ring..." Lingmo's eyes flashed with gold. With the help of this spirit bead, it was too easy to absorb a 200,000-year spirit ring. He even had an idea that if he had obtained this spirit bead at the beginning, his first spirit ring should not have been a 100-year spirit ring.

But it's okay to think about it. A hundred thousand year soul ring? Even if he can absorb it, Lingmo doesn't have that fate.

Among the people he knows, only Tang Hao has the strength to kill a hundred thousand year soul ring, but... how could Tang Hao help him so casually.

Rely on that weakling Master? Forget it, it's better to rely on himself than on him.

In the Soul Hunting Forest, if it weren't for Tang San and himself, he would have died long ago.

A level 29 soul master can't even beat a four hundred year soul beast, it's really too embarrassing.

Then again, although the master is weak, he is a scumbag!

"Wait, let me say! Is the reason why I am so scumbag because of the master?"

Lingmo suddenly had an idea. In terms of the degree of scum, he felt that he was on par with the master.

No, he should be worse than himself. At least he dared to accept the girl he provoked.

Just him! A softie...

The soul ring was successfully absorbed, and a holy light appeared. Lingmo found that... his various attributes began to improve rapidly.

"Seventh soul skill, Peacock King Body?"

All previous speculations have come to fruition today.

Lingmo's martial soul is not Shining Tiga, but Peacock King Body.

I'd like to state in advance that this Peacock King Body has nothing to do with Zhao Wuji's Acala King Body, so please don't get me wrong.

"Peacock King Body, its own attributes increase by 800%, with an endless storm field, and in the storm, the speed increases by 900%...

Oh my god! Is this going against the sky?

Nine hundred percent, this speed, I'm almost catching up with Kunpeng, not to mention the assistance of the five-color divine light, it's too abnormal, okay?

This is obviously cheating, is there anyone to care? If no one cares, I'll... be so happy..."

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