Xue Nu was completely shocked by this incredible breakthrough, and she was also very happy in her heart.

Ling Mo didn't lie to her. He said that he would give himself a perfect future.

It can be seen from this transformation that Ling Mo does have this strength.

At this time, Xue Nu had silently hidden Ling Mo in her heart.

(Let me tell you here, I actually don’t know much about the cultivation of soul beasts, so the following theories are all made up by me...)

You must know that the cultivation of soul beasts is much more difficult than that of humans, otherwise there would not be so many hundred thousand year soul beasts choosing to transform and re-cultivate.

As far as the snow girl is concerned, every time she survives a catastrophe of 100,000 years, she will survive a catastrophe.

She crossed it six times in total, and the Little White Ice Bear King crossed it three times.

Every time you survive a catastrophe, it means you will have a golden ring, and this golden ring is the representative of the realm of the soul beast.

Of course, there are those who fish in troubled waters, and it is common for some soul beasts to fail to survive a single catastrophe even though they have reached a million years.

Just like the ice silkworm Tianmeng who had drifted to the Star Forest and was imprisoned by Emperor Tian.

It has not survived the catastrophe. It has spent the entire millions of years in a deep sleep.

The age of a soul beast does not determine its strength. Real strength comes from the recognition of heaven after surviving the catastrophe, or the recognition of God.

The light faded, and after five days of honest communication, Xue Nu was no longer as shy as she was at the beginning, and looked straight at Ling Mo.

She really wanted to see clearly what kind of person Ling Mo was, and why did seemingly impossible things become so easy in his hands?

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?"

Her series of abnormal states made Ling Mo confused, but after these five days, she was really in ecstasy.

This snow girl was even more powerful than Qian Renxue, making Ling Mo feel like her body was a little overwhelmed.

Sure enough, the more powerful a person is, the more powerful he is. I really don’t know if I will be able to handle it even if I become a god in the future.

"I want to see what kind of man you are!" Snow Girl said sincerely, her beautiful eyes blinking, very charming.

She was so perfect, the only thing that was lacking was that her eyes were always a little sad, a sadness that made people feel heartbroken.

"What kind of man am I? Haven't you seen it? A fierce batch..."


Xue Nu was amused by Ling Mo's words, and she had a rare smile. Under the light of the spirit bead, she was extremely beautiful.

"It's really fierce!" Snow Girl whispered from the bottom of her heart.

The poison in her body has been removed, and her body has returned to normal. Her strength has improved a step further, and she is in very good condition.

Writhing away from Ling Mo, he put on his clothes again, and the cold and sad goddess appeared in front of Ling Mo again.

Stretching lazily, the snow girl felt carefully and found that the wound on her calf had also disappeared.

Ling Mo also stood up, but he was in a worse condition, mainly suffering from back pain. He stood up holding on to the ice wall.

He put his clothes back on, then sat aside and said, "Okay, now it's time for you to tell me what happened before, right?"

Ling Mo never forgot the purpose of coming here, but because of the condition of the snow girl before, he never asked.

"As a man, shouldn't you ask me about my current physical condition first?"

Xue Nu made a rare complaint, her expression was a bit angry, and Ling Mo started to doubt her life.

Are women born to be unreasonable?

"Uh...so how do you feel?"

Ling Mo had no choice but to ask. To be honest... he had a headache. He didn't know how Xue Nu would face things between them after she recovered.

If she regrets it, there is actually nothing Lingmo can do.

The snow girl's strength has reached the limit of 800,000 years. Although Ling Mo has the supreme realm, it is difficult to defeat her.

But then again, Ling Mo felt that Xue Nu would not regret it.

Everything is cooked, and if she regrets it, she will be the one who suffers.

Anyway, Ling Mo would not suffer any loss. Such a beauty...even if it only lasts for five days, she is still worthy of an elixir of immortality.

"So perfunctory?"

There was a bad smile on Xue Nu's face. She didn't look like the cold and glamorous goddess before. She had quite a bit of Qian Renxue's sinister character.

Do people with snowy names have such dark personalities? Ling Mo couldn't help but wonder.

After thinking about it for a while, I gave up the idea, because Xue Wu was not her, Xue Wu was a naive girl, how could she have such evil spirit.

"Hey, what do you want from me? Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will satisfy you..."

Ling Mo was never stingy with his women, which was his advantage.

"Yeah! I want you to accompany me in the Northland..."

The snow girl thought for a while and suddenly said that since things had come to this point, she confessed directly.

Through these few days of contact, she found that she had silently fallen in love with Ling Mo, and she very much hoped that he could always be by her side.

If she was resisting in the beginning, now she has accepted Lingmo in her heart.

"No! Except for this, I can promise you everything else...

I came here this time to deal with the riot launched by the evil soul master.

If the riot cannot be resolved, the world will be in chaos, which will be a catastrophe.

You should know the cruelty of this riot. If I stay here with you, everyone in the world...may be facing death..."

When Xue Nu made the request just now, Lingmo had already agreed in his heart, but... when he thought of the current situation.

And Qian Renxue and others who were thousands of miles away at this time, Lingmo refused.

He couldn't be so selfish. Once he gave up, what would happen to Qian Renxue and others? Lingmo would never allow his woman to be hurt.

"Why are you so excited! I didn't ask you to stay with me now..."

Seeing Lingmo's intense reaction, Xue Nu said with a smile. She was not an unreasonable person.

She was used to the loneliness of 700,000 years. Was she still in a hurry?

"For the sake of the people of the world, I will change it. I don't need you to accompany me in the north.

I just need you to come and accompany me when you have time after the riot is quelled. It doesn't take too long..."

As she said that, Xue Nu's seductive voice whispered a few words in Lingmo's ear, and her voice was very low.

After she finished speaking, she blushed, and Lingmo was stunned for a while.

Is this still the empress Lingmo knew? Why do I feel like an unsatisfied young wife...

Lingmo's waist aches when he thinks of this. It seems that he will have a hard time in the future.

"Ahem, how about...you come back with me! In this way, I can accompany you every day..."

Lingmo negotiated. The Northland is deserted and there is nothing fun. Lingmo also wants to go back and enjoy the joy of heaven and man after resolving the riot.

"No, I don't want to leave the Northland! I just asked you for such a small request, but you didn't agree, hum..."

"Okay, okay, I agree to you!"

Lingmo has a headache. It seems that he will have to find various excuses to run back and forth in the future.

Wait... Lingmo suddenly remembered something. Didn't he want to build a branch of the Ghost Gate in the Northland?

Huh... Now I feel comfortable.

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