Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 354 Heading to the restricted area

"This Ice Emperor! What is his ability?"

Ling Mo couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Well, that's it! I won't tell you..."

It was a rare time for Xue Nu to be naughty and she didn't tell Ling Mo, which made Ling Mo extremely depressed.

"Forget it! It seems like she's fine, so let's go to the restricted area first!"

After thinking about it, Ling Mo decided to go to the restricted area first, solve the trouble first, and then finish it off.

He has been delayed in the Northland for two months, and he cannot delay any longer, otherwise something big will happen.

I don’t know what’s going on on the other side of the ghost gate now! Hope nothing happens.

After the evil soul master spread the poison, the three major forests were unavoidable, but they were not the source of the poison, so the toxicity was not too great.

"Xiao Lan! Let's go... to Wuliang Sea Cliff!"

With that said, Ling Mo took Xue Nu and rode on Kunpeng, and started running towards Wuliang Sea Cliff.

On the way, the snow girl looked at the desolation of the northern land and the sea of ​​blood and icebergs with a look of disbelief on her face.

"I didn't expect that in just two months, so many things would happen in the Northland..."

The snow girl fell silent, unable to accept the scene in front of her.

This is her home! But at this time, the home has become a desolate ruins, too miserable to look at.

"Not only the Northland, if nothing else, the three major forests, without exception, have all suffered..."

Ling Mo sighed, not knowing what was going on in the Star Dou Forest.

Over in the Star Forest, Ling Mo knew that there were only three hundred thousand year soul beasts. He wondered if there would be others under the Lake of Life?

Or, might something more terrifying be hidden deeper in the Lake of Life?

Ling Mo discovered something was wrong with the Lake of Life a few years ago. At that time, he sensed a strange aura underneath.

But he was still very weak at the time, so he didn't choose to go on.

Now that I think about it, I take a deep breath!

These strange signs undoubtedly indicate that there is something down there, and it is very powerful.

"Master, the boundless sea cliff is ahead..."

Kunpeng flew across the endless sea, and rivers of blood flowed below. The scene was extremely spectacular.

Looking at the familiar island again, it was shrouded in a cloud of black air. Just a few kilometers away, I felt a disgusting smell of blood coming overwhelmingly.

Mixed with the disgusting smell of sin and decay.

"The last time I came here, the black energy was not so heavy..."

Ling Mo had a headache. This black energy actually existed when he came last time.

But at that time, he didn't think that this black energy would explode, so he didn't pay attention to it at all.

Now that he was here again, Ling Mo wanted to slap himself twice. Why didn't he think of a countermeasure at that time?

In fact, no one will believe that a disaster will break out until it actually breaks out.

The avalanche seems huge, but who would have thought that the first avalanche would be caused by a small snowflake...

Therefore, at that time, Ling Mo would never have thought that the thing causing the current riot was actually the black air shrouding the island.

hold head high……

A dragon's roar shook the whole world, and the water below was churning, and a hundred-meter-long dragon appeared below Ling Mo and others.

"Deep Sea Demonic Dragon?"

Snow Girl looked at Jiaolong Xiaohei doubtfully and said doubtfully.

Xiao Hei was summoned by Ling Mo. They signed a contract and could summon him anytime and anywhere without having to look for him.

"Meet the master, meet the Snow Emperor..."

Jiaolong appeared and said respectfully.

"Master? Haha... I didn't expect you to become his pet?"

The Snow Emperor was a little at a loss. Jiaolong and Kunpeng were old enemies.

And...everyone is a thorn in the side, extremely aloof.

Ling Mo actually conquered them both at the same time? She was really curious about what Ling Mo was capable of.

"The Snow Emperor is laughing! It's an honor for us to be able to work under the master..."

Xiao Hei said modestly, without any dissatisfaction.

How powerful the Snow Emperor is, he knows it without being introduced by others, how dare he challenge the Snow Emperor? Unless it gets tired of living.

As for Ling Mo, it didn’t dare to be disrespectful anymore. Ling Mo’s single thought could kill him.

"Really? That's indeed an honor..."

There was something in Xue Nu's words, and Ling Mo immediately became unhappy and said, "I mean, you can't say a few nice words about me! You know how to hurt me..."



In her true self, Xue Nu was even more aloof than Jiaolong Kunpeng and the others, and she had already given up a lot for Lingmo.

"Master, why are you calling me this time?"

Jiaolong didn't know the relationship between Ling Mo and Snow Emperor, so he just asked.

"Do you see that small island in front of you? Go in... and lure the people out!"

Ling Mo didn't waste any time and arranged the task directly.

He cherished his life very much. He might be wondering if there were any traps inside, so he let the dragon explore the way first. If an accident happened, he could still save it.

But if he goes in first, others may not be able to save him. To be on the safe side, let the dragon explore the way first.

"give it to me……"

Jiaolong didn't know who was inside, so he said very confidently.

Then, his body shook and he swayed into the dark restricted area.

"By the way! Where is the spirit beast that was on this island?"

After Jiaolong entered, Ling Mo suddenly remembered that the last time he came, there was a spirit beast on this island.

Moreover, it is a 100,000-year-old soul beast, and its ability is the rare spatial teleportation ability, which is very strange.

At that time, Ling Mo wanted to catch it, but in the end he failed, so he gave up.

"Yeah! He should still be nearby. That little thing is so weird. Although his fighting ability is not strong, his escape skills are really good..."

The snow girl said that she didn't know where the little thing went. She didn't see it when she came two months ago.

It is estimated that it is either dead or hiding by now.

Despite his outstanding ability, that guy was actually very timid. He would run away faster than anyone else at the slightest sign of trouble.

This small island, hidden under the black mist, looks very deep!

There was a strong aura of death all around, giving people a feeling of suffocation and making their hearts feel cold.

Jiaolong has already entered, and nothing has happened yet.

"The source of trouble! Today... I have completely solved this source of trouble..."

Ling Mo stood on Kunpeng's back, looking towards the dark restricted area, and continued: "Xiaolan, come closer slowly! Observe first before talking..."

Ling Mo did not enter immediately, but first waited for the dragon's reply. There was a dragon exploring the way, and Ling Mo could feel every move inside.


A deafening roar came from the black air.

The sound was very harsh, it was none other than the dragon's voice.

"Master, Xiao Hei seems to be in trouble!"

Kunpeng worriedly said that although they had fought for tens of thousands of years, their relationship had softened a lot now that they were both under Lingmo's seat.

"It's okay! It can handle..."

Ling Mo opened his double eyes and clearly saw everything that happened inside.

Jiaolong Xiaohei fought against a strong man, and the battle was very volatile, and the fight was confusing.

The dragon summoned the wind and rain, coming and going with ease, and it was not at a disadvantage against the evil soul master.

But this is only temporary! The opponent's evil spirit did not have an upper body, so its strength was greatly reduced.

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