"That's right, that's what they call Rashomon!"

Xiao Qi, who was following the team, said with a fearful expression.

From the moment he entered here, he had already thought about running away if something went wrong.

Don't count on this guy at critical moments. He will definitely be the first to run away when in danger.

Ling Mo looked at Rashomon and said with a serious expression: "Rashomon has been opened and cannot be closed.


The only way is to strengthen the seal, restrict the things inside, and prevent them from coming out..."

"What are you going to do?"

Xue Nu said thoughtfully, looking in the direction Ling Mo pointed, she also saw the gate.

“Don’t worry about Rashomon for now, because the gate is already open and the chicken is of no use!

The most important thing at the moment is to solve the source of the riot first..."

Ling Mo murmured, not loudly, but Xue Nu heard it clearly.

"The source of trouble? Do you mean the black mist above Rashomon?"

Xue Nu wondered. This was the first time she heard this word, and she seemed to understand something. This riot may have been caused by the source of trouble mentioned by Ling Mo.

"If I guessed correctly, it should be the black mist. Did you feel an evil aura?

The source of that aura is the black mist. I don’t know what is in it.

You can only draw conclusions if you see it with your own eyes! "

Ling Mo continued to explain that when things got to this point, he still had many doubts, but no one could answer his doubts.

For example, what is the source of the trouble? What caused today's riots?

And, why does Rashomon exist? How do they open?

The altar originally existed, that is to say, this altar already existed a long, long time ago.

Since it is the entrance to Rashomon, then...who set up this altar? And when was it set up?

What happened millions of years ago in Douluo Continent? Why are things like martial spirits and soul rings derived?

It's very confusing, Ling Mo is really confused. If you don't think about these problems all the time, then everything will seem so natural.

But if we think about these issues carefully, we find that there are many loopholes in them.

"I don't quite understand what you are saying! If you need any help from me, just ask. Although I don't understand, I can stand behind you and support you silently..."

Xue Nu said sincerely that she had entrusted her destiny and future to Ling Mo. Even if she didn't know what Ling Mo wanted to do, she would support it.

Lingmo's choice is her choice!

"Stop those people for me. I want to see with my own eyes what the so-called source of trouble is..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Mo sacrificed the spirit bead and went to the altar alone.

"Stop him!"

Ling Mo appeared, and eight priests came to kill him at the same time. Although they did not have the strength of the dark high priest, their strength was not trivial.


A loud noise was heard, and a cold snow lotus bloomed in the air, knocking eight people back at the same time.

Looking again, snow was falling all over the sky, the air was freezing rapidly, and everyone felt that breathing had become extremely difficult.

"what happened?"

The eight people looked at each other, and their eyes turned out to be the Snow Maiden. She didn't know what field she was using, but she could restrain eight people at the same time.

Under the restrictions of the snow girl, the eight people entered the polar ice field, like an illusion, unable to escape.

Ling Mo, on the other hand, had already arrived in front of Rashomon with the spirit bead in hand.

He didn't pay attention to the battle behind him, he was focused on Rashomon.

Carrying the spirit beads, Ling Mo arrived alone, and suddenly found... the black mist above Rashomon had a very heavy evil aura.

This is consistent with the poisonous poisons outside. It seems that this riot was launched through this altar.

In addition to the Northland, even the three major forests were also affected. I don’t know how these people did it.

"What kind of world is behind Rashomon? It seems that I need to take a trip.

But now is not the time. When the time comes, we will definitely break through this door. "

Pushing the spirit bead with one hand, Rashomon could no longer be destroyed, so Ling Mo had no choice but to give up, and then turned his attention to the black energy shrouding Rashomon.

"This is... the blood of darkness?"

Ling Mo could clearly see that there was a drop of blood on the black mist. If he guessed correctly, it was the real source of trouble.

In the beginning, when Ling Mo came to the Northland, he came just to find this drop of blood.

But after being delayed in the Northland for so long, I still haven't found it.

Judging from his vague memory, this drop of blood might have come from other worlds, from a place of trouble.

Through the altar and the promotion of Rashomon, the most evil side of this drop of blood was amplified. The soul beasts within hundreds of miles were infected, so their temperaments changed drastically and they became extremely ferocious.

"Is it the source of the disaster? Is it the cause and effect of the past life, or is it the disaster of this life?

Unexpectedly, it also came to this world. From this, it can be seen that... this drop of black blood from the sky is extremely terrifying.

After the Emperor's Fall, who is driving this chaos? It’s worth pondering…”

Ling Mo stared blankly at the drop of black blood, lost in thought.

Whether in his previous life or this life, he has never really come into contact with the secret of this drop of blood. I am afraid that the only one who truly knows its secret is the one who came before.

Since the end of the Emperor's Fall era, the Forerunners have obviously left, so why is this drop of blood still left?

What is even more puzzling is who is behind the series of dark turmoil?

Who was the person inside the nine-dragon coffin that they betrayed back then?

Perhaps, the person inside the Kowloon coffin should know the secret of this drop of blood, or he is experiencing these things.

However, even so, Ling Mo couldn't find any trace of him, and she didn't know where he was now.

Maybe, at the far end of the void, he was experiencing exactly the same turmoil as himself, or was trying to pacify some dark restricted area.

Back then, the two copper coffins met and left in opposite directions. Above the turbulent flow of the void, Ling Mo clearly heard the noise coming from the copper coffin.

Therefore, it can be judged that there must be someone inside, and there is more than one.

As for where they went, Lingmo still doesn’t know until today!

"Now that we have encountered it, there is no reason to sit idly by and do nothing! The so-called chaos should end..."

Seeing that the riots in the North were still going on, Ling Mo's first choice was to deal with this drop of blood first. After solving it, the riots would naturally end.

As for Rashomon, let’s finally find a way to solve the Rashomon issue!

Lingzhu pushed forward slightly, blocking the gap in the doorway.

Only a burst of blue light was seen, and a powerful adsorption force came from the spirit bead.

Under the holy light, thousands of stars are displayed, shining through the past and present.

Under Ling Mo's urging, a phantom suddenly appeared inside the spirit bead.

"Huh? A green lotus can last forever. What's going on..."

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