
Under the engulfment of the five-color divine light, in less than half an hour, the dark creature's body shrank by half.

It seems...his strength grows with his size.

Because the power of his body is self-contained and operates on its own, there will be no excess or lack.

Therefore...under a perfect system, he can achieve immortality.

Unfortunately, he encountered Lingmo's five-color divine light.

You know, this divine light, below the saint, can sweep everything...

How strong is this dark creature? In fact, there is no bottom line. If it is his real body that comes here, Lingmo's five-color divine light will definitely not have any effect.


Unfortunately...he is just a drop of blood, a monster transformed from a drop of dead blood, how can he resist the engulfment of the five-color divine light?

"Villain! I'll fuck you..."

Furious, the dark creature was so angry that Lingmo was spitting out fragrance.

He had always treated Lingmo with a playful attitude, but now the roles were reversed, and Lingmo looked at him with the same eyes as a clown.

"Treacherous villain, cunning villain..."

"You are not worthy to be my enemy! I ****..."

Lingmo just looked at him quietly, and his body, which was several thousand meters long, shrank to half in just half an hour.

Now, in Lingmo's eyes, he was just a jumping clown, an ant that could be crushed to death at any time.

The five-color divine light continued to run rampant in his body, and he could not control it at all, because this power did not belong to his system at all.

He had not even seen such a thing, so how could he find a solution.

"Haha! Now look, what is the difference between you and that stink bug?

If it is the same, I will give it to you!

In my eyes, you are just an ant that I can crush to death at any time. What qualifications do you have to speak nonsense in front of me?"

His eyes were fierce, and a divine thunder struck fiercely, and it struck the back of the dark creature fiercely.

He was covered in blood, and a huge wound appeared...

"Double pupil, you disappoint me so much! Compared with that predecessor, you are a complete waste...

Even if you kill me today, what? I am just a drop of blood here.

When you break through that gate of heaven and come to the heaven, it will be the day of your destruction..."

The dark creature said viciously in his dying struggle.

Obviously... Lingmo killed a drop of his blood here, and when Lingmo really reaches the so-called heaven.

He will definitely not let me go, this long-cherished wish has not ended after all.

The dark creature mentioned the predecessor again in his abuse.

Lingmo had a complicated mood for the predecessor, feeling unwilling to show weakness, but helpless.

"You are right! I can't compare with him, but...I may not be inferior to you!

In my eyes, surpassing you is just a matter of time.

Do you really think that you can kill me when you reach the heaven?"

Lingmo sneered.

He does not have the strength to fight against his real body now, but... the future is uncertain.

From the current point of view, Lingmo's potential is the most amazing in the past and present.

As long as there is no accident in the middle, why should he be afraid of that person?

Don't forget that Lingmo still has a potential protector.

This protector is not a ghost, but the one who has left.

Lingmo can feel that he and himself have a very deep cause and effect, so... he will not worry at all that he will be suppressed by the darkness and die in the future.

Of course, he can't rely on others completely. Lingmo is confident that he is not afraid of anyone at the same level.

"He tui...

Shameless guy, if you hadn't tricked me, would you be worthy of grinning in front of me?

You wait! Today's cause and effect, he will... return it a hundredfold in the future!"

The dark creature was swallowed up in pain, and soon only a few dozen meters were left.

Until now, he still believed that the reason he lost was because Lingmo cheated.

It seems that Lingmo was indeed cheating, and this idea is not wrong.

However, sometimes conspiracy is also part of the battle! I can only say that he was too arrogant and underestimated the enemy, and it was not unfair for him to lose.

"Haha, I just like the way you can't stand me, but you can't do anything to me..."

Facing the dark creature's foul language, Lingmo said that with this kind of ability to curse, his ancestors will not be able to protect him on the Internet in the future.

Still spitting out foul language! Shame on you...

When it comes to cursing, Lingmo is definitely an expert in this area. In his previous life, he also had a special title, called the Internet Pianist!

The speed of typing on the keyboard is like playing the piano. Who can stand it...

"Okay! I'm done talking nonsense with you, go to hell..."

The chat ended. In order to avoid any changes, Lingmo didn't plan to let him live for another second.

His existence has already posed a threat to this world. If he lives one more second, there will be one more variable in this world.

Sacrificing the spirit pearl, the smile on Lingmo's face gradually became unbridled!

"No... don't..."

Amid the desperate screams of the dark creature, Lingmo directly activated the spirit pearl.

In an instant... the five-colored divine light was strengthened once again. With further amplification, the power in his body began to overflow and slowly became violent.

In just a few minutes, his body was only the same size as Lingmo's!

At this moment, the power in his body had been completely devoured by the five-color divine light, and he was no different from an ordinary person.

Until this moment, the high and mighty Lord finally lowered his arrogant expression...

Putting away the spiritual pearl, Lingmo looked at him with amusement! Suddenly, I felt that this guy was quite funny.

"Haha, seeing you in such a mess! Why do I suddenly want to laugh so much?"

Lingmo sneered, hitting the dog in the water, and fighting back with the tone he had previously mocked Lingmo.

This feeling is more uncomfortable than eating shit...

The dark creature had entered a state of exhaustion at this time, and was unable to refute Lingmo at all, and was still struggling...

"Alas! So, this person, no matter what time, can't be over-inflated, see... This wave of one or two waves, was directly reversed, don't you say it's infuriating..."

Lingmo saw that his red face was uncomfortable, and he wanted to laugh more and more in his heart.

After enough taunting, Lingmo observed the sky and then said, "Okay! It's getting late, you can go..."

After saying that, Lingmo urged the five-color divine light with one hand, and it started to riot again in his body.

Soon... a drop of black blood appeared in the air, and he turned back to his original appearance.

That's right, he was originally transformed by a drop of blood, and Lingmo's five-color divine light directly beat him back to his original form.

Looking at this drop of black blood, Lingmo's eyes were full of murderous intent!

It was because of it that the current situation was caused...

Seeing the black blood reappear in front of him, Lingmo pushed the spirit bead with one hand and began to wipe this drop of black blood on the sky...

Under the light of the spirit bead, Qinglian took action and began to devour the power of the black blood in less than three seconds.

That drop of blood completely disappeared on the sky, as if it had never appeared!

The world returned to normal again...


"Great, we finally won..."

"We are saved..."

"Long live, long live, long live..."

"Long live the Ghost Gate..."

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