Hearing Dugu Bo's words, Qian Renxue was a little embarrassed.

She looked at the wounded soldiers in front of her with clear eyes, and then looked at the Ghost Gate disciples behind her who were ready to take bags of money at any time.

Suddenly, she felt a little entangled...

Qian Renxue was a little depressed. Isn't this embarrassing for me?


On one side is her husband's sect, and on the other side, she is here as a prince, representing the commander-in-chief of the Tiandou Empire army!

These people are all her confidants. If she doesn't give them some benefits in the end after putting so many people in, it will be unreasonable.

On one side is her husband, and on the other side is her confidant. Who should she choose?

Well, if you compare this, the result will come out immediately. She must choose her husband.

But... if she doesn't give these people some benefits in the end, it will probably cause a mutiny.

Qian Renxue said in embarrassment: "Senior, you really gave me a difficult problem!"

"Hehe, anyway, I don't care, it's also to make money for you, the old man has no worries about food and clothing, and has no interest in these things..."

Dugu Bo smiled, and his expression was a bit like Lingmo's cheating...

Qian Renxue was speechless, Dugu Bo was right, he was making money for his family, what he earned, is what Qian Renxue earned...

"Well! This area here is for you, and that area is ours...

These people have been with me through life and death, and I have to give them an explanation, otherwise it's not justified!

But then again, these people are my confidants who have been cultivated over the years, and there is no difference between giving them and giving them to the ghost gate..."

After thinking about it, Qian Renxue suddenly realized that part of the tens of thousands of troops she brought this time were her confidants who had been cultivated over the years...

There is nothing wrong with giving the benefits to these people!

As for the rest, Qian Renxue would naturally find a way to get rid of them. This is called killing the donkey after it has done its work...

When guarding the continent, everyone is like one family, but when the crisis is resolved, their conflicts still exist...

Externally, we are united, internally... we are each doing our own thing and there are constant frictions...

"Everyone listen..."

After making the decision, Qian Renxue directly issued an order to assign Xue Ye's confidants to other positions.

Then she sent her confidants to the battlefield to clean up the battlefield and search for treasures...

Of course, in order not to cause a mutiny, she ordered to collect all the things first and then reward them according to their merits.

But rewards are rewards, as for how to do it, it depends on her mood...

"Hehe! You are worthy of being the wife of my Guimen. You always think about my Guimen. I didn't misjudge you..."

After getting Qian Renxue's consent, Dugu Bo smiled and sent the thousands of people he brought with him to start a crazy search.

He finally realized that Lingmo was happy now. The kind of happiness of cheating others and getting benefits was really cool...

Poor Qian Renxue, she was calculated by her own family!

He shook his head helplessly, and then said: "As long as you are happy... There is nothing to do here, I will go to see Rongrong and Zhuqing first..."

After thinking about it, Qian Renxue arranged things and left there directly, walking towards the logistics direction of Guimen.

This war is the most united one in the whole continent. The whole continent is united and the spirit of fighting against the war together also dissipated with the end of this riot.

No one knows what will happen tomorrow. Maybe... Yesterday we were close comrades-in-arms, but today we have become mortal enemies...

This world is so wonderful. When the crisis affects our survival interests, we can give up our grievances and fight together.

But after the war, you are still you, and I am still me. As long as it touches our interests, we have to fight...

The fact that Guimen looted a lot was soon discovered by the people of Qibao Liuli Sect and Barak Kingdom.

"Damn, Dugu Bo, this shameless guy, actually played such a trick!

I don't know what benefits he gave to Xue Qinghe, but he actually occupied the north.

In addition to the original western part of Guimen, plus the southern part of Xiangjia Sect, the breakthrough point on the defense line was occupied by Guimen!

We fought hard to occupy such a point, which is really a loss..."

Bone Douluo, who has a bad temper, was also furious when he heard the news.

When Dugu Bo came over just now, he had already realized that something was wrong.

I didn't expect Dugu Bo to act so quickly, it turned out that he had planned it in advance!

"Haha, this old poisonous thing is really a chicken thief!

It just proved the saying that birds of a feather flock together! Xiao Mo's enthusiasm for making money was also learned by him...

Why didn't I realize that this guy was so smart before?"

Chen Xin also laughed, but his emotions were not as big as Gu Rong's. In his eyes, these resources and treasures were worthless.

However, it is definitely worthless to him, but it is of great benefit to those low-level disciples...

Ning Fengzhi also laughed and said: "Forget about this Dugu Bo... Send our people out and take as many as we can.

Who knows, the Ghost Gate people will sneak over soon. The Ghost Gate disciples are huge in number and highly mobile, so they can clean up the battlefield quickly.

If we don't hurry up, we may not even get the leftovers..."

It's still the old saying, birds of a feather flock together!

With Lingmo, a black-bellied ghost and a money-grubber, almost everyone in the Ghost Gate has become a money-grubber.

Why would you refuse the benefits?

They were originally quite tired, but when they heard that they could get treasures, they were immediately refreshed, like chicken blood...

Standing everywhere in the forest, the Ghost Gate disciples opened their gorgeous steps and shuttled freely in the dark forest.

In less than a moment, they were almost touching the inner circle of the forest...

If they were not worried about the unknown dangers in the inner circle, they would probably have stepped into it...

Although the casualties in this battle were huge, the gains were also huge!

After the battlefield was cleaned up, the Ghost Gate, which had gained the most benefits, retreated first, leaving a group of people looking at the messy and empty forest with a confused look on their faces and fell into a period of contemplation.

"Damn! Are we being robbed? There were so many soul beast corpses just now, how come they are all gone in a moment?"

Some casual cultivators joined the search as soon as they recovered, but they found out when they entered the forest.

It turned out that someone had taken the treasures away, leaving them alone in the wind.

Damn it! I'll beat them! In the end, there was nothing left.

It really came true that you guys can't even eat shit when it's hot...

This time, you can't even eat shit when it's hot, let alone hot, there's not even shit left...

"Damn! It's too much... Who stole my soul bone? I'll kill him!"

For a while, the forest was noisy and restless, until the sky gradually brightened, it gradually calmed down.

Everyone was exhausted, and after shouting all night, they were even more exhausted, and left one after another, each going back to their own homes and looking for their own mothers.

Let's part ways in peace...

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