It is quite troublesome to clean up the carcass of the black swamp elk.

Because his body has already been infected by darkness, Ling Mo needs to remove the poison from his body.

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If it is not cleaned thoroughly, Lingmo will also be affected after eating it.

Although he is not afraid of poison, but... it will be troublesome to clean up when the time comes. Ling Mo is a person who doesn't like trouble, so he likes to do things to avoid future troubles...

After a lot of trouble, Lingmo finally cleaned out all the toxins in its body.

After using the third soul skill to clean the venison in his hand, Ling Mo began to prepare it for roasting.

In the small tower, there are many various condiments that Lingmo had prepared previously.

Therefore, Lingmo likes to bring a set of condiments and utensils wherever she goes.

No, everything is ready! Nothing is missing...

Using the flames of the fourth soul skill, Ling Mo didn't even need to start a fire, and directly started grilling meat with the flames of Skylark Swallowing.

"Huh? It smells so good. This black swamp elk was originally a ferocious beast with the blood of an ancient remnant.

This flesh and blood body contains powerful power. After eating it, it will also be of great benefit to my practice!

It's a pity that being infected by the darkness always has some flaws!

Moreover, this black swamp elk is too thin, and there are too few edible parts. It would be great if there were a few more..."

While Ling Mo ate the meat, she complained that there was too little venison, not enough to eat!

If Black Marsh Elk was still alive, he would probably curse Lingmo for three days and three nights.

What the hell are you doing? It’s just a personal thing, and you won’t do it either!

I may not be a human, but you are a real dog! After eating me, you scold me for being thin...

It's a pity that Lingmo has no chance to hear such words, nor does he have the chance to say them.

While eating venison, Ling Mo leisurely watched the situation over there.

Within the light curtain, one bloody farce after another took place! Ling Mo almost died of joy watching this...

It may be that these dark creatures have been in darkness all year round and have long been accustomed to darkness.

Suddenly entering the bright world, his vision was so blurred that he could not even recognize his companions.

In the maze of light curtains, anyone they encounter, whether they know each other or not, will be beaten until their scalps bleed. Only those who are alive are qualified to continue going down.

Ling Mo's light array was placed on top of the Dark Door, completely covering the place.

As long as they come out of it, they will be trapped in the formation.

What happens after being trapped?

Quite simply, after losing sight, they will become irritable and restless, and they are all cruel people by nature.

Whenever they meet, they will fight. Regardless of whether they are companions or not, the fight will be very fierce.

However, all of this happened under Ling Mo's eyes. As the culprit of this farce, Ling Mo was still enjoying his delicious food.

"Haha! Go to the left, yes, hit him! Twist his head off for me..."

While Ling Mo was enjoying the delicious food, he also ordered them to fight among themselves. For a moment... the scene was extremely chaotic.

As long as there were a few peanuts, they wouldn't be so drunk! It’s all red-eyed...

"Ah! I don't care if I'm full yet, it seems I need to get a few more to try..."

After eating a black swamp elk, Ling Mo was still not satisfied and looked towards the light array again.

Soon, he found a few good targets.

"Cat meat? Forget it. Whether cat meat tastes good or not is another matter. The main reason is that I don't dare to eat it..."

Ling Mo first fell in love with a nine-headed black cat, but when he thought of Zhu Zhuqing, he immediately gave up the idea.

Although this guy has nothing to do with Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit is a cat.

Love the house and the crow, Ling Mo couldn't bring himself to eat cat meat, it felt a bit too cruel.

Cat meat is not acceptable, but tiger meat is okay, right?

Looking away again, Ling Mo saw a trembling black tiger hiding in the light array. It was of decent size and should be well fed.

Tiger meat? I have never eaten tiger meat in my life. I don’t know if it tastes good!

Have you ever eaten any? How does it taste? Share it...

Ling Mo fell in love with the black tiger at a glance. For some reason, Ling Mo was very interested in anything related to tigers.

Maybe it was because of Dai Mubai. In the early years, Ling Mo always liked to tease him. The angrier he was, the more energetic Ling Mo became.

The most important thing is that any smart person will know that after being manipulated by Ling Mo, there will be no reaction.

Ling Mo wouldn't continue to punish him, he just didn't believe in this evil. The more Ling Mo punished him, the angrier he became!

In this way, Dai Mubai was treated badly by Ling Mo in his early years. I really don't know how he survived until now.

"If you get angry when you see a tiger, it's you..."

Without saying anything, Ling Mo stared at the black tiger and took action directly.

I saw a figure instantly appear in the light array. The black tiger's eyes flickered intuitively, and he found a club hitting it hard.

"Holy crap! What the hell..."

Before it could dodge, the club hit it on the head. It felt like its head was buzzing, as if there were a few flies flying around its ears.

It wasn't over yet. After the blow, Black Tiger felt his neck tighten, something grabbed it and pulled it out directly.

"Mom! What is this..."

The black tiger was completely confused. It had no idea what was going on.

Just now, it just followed the army into this place. It originally thought that the Rashomon Gate was opened and was ready to enter the Douluo Continent to kill people.

Unexpectedly, the Rashomon Gate was not opened. It was trapped in the light array as soon as it came in, and shivered in the corner.

These are still good! The most outrageous thing is this club. I don’t know where it came from, and it came into close contact with its head.

This Nima, it directly stunned me...

"Who are you! Let me go, damn..."

As the black tiger struggled, it finally saw the person who caught it.

That's right, it was Lingmo!

Lingmo dragged it out of the light array fiercely, and before it could curse, it hit it with another club.

"Fuck you, you are so quiet with me! You should feel lucky to be my food..."

Damn, where did this guy come from, and he wants to eat me as soon as he opens his mouth?

Damn it, I hid from that brat, and finally waited for him to leave, and then another guy who specializes in eating ferocious beasts appeared?

"Fuck you! I'm glad you're a big-headed ghost... Is that human language?"

The black tiger panicked. It had been sleeping for hundreds of thousands of years and had been staying in the dark restricted area.

It finally waited until the beast milk handsome boy cut off the eternity with a sword and went to heaven alone, and then it dared to come out and move.

Unexpectedly, it ran into Lingmo as soon as it came out. It feels like... it still couldn't escape the fate of being eaten?

"Damn! I get angry just looking at the tiger, go to hell..."

Seeing that it was not honest, Lingmo hit it with a club, and its head was smashed.

Poor black tiger, in the end, it still couldn't escape the fate of being eaten. Lingmo pulled out his tendons and skinned it, and directly roasted it and ate it.

Feeling that it had been sleeping for so many years just to deliver food to him... The shelf life has not expired yet...

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