"What is this level...testing?"

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Having successfully embarked on half of the journey, Lingmo came to a new step.

Since he climbed this step, Lingmo found that the world in front of him had completely changed...

Around him, scenes of the bustling world emerged, which was the world of Lingmo's previous life.

This sudden picture really caught Lingmo off guard.

The scene in that picture was the last night he came to this world.

From the picture, it can be vaguely seen that Lingmo and his best friend, two like-minded partners, were digging a tomb from ancient times.

The origin of this tomb is unknown, and it seems that this great god did not exist in ancient history.

It is more like a tomb site that came out of a myth. In that tomb, Lingmo and his friend saw something that they would never forget in their lifetime.

That is the ghost, the zongzi...

As a Lingmo who has experienced nine years of compulsory education and has rich experience in tomb robbing,

How could I believe in the existence of ghosts and gods! Before crossing, Lingmo always believed that science is supreme.

Unfortunately... this idea was completely dispelled after seeing the things in the ancient tomb.

In the tomb, there is an emperor's coffin, one main coffin and two auxiliary coffins, which look like two women buried with him!

From the style of the tomb, it can be seen that the owner of the tomb was definitely a big shot in his lifetime.

In addition to the two auxiliary coffins, there are tens of thousands of skeletons, all of which are living people!

In ancient times, there was a ritual of burial, but this kind of burial ritual can only be enjoyed by big shots.

For example, the emperor of a certain dynasty...

But... if it is really a secular emperor, it is okay, the problem is not...

The skeletons in the tomb are all alive!

That's right, after Lingmo and his friend entered the tomb, the skeletons came alive.

One by one, they struggled to run out of the pit, trying to eat Lingmo and his friend.

Fortunately, they were smart at the time and escaped into the main coffin to hide.

But what is puzzling is that there is no body in the main coffin.

I don't know if it was stolen by colleagues or for some other reason, there is no body in the main coffin.

For this reason, Lingmo and his friend once investigated this mystery and found a secret in the main coffin.

There are many strange totems engraved on the bronze edge of the main coffin, which look like words, but they are not words.

Although Lingmo has a low level of education, he is more or less familiar with some existing writing systems.

After all... love what you do!

Lingmo chose to do tomb robbing, and he must have done enough homework and studied bone writing.

After confirming that those totems are not words, Lingmo's friend made a bold guess.

This is a totem left by the metaphysical civilization before the opening of scientific and technological civilization, or a totem from the totem tribe period.

A series of strange tomb exploration trips are carried out in one mystery after another.

"Alas! I don't know if that kid is dead now? He won't be in another bronze coffin, right?"

Looking at the pictures flashing in front of him, Lingmo suddenly became a little depressed.

He escaped by accident and came here, but he didn't know whether his childhood playmate had died.

At the end of the scene, Lingmo and his companion opened a closed door and saw a throne inside.

Later, they were chased by the skeletons and finally separated!

Later, Lingmo found a bronze coffin, which was later called the Three-Life Copper Coffin...

In order to avoid the pursuit of the skeletons, Lingmo sat on the Three-Life Copper Coffin and drifted to the Douluo Continent.

At the last moment of the scene, he still didn't see the final result of his companions, and Lingmo was not sure whether he had escaped...

"Huh? It's over? What kind of test is this?"

Just when Lingmo was a little depressed, the scene in front of him turned and returned to normal.

This really made Lingmo a little depressed. Isn't this a test? Why is there no difficulty at all?

Just watched a play, and then it was over?

No, how could it be that simple!

Lingmo didn't believe it. This test was just to make him recall the past. There should be a trick...

As expected, the moment Lingmo was distracted, the scene in front of him changed, and Lingmo came to a virtual space.

An old man was sitting in front of him, playing chess!

"Huh? Who are you?"

Looking at the old man who suddenly appeared, Lingmo asked in confusion.

Where did this old man come from? Why does he look a little sloppy...

This old man has neither the style of a fairy nor the bones of a respected person.

Instead, he looks like a down-and-out old man who walked out of a garbage dump, looking like a madman.

Damn, are people in the God Realm so perfunctory now? There is not even a decent person? Use this kind of stuff to get rid of me?

Lingmo felt a little embarrassed. Is he looking down on him or what?

The old man spoke, and he said calmly: "Young man! Do you know... among all things in the world, which one comes first?"

"Why do you ask such a stupid question? Since there are all things in the world, the sky must come first..."

Lingmo slowly sat down at the chess table and answered without hesitation.

He saw that this should be a debate session, but the examiner was a bit sloppy.

Although he felt that his reputation had dropped, there was no way, Lingmo had to accept the reality.

"No! Love comes first in everything in the world..."

As soon as Lingmo finished speaking, the old man directly refuted.

"I love your sister! Do you have love?"

Lingmo said bluntly, and the old man was dumbfounded when he heard it.

Damn... Where did this kid come from? Is he so fierce?

The old man was a little confused. Where did this wild boy come from? He doesn't play by the rules.

The old man wanted to bluff Lingmo. If he was a normal person, he would definitely ask, why is it love?

If Lingmo asked, he would definitely follow this topic and lead Lingmo into the trap little by little.

Who knew that Lingmo didn't play by the rules at all, just like playing.

Not only did he not play by the rules, he teased him that he didn't have love...

This is so damn, who can stand this kind of anger? What's wrong with single dogs?

That's because those women have no vision. I'm so outstanding, but they don't like me? They're all blind. What can I do?

I have to say that Lingmo was so shocked when he spoke. He didn't know how to continue with the series of remarks he had thought of before.

According to Lingmo, even if the king of heaven came today, heaven comes first!

You say it's wrong? You can say whatever you want. I don't believe it anyway. Why is what you say right?

Because you are ugly? Or you don't take a bath?

Moreover, you said love comes first, then do you have a girlfriend? You don't, right?

Have you ever played the debate game?

It's a very simple game. Lingmo is an expert in this area. He comes up and directly insists on a result. No matter what you say next, I think you are talking nonsense.

First crush the opponent with momentum! Create a chaotic impact on the opponent and disrupt his thinking.

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