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"You... know about the God Realm?"

Hearing this, the old man panicked.

Because Lingmo knows too much!

Not only does he know the rules of the game here, he also knows the situation in the God Realm.

The old man was terrified. Where did this kid hear this news?

Also, this kid has an extraordinary origin. Who is he? Why does he know so much?

In response to the old man's doubts, Lingmo just said coldly: "Everything in the world that has passed my eyes and ears cannot escape my eyes...

Whether it is the mortal world or the God Realm! They are facing the same test.

I believe you should know this better than me..."

Lingmo stood with his hands behind his back, slowly stood up, came to the bluestone road, and continued: "Such a big thing happened in the mortal world. It has been three months since the riot broke out.

However...in these three months, the God Realm has not shown any reaction.

No matter how desolate the mortal world is, it is also the derivative of your God Realm. You gods who are high above have no reason to sit idly by, right?

Therefore...I inferred that the riot in the mortal world was also experienced by the God Realm...

Moreover, the troubles in the God Realm are not more severe than those in the mortal world...

Am I right? Old man..."

Lingmo sneered, always maintaining a confident smile, making it difficult for people to see through the changes in his heart.

The old man looked at Lingmo, and the more he looked, the more frightened he became.

Thinking: Who is this kid? He can see so clearly that he knows the situation in the game before he even enters the game!

If such a genius enters my heaven, it will definitely be a blessing for my heaven.

Maybe his arrival is related to whether the disaster can end...

The old man thought to himself that he couldn't see through Lingmo's thoughts, but Lingmo's every move had him firmly grasped.

It was as if the little secret in his heart had no obstacles in front of Lingmo.

This young man was really terrifying.

Could it be that the young people below have become so outstanding like him?

"You are right! The God Realm is indeed in chaos now, but what does this mean?

At our level, even if it is a catastrophe of world destruction, we can still stay out of it and not be affected by the disaster."

The old man wanted to test Lingmo and spy on his true thoughts.

This is a test question. He wants to hear how Lingmo will choose between avoiding disaster and confronting head-on.

Sometimes, through a simple choice, it is easy to see through a person's heart and what he wants to pursue.

Unfortunately... Lingmo's answer didn't allow him to get anything out of him.

"Haha! You old man, you're pretty smart.

But... you can indeed stay out of it, but your descendants won't be so lucky.

The desire for power is just an excuse!

After really reaching that level, how many people can remember their original intentions?

Disasters start from darkness. Since it is a great disaster, there must be people who will be worthy of it.

Your choice is not wrong in itself!

But you forgot one thing, and this thing... is likely to make your idea go wrong..."

"What is it?"

The old man's face changed drastically. He looked at Lingmo's expression and didn't seem to be joking.

As he said, with their strength, it is too easy to avoid disasters.

But every word Lingmo said was hitting him all the time.

He thought he was very safe, but in fact he was exposed to the danger.

"What you forgot is that darkness... is pervasive!"

Darkness is pervasive?

Where there is no light, there is darkness!

It seems to be a simple sentence, but it contains a profound truth.

"What do you mean?"

The old man didn't understand the meaning of this sentence. He always felt that Lingmo knew much more than him.

He was very curious about what Lingmo had experienced and what he had seen with his own eyes.

Why did he always say some puzzling questions that he had to think deeply about?

"This disaster comes from darkness! And you must have seen the horror of darkness.

When the darkness comes, do you think you can still stay out of it?

How can you prove that you are innocent when you are already deep in darkness?"

Lingmo sneered. He thought... people in heaven saw more than he did.

But he didn't expect that most gods were selfish and chose to ignore for their own selfishness.

How can you stay out of it in a dark world? Deep in the light?

When the light existed, you didn't protect it and chose to let it disappear.

But... when you want to find it back, the light has disappeared.

And you can only be swallowed by the darkness and become a running dog of the darkness.

Lingmo has seen many things that require people to stay out of the matter.

Earlier, he had this idea, but he was different from these people.

Because he did not belong to this world, he had more choices.

And these people only had two choices!

First, choose light, fight to the end, and fight for light.

Second, throw yourself into darkness and become a part of it.

They... will never have a third choice like Ling Mo.

What the old man just said was just self-deception.

Can they leave this world?

No... they can't! So they can't stay out of it.

This seemed to be a very real problem. The old man who had sounded firm just now now looked worried.

Originally, he really had not thought about these issues, thinking that... no matter how powerful the disaster was, it would not be able to affect them.

Because they are powerful enough, although these dark creatures are also very powerful, they are not enough to kill them.

But...Ling Mo said it before.

When all those who resist the darkness die, the world will become truly dark.

By then, they had already lost their light, and no one could help them. They could only be slowly swallowed by the darkness and killed.

For this, the mortal approach is the most perfect.

After the riots came, all forces went to war at the same time and united as one.

Because they all know that they have only one home, and without unity... there is only a dead end.

No one will pity them, and they can't stay out of it!

The world of gods is different. Everyone in the world of gods is a great god. They think they have great powers and can get away with it...

Unexpectedly, they have never escaped from this fate. They have always been in this cage-like world.

After a few tigers are put into the cage, during the following period, these tigers will eat those weak creatures as a matter of course.

When all the weak creatures have been eaten up, the tiger becomes hungry and becomes anxious.

Don't try to think that a tiger will be merciful. An anxious tiger can do anything.

Therefore...as long as they are in this cage for a day, they have never been outside the situation.

The threat from tigers is always there...

Although it is very realistic, the old man has to believe that Ling Mo did not bluff him. This is the most realistic statement.

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