Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 402 Who is in favor? Who is against?

This shocking secret was discovered by Lingmo recently, and it is also the most confusing question for him at present.

There are many contradictions and unsolved mysteries in it.

In fact, whether this guess is correct or not, Lingmo dare not say.

Who is the real black hand behind the scenes? It may be this day, or it may be a more powerful ruler.

It may be a little late to say this now, but Lingmo does not regret it. One day, these secrets will be solved.

If Lingmo agreed to Qinglian's test at that time, perhaps he would have left here and successfully entered the realm of time.

But... even if he became the ruler of a field and enjoyed eternal life, Lingmo would not be happy.

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Such imprisoned days are not the days Lingmo really wants to live.

What Lingmo is really worried about is not this kind of lonely days...

But becoming the ruler of time means that his own Dao fruit is completely bound to the realm of time.

In other words, Lingmo will never be able to break free from the shackles of time in this life!

His road should not be stuck here, he still has to go to a more powerful world to continue his conquest.

There is still his brother waiting for him in front, the one who may have a blood relationship with him.

"What do you mean by saying this?"

The old man was silent. After listening to Lingmo's words, he realized that there was a wider sky above them.

They have always been deceiving themselves, thinking that their final destination is the so-called God...

In the eyes of many people, the position of God may be unattainable and admired by all.

But... after listening to Lingmo's words, the old man suddenly felt like sitting on a needle bag, with thorns in his back...

The position of God under his seat has suddenly become a cage, locking his life on this position.

Looking at the entire God Realm, those great gods who have successfully ascended to the position of God, for millions of years, which one can go further?

The position of God has locked them up, so... they can't go any further.

Perhaps, this is the law of heaven in the Douluo world!

"It's meaningless! I've finished speaking. What you think and do is your business. It has nothing to do with me...

If you still think that the throne under your seat is so arrogant, just ignore what I said..."

Lingmo spread his hands. He didn't know why he could talk to this old man for so long.

Maybe it's because he saw the so-called god for the first time.

In the early years, Lingmo's goal was to become a god!

It's a pity that he went off track and becoming a god was no longer his ultimate goal.

He didn't want to be locked in that position for his whole life. He had to go to a wider sky to find the answer.

What surprised the old man was how Lingmo knew all this?

Listening to your words is better than reading for ten years!

The old man thought for a long time, and finally saw through the situation in front of him, and believed Lingmo's words.

However...what he was more puzzled about was that Lingmo was just a titled Douluo, not even a god, so how did he know these things?

What kind of world is the world outside the God Realm?

Has Lingmo seen it?

The old man had to doubt it. Looking at Lingmo's expression, he didn't seem to be lying!

"Who told you these things? How did you conclude that there is a wider sky outside the God Realm?"

The old man asked directly. He was originally very happy today, but who knew that after listening to Lingmo's words.

He was completely unhappy!

The reason is very simple. You thought you were invincible in time, and suddenly someone told you that there are people in the outside world... who are more powerful than you.

Can you be happy?

"Everything in the world has cause and effect! I know these things, and there are naturally reasons for me to know.

I don't need to tell you, and you can't afford such karma.

If I'm not mistaken, there are passages to other worlds in the God Realm, but you just haven't discovered it..."

Lingmo was too lazy to explain so much. He is a time traveler, so do I have to tell him?

What a joke, Lingmo is not a fool.

How many worlds are there outside? In fact, Lingmo has never counted.

But...the one known so far is the one in his memory of his previous life...

That world is awesome, with a punch that can destroy a world with its heaven-defying combat power.

Even if the highest god in Douluo launches a full-strength attack, he may not be able to destroy a continent...

Anyway, it sounds quite confusing. The specific combat power system should not be counted together.

After all, the laws of each world are different, and the combat power performance is also different.

"Okay! I've been chatting with you for a long time, but it's nothing...

If you really want to know the outside world, you can explore it yourself.

After all...the word "frog in the well" is a derogatory word..."

Lingmo said without thinking, going further and further on the road of cheating people.

Originally, the old man's road has come to an end here, and he doesn't need to struggle anymore in this life.

Who knows that Lingmo suddenly told him that there is a wider world outside. Are you sure you don't want to see it?

The world outside is so exciting, but you stay at home and eat and wait for death?

Alas...borrowing a sentence from the beast milk handsome boy.

No future...

The old man was moved by what Lingmo said, and suddenly felt that I am not that old, and I can still struggle for a few more years.

"Young man, is the world you are talking about really amazing?"

The old man said uncertainly.

Obviously, he originally wanted to fool Ling Mo, but he had already been fooled by Ling Mo.

This is called failing to instigate the enemy, but instead being instigated by the enemy.

"I don't know if it's serious or not. Why don't you just take a look for yourself?"

Ling Mo said amusedly.

"Go and see for yourself? Didn't you say that my divine status limits me? How can I see it?"

The old man wondered, according to what Ling Mo said before, it was impossible for him to take another step forward, so how could he see...

"Is this none of my business? You have to bear the consequences of the path you choose..."

Ling Mo said disdainfully...

Then he continued: "Okay! The chat is over, let's go back to the original question.

I want to open the door to heaven and welcome another prosperous age.

After I finish speaking, who agrees? Who objects? "

"I am against..."

Just as the old man was about to speak, Ling Mo slapped him and dispelled his shadow.

Finally, he added, "Objection is invalid! Go to hell, you old thing..."

Made, did you give me face? I said all those feelings are wasted?

You stubborn guy, you still want to stop me? "

After dispelling the old man's shadow, the world in front of him returned to normal.

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What Ling Mo saw in front of him was still the silent void, but the bluestone slab he was stepping on was already lit up.

Sure enough, just like the previous speculation, this old man's presence here has no meaning at all.

Just to fool more people, give up quickly and don’t go any further.

It's a pity that he met Ling Mo. He didn't succeed in deceiving him, but he was deceived by Ling Mo.

This old man has never suffered such humiliation in millions of years...

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