"You...what do you want to do?"

Fei Yan was almost crying because she had never seen such a shameless person in her life.

Don't you know that she is a girl? You don't know how to give way, so you are so tough?

"I didn't do anything! Who is it?"

Ling Mo said innocently.

Damn, you can drive on this broken road? Isn't it too much?

Fei Yan's face turned red when she heard it. When she thought of being seen naked by Ling Mo just now, she was so ashamed that she went into the water and didn't dare to show her head.

Oh my God! This guy is too bold, isn't he?

Fei Yan felt very helpless. She was just a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old. She had been staying in this palace all the time. How could she hear such blushing words?

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Her father didn't teach her these things!

Although he didn't teach her, she could still understand the meaning of Ling Mo's words.

"Bah, you are shameless!"

The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. Fei Yan showed her head and sprayed Ling Mo with water...

"Fuck you, just talk nicely, what's the point of spraying water?"

Ling Mo was immediately angry. Except for his women, no one dared to spray water on him.

How could he tolerate this?

Ahem...driving a tractor on this broken road is really too much.

"You deserve it! Just wait, my dad will come back and find a strange breath in my house, you're dead..."

After Fei Yan succeeded in the sneak attack, she showed a smug smile, as if she had forgotten her current situation.

As expected, she is still a little girl. If Ling Mo really did something, she would probably cry.

Sometimes Ling Mo really wanted to do something to let her know what the society is like.

"Your dad? Is he very powerful?"

Ling Mo said without thinking. To be honest...he was not afraid of her dad.

But seeing that she was so serious, it was not easy to hit her.

After all... in everyone's heart, her father is the strongest, so... Lingmo did not directly refute.

"My father is a god, the God of Dark Night, who specializes in killing you hooligans who peek at people taking a bath, hum..."

Feiyan said proudly.

"The God of Dark Night? I haven't heard of it..."

Lingmo was very depressed. He had probably heard of a few gods in the God Realm.

That is the god position of Shrek's people, Qian Renxue's Angel God, and Bibi Dong's Rakshasa God.

I have never heard of the others.

But I saw it when I was browsing the forum before. Someone listed several great gods in the God Realm.

The five most powerful gods should be the God of Creation, the God of Asura, the God of Life, the God of Destruction, the Dragon God, etc.

Among them, the God of Creation is the combination of the God of Life and the God of Destruction.

Asura God is Tang San's!

The Dragon God, it seems that he has been burped and died, and escaped to the next world, right?

Lingmo had not learned about the specific destination. He heard that it seemed to be in the Lake of Life, but Lingmo had been there and did not see it.

Seeing Feiyan's proud expression, Lingmo thought her father was so awesome.

And that's it?

Lingmo really looked down on ordinary gods who couldn't even rank.

After Lingmo's heaven and earth opened up a line and entered the realm of heaven and man, his combat power had long been no less than those gods.

It's just that the price of opening this realm of heaven and man is a bit high.

Under normal circumstances, Lingmo would not open it. With the Immortal Sword and the Nine-Leaf Grass Sword Technique, Lingmo is no less than any god.

What's more, he has a plug-in like the Five-Colored Divine Light. No matter what god you are, I will accept all of them.

"What? You haven't even heard of my father. How did you come to the God Realm?"

Feiyan was very dissatisfied. In her impression, her father must be the most powerful.

Unexpectedly, in Lingmo's eyes, he had never even heard of him. It was really infuriating.

"What do you care about me! I can come to this God Realm as I want and leave as I want. What do you care?

Also, is your father famous? Why should I know him..."

Lingmo said unhappily. Through Feiyan's martial soul, he could probably guess.

This guy, who is called the God of Dark Night, should have a dagger as his martial soul.

And the positioning is also simple. What else can he be except an assassin?

Relatively speaking, he should also be a strong man with speed, and his assassination skills are very strong.

That is, an assassin in the dark night!

If it comes to speed, why should Lingmo be afraid of him?

If it comes to speed, can he beat Lingmo?

What a joke, Lingmo teleported in space, so that he couldn't even see Lingmo's shadow a hundred meters away.

"You...you...you pissed me off!"

Feiyan saw that Lingmo didn't care about her father so much, and she wanted to curse, but she couldn't say it when she got to her mouth.

After all, she is a girl. Using those vulgar words to curse people is detrimental to her image...

She is not like Ning Rongrong. When Ning Rongrong gets angry, she can say all kinds of vulgar words.

But this girl is quite reserved. At least she can hold back and not say those vulgar words.

"Hehe, if you have the guts, come up and bite me..."

Lingmo was not panicked at all, and even wanted to laugh.

"You... woo woo..."

Fei Yan was directly angry and cried. It is conceivable... How aggrieved this girl is.

"Ah... Why are you crying! Alas... Disappointed..."

The thing Lingmo hates most in his life is girls crying. He thought he could play for a while longer.

Who knew that this girl's mental tolerance was so poor. Compared with Ning Rongrong, it was far worse.

When Ning Rongrong was at the beginning, Lingmo did not just look at her, but kissed and touched her.

This girl started crying after just two glances? All I can say is that he is too fragile and lacks social training.

"Okay! I'll leave first. You can put on some clothes..."

It's a pity that she can't look at that perfect gray body anymore, so Ling Mo has to leave first and let her get dressed first.

After leaving the lake, Ling Mo came to the backyard of the palace and found that the palace was quite luxurious.

"Who is there?"

As soon as Ling Mo walked out, she met a middle-aged man. This man looked a bit charming and full of energy.

Ling Mo felt that there was a strong anger in him, which was accumulated after a long period of killing.

It's not simple. This person, if Ling Mo guessed correctly, is Feiyan's father, the God of Dark Night, right?

"Who are you? Why did you come out of my backyard?"

Mu Qi looked at Ling Mo with a puzzled look on his face, and suddenly remembered that his daughter was still in the backyard, and the killing intent in his body suddenly surged.

"Tell me, what did you do to my daughter?"

"Why are you excited? I'm not interested in that little lolita of yours!"

Ling Mo said indifferently. To be honest... he was quite curious. This guy's name was Mu Qi, and his daughter's name was Feiyan.

This family is quite strange. I think I heard Feiyan say last time that she had her mother's surname.

Mu Qi's face was cold, his murderous intent surged, and he looked straight at Ling Mo.

Yes, he was already murderous.

This guy who suddenly broke into his backyard not only showed no courtesy to himself, but also verbally disrespected his precious daughter.

"Boy, do you know what you are talking about? Believe it or not, I will kill you right now..."

Mu Qi said coldly.

The reason why he didn't take action was because he hadn't figured out Ling Mo's origin yet.

People in the God Realm basically have some background, so he doesn't dare to take action yet.

"Kill me? Do you have the strength?"

Facing Mu Qi's cold murderous intent, Ling Mo was slightly unhappy and replied directly.

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