Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 414: That's it? I thought it was even more cruel

"Boy, are you looking for death?"

Hercules was furious and punched him directly.

Who would have thought that the seemingly fierce punch suddenly stopped when it was about to hit Lingmo.

"How is this possible!"

Hercules looked at this scene in disbelief. Although he was known for his strength, he did not activate his martial spirit.

But not many people could block this casual attack.


However... Lingmo, a mere level 95 Titled Douluo, actually blocked it?

Hercules' fist was caught in the air by Lingmo, and the two sides were deadlocked.

"That's it? I thought it was so cruel? So that's it?

Did I give you face? Huh? Do you think I'm easy to bully?"

Lingmo's face was gloomy, and the hostility on his body began to surge.

On the first day of arriving in the God Realm, he met so many fools who always liked to make trouble for him.

Does he really look that easy to bully?

Why don't you go out and ask who is the boss in Douluo Continent!

Hercules was full of disbelief at this time. Just imagine... How could a Titled Douluo of level 95 take his punch?

Not to mention level 95, even a level 1 God would not dare to hit him hard.

Lingmo actually did it. Where did this kid come from?

Like Mu Qi before, Hercules was also confused. Facing Lingmo, he didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

His mood can be understood, because Lingmo is such an unreasonable person.

Anything theoretical has never been realized in Lingmo.

He has a lot of plug-ins! Just a five-color divine light is enough to crush anyone.

This five-color divine light is not so powerful in the early stage, but the more you go, the more powerful it becomes.

Lingmo finally understood that sentence, what is the saint, I am invincible.

Since reaching the Title Douluo, the five-color divine light has changed, and the direct increase to the body has reached more than 1,000%.

Although Lingmo is only level 95 now, even if he is a level 1 god, his basic attributes may not be higher than his.

With this one heaven-defying martial soul, there are not many people in the world that Lingmo can be afraid of.

"Boy, who are you?"

Hercules was stunned for a short time, and instantly retracted his right hand.

Although Lingmo took the punch just now, it does not mean that he is afraid of Lingmo.

It was just a casual attack from him just now.

"Do I need to tell you who I am? Who do you think you are? It's your turn to grin in front of me?"


Lingmo's answer was so irritating that Hercules was instantly annoyed.

This kid doesn't regard him as a god at all. I don't know who gave him the confidence to dare to talk to him like this.

"Damn! Brat, even if your elders come today, I have to teach you a lesson and let you know what the evil of society is..."

Hercules is not like Mu Qi. Mu Qi is afraid because of Fei Yan.

But he is not afraid. Even if he kills Ling Mo, no matter who is behind him, he will be fine.

The God Realm is so big. If he really wants to hide, no one can find him.

The arrogance that surged instantly solidified the air around him, and the muscles of Hercules began to swell.

A mad thunder King Kong appeared behind him, which was extremely fierce!

"Hmm? This martial soul is interesting..."

Ling Mo's eyes were fixed on his martial soul. This is a King Kong, and it seems to be related to the Titan Giant Ape in the Star Dou Great Forest.

The difference is that in addition to its infinite strength, this King Kong also has the power of thunder and lightning?

"Seventh soul skill, mad thunder King Kong..."

Hercules, who was furious, seemed not to want to hold back, and directly activated his martial soul true body in anger.

Seeing a gorilla appear in front of him, Lingmo was dazzled.

The flashing thunder was quite domineering.

"Mad Thunder King Kong? I think you might as well be called Thunder Gaba..."

Lingmo sneered and instantly distanced himself, and saw nine soul rings flashing on his body.

Then... a peacock shadow appeared behind him, and instantly... with a bird's-eye view, it covered the world.

"What!!! Peacock..."

Hercules was shocked when he saw the peacock.

He didn't expect Lingmo's martial soul to be a divine beast like the peacock.

What surprised him even more was that there seemed to be no gods with peacocks as martial souls in the God Realm. What was the origin of this kid?

Or, his martial soul had mutated and did not inherit his parents' martial souls.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the mystery that he existed in the God Realm but was not a god.

This peacock is an ancient divine beast, a divine beast that rises in the east.

There is an old saying: The peacock flies southeast, and lingers every five miles...

It implies the beginning of the world, the rising sun in the chaos, and the purple air lingering between the world!

It symbolizes the beginning of the prosperous era when the world is radiant, and its meaning is very important.

Hercules naturally knows the meaning, but...the records about peacocks only exist in ancient books.

There has never been a person in the world with a peacock as a martial spirit.

And the person standing in front of him turned out to be a person with the martial spirit of the ancient mythical beast peacock!

How could he not be shocked.

With the appearance of the peacock, a line of light opened between the world.

Condensed in the holy light, the world was illuminated.

"What's going on?"

For a moment, the nearby gods were attracted by this auspicious aura.

When they saw the peacock in the sky, they were also shocked.

"When did such a great figure come to our God Realm? Whose offspring is he? Or which great god's successor?"

"Look at his background, if nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely have a place in the God Realm in the future..."

For a moment, the people who were attracted were talking about it, and they were all amazed by Lingmo's Peacock Martial Spirit.

"Hey... Isn't that the gorilla? Why is he here?"

"Hehe, this guy is probably in trouble!"

Some people shook their heads and sneered, as if they were sure that Hercules would definitely lose.

"Do you think Hercules can't beat this kid?"

Some people were dissatisfied. Hercules was also a second-level god. Even if he was not good enough, he would not be defeated by a Titled Douluo, right?

"You underestimate the power of the Peacock Spirit! And... do you think that this young man can have such a strong strength, and there is no one behind him?"

A very direct question. According to common sense, Lingmo dares to challenge Hercules, so it is impossible for him to have no backing.

Therefore, many people think that Hercules will hit a wall this time.

In fact, they are all wrong. Lingmo has no backing, and he is the biggest backing.

That's right... Now he is the biggest backing, and there will be no more powerful backing than him.

Except for that beast milk handsome boy!

Of course, he can't be counted, because he has never helped Lingmo, so he is not counted as a backing.

"You are right! Hehe... There is a good show to watch. Today I want to see how this old gorilla makes a fool of himself..."

Some people gloat over the misfortune. The lives of these gods seem very boring. Such a good show is very rare for them.

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