"What are they talking about?"


"Look at what this means. These two guys were talking and laughing. Could it be that they were discussing some conspiracy?"

The two of them were chatting so harmoniously above that the people watching below began to feel confused.

Among them, those who simply came to watch the show had left early because they knew that...if they continued to stay, they would be likely to be cheated.

The remaining people still wanted to see how Hercules died, but they didn't expect things to turn around so quickly.

For a time, many people could not accept this fact.

"Mad! It's such a pity that this kid didn't kill the gorilla..."

Some people resented Ling Mo for not killing him and missing the opportunity to kill an opponent.

There have always been disputes within the God Realm. They may have conflicted with Hercules' interests in some way, so they wanted to get rid of Hercules.

But their own strength cannot kill Hercules at all, and they have been in a stalemate for so many years with no result.

After finally encountering this opportunity, Hercules kicked the iron plate by himself. Unexpectedly, Ling Mo did not kill him.

Doesn't this annoy them?

"Oh, there's nothing to see! Let's go..."

Soon, only a few people were left among the original onlookers.

And these people are the ones who most want Hercules to be beaten to death by Ling Mo.

They didn't leave because their obsessions hadn't gone away, and they still wanted to stay and see if things would turn around.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was still no improvement, and these people also disappeared.

In the sky, Ling Mo had been paying attention to the movements below. When he found that everyone had left, the smile on his face gradually became more and more unrestrained.

"The first thing I ask you to do is to find me the tombs of several great gods..."


As soon as Ling Mo said this, Hercules was immediately confused. Why is this guy looking for the tomb of the god?

Hercules confirmed again: "Did I hear you correctly? Did you just say that you wanted me to find some god tombs for you?"

Hercules thought he heard wrongly. Who in the right mind would look for a grave? What's so hard to find about that kind of unlucky thing!

Moreover... as a relic of a god, the danger inside is also extremely high. Why would Lingmo go to the tomb of a god if he had nothing to do? Are you holding on after eating?

Could it be that he wanted to dig a grave?

Damn, it’s scary to think about it!

Is this kid so brave? Do you even dare to dig the tomb of a god?

"Just look for it when I ask you to. Where's all this nonsense! Just look for it. Don't worry about the rest, and don't ask..."

Ling Mo's face darkened and he said coldly.

I almost exposed my idea of ​​​​robbing tombs. People say that dogs can't change from eating shit. Ahem...that's not right.

Nature is easy to change, but Ling Mo's hobby of robbing tombs has not changed yet.

That is the tomb of God! There should be a lot of good things inside. Once all those good things are brought out.

Back at the Ghost Gate, Ling Mo can build a powerful army.

The situation is so tense now. If she doesn't do something serious, Ling Mo really has no chance of winning this war.

"Oh! You don't want to dig a grave, do you? Damn... you are more ruthless than me, I accept it."

Hercules' expression was very exaggerated, and he looked at Ling Mo with admiration.

Most of the tombs of those gods have inheritance sites. Who would dare to dig these treasures that have been passed down from generation to generation?

Ling Mo was so speechless that he wanted to dig the god's tomb as soon as he spoke. Hercules was completely impressed.

"Ahem... stop talking nonsense! Don't ask what you shouldn't ask..."

Ling Mo's face turned a little ugly when his secret was revealed. He didn't show it so obviously, right? How come this guy guessed right?

"Hey, if you want to dig a grave, I know one, but I don't know if you dare to dig it..."

Hercules' expression suddenly turned sinister.

Ling Mo looked frightened. Is this guy trying to trick me? Or does this tomb really have a lot of history?


“Years ago, I passed by Burao Mountain and felt a very secretive atmosphere in the mountains near Burao Mountain.

I was very curious at the time, so I went down to investigate in person, and found that a mysterious ruins appeared in the mountains far away from the Everlasting Mountain.

However, this ruins is very old, and there is a powerful aura hanging over the ruins.

Even I can feel the suffocation when I get close, which is very dangerous. "

Hercules said that this site should not be a tomb to be precise. He didn't know...who else in the God Realm could create such a sense of oppression after death.

So... this mysterious ruins must have an extraordinary origin, and there might be some big treasure hidden inside.

"Oh? Mysterious ruins? Hehe, it's a bit interesting..."

Ling Mo immediately became interested when he heard this. This mysterious ruins aroused his excitement, and he felt a little eager to try it.

That’s it!

"The ruins you are talking about are near Burao Mountain, right? Come on, take me to see..."

When Ling Mo became interested, she would definitely not let it go and couldn't wait to find out.

What kind of ruins could actually make Hercules feel so oppressive?

"I need to remind you that the ruins are very strange, and the feeling of oppression becomes stronger the deeper you go.

In the God Realm, this site has been given the name of an unknown place. Even a first-level god or a higher-level main god would not dare to enter it easily.

Have you really thought it through? "

Although Hercules wanted to trick Lingmo, he was an upright man and didn't want to do such a sinister villain's business.

Therefore, he deliberately persuaded Lingmo that if he insisted on going, Hercules would not stop him.

"The ominous place? Such a familiar name, is it ominous in old age?"

Lingmo suddenly found it funny. The name of ominousness has been played out.

Speaking of ominousness, Lingmo is really not afraid, because he specializes in all kinds of ominousness.

"Stop talking nonsense! Lead the way..."

Having made up his mind, Lingmo will not listen to anyone's dissuasion, no matter who it is.

What kind of bullshit ominousness, can a living person be killed by urine?

Lingmo is not afraid of the living ominousness, let alone the dead.

It just so happens that Lingmo is going to the Bulao Mountain, so it's better to go and see it along the way...

"Okay, follow me..."

Hercules took a breath, and after a short period of recovery, his condition gradually recovered.

It must be said that Lingmo's sword just now was too domineering. His indestructible defense was actually useless under Lingmo's sword energy.

Fortunately, Lingmo did not have the intention to kill, otherwise the sword just now would have taken his life.

The two of them, one in front and one behind, went straight to the Bulao Mountain.

Originally, Lingmo thought that with their speed, they could reach the Bulao Mountain in a short time.

Unexpectedly, this God Realm was so big, so big that it was boundless.

It took Lingmo half a day to see the Tianhe River that Mu Qi mentioned.

Just as Mu Qi described, the water of the Tianhe River came from the void and fell down with the momentum of the nine heavens overlooking, which seemed to be the source of the setting sun.

Lingmo was completely stunned by the scene in front of him...

"Damn! Sure enough... all unscientific things happen in the God Realm..."

Just imagine, there is no pool in the sky, how did the water of the Tianhe River gather?

It is really incredible. It can only be said that this is the work of nature's magic.

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