"Oh? It seems that you have a high level of awareness. It seems that you can't hide it. That's right... I am the great god sent by God to save the world..."

Sure enough, handsome people are shining wherever they go, and they can't hide it.

"Hehe, if someone else said this, I would think he was pretending.

And I usually beat those who pretend to be cool to death.

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But you, I believe! I believe you are here to save the world..."

Hercules smiled slightly. He didn't know why, but he was always willing to believe what Lingmo said in his heart.

No matter how exaggerated and outrageous Lingmo said, he felt... Isn't this normal?

For others, this must be outrageous, but for Lingmo, this is basic operation.

At least that's how it was in Hercules' eyes, because he acted too extraordinary, not like a human being at all...

Even gods don't have this kind of courage and ability...

"You admire me so much? Haha, I'm really a little excited."

Lingmo smiled calmly, and then continued: "Okay, you can leave!"

After that, Lingmo didn't plan to continue chatting.

One day in heaven is one year on earth, he doesn't want to waste so much time there.

There are still many people waiting for him to go back below, and after exploring the mysterious ruins, Lingmo will go back to the mainland.

Next, it's time to arrange how to deal with the disaster, such as bringing the army to the north and setting up city defense along the north coast.

Entering the black forest alone, as soon as he entered... Lingmo felt the gloomy and cold oppression from the four directions of the world.

This is ominous, what Hercules called ominous.

However, such a terrifying thing in Hercules' eyes actually had no effect on Lingmo.

If you pay attention, you will find that there is a layer of air waves surrounding Lingmo, which is emitted by the Supreme Bone.

Perfectly resisting the ominous invasion, Lingmo can ignore this ominous curse and oppression.

Swish, swish...

Suddenly, there was a movement in the forest, and Lingmo immediately became nervous, looking at everything in front of him in surprise.

Under Lingmo's annotation, those seemingly dry trees actually moved.

That's right... the big trees in the black forest began to change their positions. The path that was originally placed under their feet was directly destroyed by the change of these big trees.

Lingmo lost his original direction for a while and was a little at a loss.

"Qi Men Dun Jia? No... This looks like some kind of formation..."

Lingmo was a little confused. Isn't this Douluo Continent? How could there be a formation?

In this world, besides him, there are actually other people who can form a formation?

After thinking about it carefully, Lingmo was relieved. Even the dark creatures appeared, and there was nothing wrong with the formation.

Fortunately, Lingmo and his people have penetrated the three-life scriptures and learned a lot of formations. They are very familiar with the formation in front of them.

This is the Kun character formation in the Eight Items of Qimen, which has eight directions.

The road that Lingmo took originally was a dead end in this formation.

That is why Hercules said it was so terrifying. Once you walk into a dead end, even a great god at the level of the main god cannot escape.

Unless you are a person who understands this formation, ordinary people can't get out of this formation at all.

After the Kun character formation was formed, the four directions of the world underwent tremendous changes.

Lingmo seemed to be in a dark virtual mirror world, and everything in front of him actually showed a mirror image of the reflective surface.

Even the black tree was made of mirrors, which was very strange. Lingmo lost his direction all of a sudden.

"Tsk tsk... Who is it? Set up a mirror maze here?"

Lingmo was very puzzled. Once this Kun character formation was running, it was like a mirror maze.

Once you take the wrong road, it is easy to walk into a dead end. At that time... you may face infinite fear, curses, and unknown...

Such a taboo method, no one will use it on the Douluo Continent.

The secrets of this black forest are no less than those of the Immortal Mountain over there, which is really curious.

After opening his double pupils, the world in front of Lingmo changed again...

Lingmo's eyes lit up in the world of nothingness. The black forest, under the gaze of his double pupils, showed its original appearance...

"Is this... what it originally looked like?"

Lingmo was stunned. There were so many elves active in this black forest, some of which were very cute.

Some were extremely terrifying creatures, with fierce faces, staring at Lingmo intently.

In the silent and dark forest, Lingmo seemed to be in a fantasy world.

When he walked deep into the forest, he suddenly saw a little deer elf, jumping and jumping very cutely.

It...seemed to be showing Lingmo the way. That's right...this elf was leading Lingmo.

After a period of observation, Lingmo discovered...there are two types of elves in this black forest.

These two elves are two extremely opposite existences, one represents good thoughts and the other represents evil thoughts.

The little deer elf represented good thoughts, while the giant beast with fangs not far away represented evil thoughts.

These two completely different extremes really amazed Lingmo.

This black forest is so fantastic, just like the magic of nature, forcibly kneading two extreme existences into one space.

"Is this... the ancient evil beast Taotie?"

Lingmo looked at the giant beast representing evil in the depths of the forest with doubtful eyes. From the image point of view, it is very consistent with the evil beast Taotie recorded in ancient books.

It seems to be guiding Lingmo, wanting Lingmo to go in its direction.

The good and evil of these two extreme existences are guiding Lingmo, and Lingmo didn't know who to follow for a while.

Theoretically speaking, most people would choose to follow the little deer elf at this time, because it looks innocent and represents good.

Taotie is the representative of evil, with fierceness and cunning as its foundation, and it is not trustworthy...

But this is a mirror maze, so Lingmo hesitated.

The so-called mirror is that what you see, what you see and hear may be false.

It's like, the so-called evil you see is actually the real good.

And the good you see is the real evil.

Because the mirror images mostly present the opposite, you can't tell which one is real and which one is fake.

Because of this, this mirror maze is known as one of the most dangerous forbidden areas.

Real and unreal, true and false, often the withering of life is just a thought away.

According to ancient records, the mirror virtual space in the Kun character formation has swallowed millions of lives, which is a very tragic data.

Therefore, Lingmo has to be careful and cautious.

"Real and unreal, true and false! Sometimes... the side that looks evil is not really evil.

What a mirror maze, this is too deep into human nature.

If you don't understand, you will really fall into your trap!

Good thoughts represent evil? And evil represents the real good..."

Lingmo opened his double pupils, finally solved the doubts in his heart, and suddenly sneered.

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