As soon as he entered the Killing City, Lingmo felt a strong pressure coming at him.

This Killing City is very strange. It does not limit soul power, but it can limit soul skills.

In other words, you cannot use soul skills here, but you can use things other than soul skills.

Lingmo has no restrictions on this, because even his martial soul has disappeared, and all his moves are not soul skills.

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The oncoming spear stopped in mid-air before it pierced Lingmo...

Lingmo slowly stretched out two fingers and gently clamped the spear.

"What! Next..."

A surprised voice came from the darkness, and before he finished speaking, Lingmo had already taken action.

"You thief, get out..."

With a light wave of his right hand, a powerful force was instantly shot out, and the knight in armor was directly shattered by Lingmo.

After dealing with the Dark Knight, Lingmo continued to move forward, only to hear an ethereal voice coming from the long corridor.

"Welcome to the City of Slaughter!"

As soon as he walked out of the corridor, Lingmo saw a beautiful woman standing in front of him facing the black gauze. She had a very hot body, but her voice was very cold.

The kind of coldness without any emotion, it seemed that for her, Lingmo was just a passerby.

"Is this the so-called City of Slaughter? It doesn't look special..."

Lingmo walked step by step, came to the black gauze beauty, and pinched her buttocks, but she didn't react.

That's right, here, as long as you have the strength, you can do whatever you want.

Although Lingmo has never been here, he knows the rules of the City of Slaughter.

Isn't it the so-called strength first, the law of the jungle?

I have to say that this woman has a really hot body, but it's a pity that there are too many people playing, and Lingmo is not interested.

After pinching it, he lost interest and walked straight inside, too lazy to pay attention to her.

She was just a guide. Everyone who came to the Killing City and wanted to quickly understand the rules of the Killing City had to be guided by her.

Unfortunately, Lingmo didn't have the patience to listen to her nonsense, and went directly to the deeper part of the Killing City.

The woman in black silk was also stunned when she saw Lingmo's reaction. She had guided countless people here, and this was the first time she had seen Lingmo.

Why did he feel like an old man here? He was so skilled right from the start, as if he didn't need her to guide him at all.

Wow wow wow...

At this time, Lingmo had just walked into the Killing City, and was greeted by a black knight army, with more than a hundred people.

Among them, the leader was an 89th-level Soul Douluo, holding a black halberd, looking very domineering.

"Newcomer, you broke the rules!"

"If you break the rules, you must be punished..."

The black knight leader said coldly, looking at Lingmo with murderous intent.

"Rules? Your so-called rules can only restrain people like you. There are no rules in front of me.

As for the punishment you mentioned? Haha... I'm standing here, you can go ahead. If I retreat a step, I will lose..."

Ling Mo didn't have a good temper. He didn't come here for tourism this time.

There are millions of soul masters in the Slaughter City. Although these people are willing to fall, they are still a strong fighting army.

Ling Mo came here to subdue them, not to watch their performance.

And if you want to subdue them, you must show your strength that can shock them, and the best way is to kill...

That's right, the Slaughter City is named after killing. If you want them to obey you, you have to let them see your courage and means...

The Black Knight Commander was furious when he heard Ling Mo's answer!

He was ordered by the King of Slaughter to maintain the rules of the Slaughter City. If anyone violated the rules of the Slaughter City, he would suppress them.

They are not restricted by soul skills. No one can use soul skills, but they can.

Because they are the so-called order maintainers, these so-called restrictions cannot restrict them at all.

The Black Knight Commander has maintained the order of the Killing City for so many years, but this is the first time he has encountered such an arrogant existence as Lingmo.

I don’t know who gave him the courage to ignore the rules of the game set by the King of Killing.

“Shut up! You little brat, you dare to despise the authority of my King of Killing, you are looking for death…”

The Black Knight Commander made a direct move, and the long halberd in his hand came directly to kill Lingmo on the spot.

Who would have thought that the long halberd stopped abruptly at the moment when it was about to hit Lingmo…


“What’s going on!!!”

Everyone saw that Lingmo did not make a move, he just stood there, but no matter how hard the Black Knight Commander tried, the long halberd could not move forward.

Such strength, with an absolute crushing momentum, completely suppressed the momentum of the Black Knight Commander.

“That’s it?”

Lingmo’s face was cold, without any action, he just said in a cold voice.

The leader of the black knights was furious, but no matter how hard he tried, his halberd could not move forward.

He was extremely shocked. Where did Lingmo come from? Could it be that the rules of the City of Slaughter could not restrict him?

Perhaps only when you reach the level of the King of Slaughter can you truly ignore the rules of the City of Slaughter?

The Black Knight Commander panicked, but he had been through many battles and believed in the King of Slaughter. Although he was extremely shocked, he did not lose his sense of proportion...

"Boy! Who are you? Why did you come to my City of Slaughter?"

The Black Knight Commander asked coldly. He already knew that he could not be Lingmo's opponent. If he attacked again, it would probably lead to his own death.

"Who am I? Do I need to report to you? Who are you? Do you have the qualifications to ask about me?

If you want to know what I am doing, go and call your master to come to me and ask me in person. You... don't have the qualifications..."

As soon as Lingmo finished speaking, a blade of air was shot out instantly, and the Black Knight Commander was directly knocked back hundreds of meters and smashed hard on the distant city wall, smashing a hole.

At this moment, no one dared to underestimate Lingmo anymore. This move alone was enough to shock everyone.

You know, the leader of the black knights is a Soul Douluo, and an 89th level Soul Douluo.

Even he couldn't withstand even one move in Lingmo's hands, let alone others.

This is the outer city of the killing land, and the people outside are generally weak.

The real sin is still in the inner city of the killing city. The people here are not enough to fill Lingmo's teeth, and he is too lazy to kill...

"Go back and tell your master that your god is here, and ask him to come out and greet him in person.

Otherwise, I will make the entire killing city disappear completely in the long river of time..."

Lingmo said coldly, turned around and left directly, leaving the confused black silk woman and the more than 100 black knights.

How domineering is Lingmo's words? How arrogant is he to dare to make the killing city disappear completely?

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