"Xiao San, we haven't seen each other for so long. How come we have become so unfamiliar with each other?"

Ling Mo looked back at the figure in the dark. Although the other party was wearing a mask and his appearance and figure had changed greatly, Ling Mo still recognized him at a glance. That was Tang San.

Three years later, the two brothers who had walked out of Notting City had not seen each other for three years...

"Xiao Mo! I didn't expect you to recognize me in my current state..."

After being discovered by Ling Mo, Tang San walked out slowly. He didn't hide himself on purpose.

It was just because his change was too great that he thought Ling Mo didn't recognize him, so he wanted to watch and see what would happen next.

"Haha! You kid is playing this trick with me. Even if you turn into ashes, I can recognize you..."

Ling Mo said with a smile. If it were someone else, he might not recognize him, but Ling Mo...

He has a pair of double pupils. Even if Tang San turns into ashes, Ling Mo can recognize him. How can a mere change in appearance hide his identity?

69 Book Bar β†’ 69𝙨𝙝π™ͺ𝙭.π™£π™šπ™©

"It's you! Tang San..."

After seeing Tang San come out, Hu Liena was stunned for a moment. If Lingmo hadn't appeared, she would never have recognized this person as Tang San.

But through Lingmo's words just now, she quickly determined Tang San's true identity.

She didn't expect that this partner who had fought side by side with her for several months was actually Tang San who defeated her in the Soul Master Competition.

"Xiao San! It seems that you have grown a lot in the past three years..."

Lingmo looked at Tang San and found that he had not broken away from the progress gap of the Shrek Seven Devils.

Originally, Lingmo thought that Tang San, who had been practicing with Tang Hao, would be the same as before, with a maximum of only level 50 without any changes.

But he didn't expect that he had already reached more than level 60, almost reaching level 70.

I don't know where this kid got his luck. Without Xiao Wu's sacrifice, he actually has a 100,000-year spirit ring...

Is this the restorative power of the world's laws?

No...the so-called world's laws have actually been invalid when the disaster came.

The only possibility for Tang San to have such a change is that God Shura intervened...

Yes, God Shura is the only explanation. He chose Tang San, and Tang San also chose him.

So...this spirit ring is likely to be given to Tang San by God Shura.

The Slaughter City seems to be the inheritance place of God Shura, right?

Lingmo doesn't know. According to the original description, the Slaughter City seems to have originally belonged to God Rakshasa, but later God Shura took over the Slaughter City.

Therefore...the real owner of the current Slaughter City should be God Shura.

Lingmo can feel that the repressive force of the four directions of heaven and earth is the power of Shura.

Unfortunately, Lingmo was a god on par with him, and the suppression he left behind had no effect on Lingmo...

"Growth? Maybe... Compared to you, I am still too slow after all..."

Tang San said a little frustrated. He didn't know when this always confident Tang San began to become sentimental.

Now, among the Shrek Seven Devils, Zhu Zhuqing, who made the fastest progress, has just broken through the level 70 mark. Tang San should be right behind her and has also reached level 69.

For the remaining few, except for Ning Rongrong, Lingmo knew that she had reached level 65, there was no news about the rest.

Tang San's talent was not bad, and the reason why he was left so far behind by Lingmo was that Lingmo was shameless and openly cheated...

"It seems that you have passed the trial of the road to hell?"

Lingmo didn't care about Tang San's sigh, but he was more curious about the cold and murderous intention he could feel from Tang San and Hu Liena.

It seems to be a kind of innate domain after the martial soul is advanced, that is, the legendary killing god domain...

From this breath, Lingmo can judge that they should have obtained the killing god domain.

"That's right! We have passed the trial of the hell road and obtained the killing god domain.

What? Do you also want to break into the hell road?"

At this time, Hu Liena, who had been silent all the time, spoke up. If she was more curious about Tang San's identity at the beginning.

Then, with the arrival of Lingmo, her curiosity has shifted to Lingmo.

She has always regarded Lingmo as a target to catch up with. The reason why she braved the hardships to break into the trial of the killing city is to surpass Lingmo.

However...After seeing Lingmo again this time, she found that her idea of ​​catching up with Lingmo had completely become a joke.

This guy, I don't know how many streets he has left them behind.

"Hell Road? Forget it, those people are not enough for me to kill. What I want to do is something you dare not do and can't imagine..."

Lingmo suddenly turned around, gently pinched with his right hand, and directly pinched Hu Liena's beautiful face.

This is a city of killing, there is no so-called morality, if Lingmo suddenly gets the urge, he can kill her at any time.

Lingmo is not interested in those coquettish bitches outside, because she has played with too many people.

But this girl is different, she is very pure...

"What do you want to do?"

Hu Liena was a little flustered, but in the panic, there was a hint of joy, as if she was looking forward to Lingmo's next move.

This contradictory feeling was very strange. She didn't know when a small shadow had been hidden deep in her heart.

And this shadow was Lingmo...

She was excited to meet again after not seeing each other for many years, but she was resistant after thinking of her teacher's words.

They were enemies, she shouldn't have such a secret joy...

"What do you want to do?"

Lingmo saw that she was frowning, and did not take the next step, but slowly let go of her hand.

Looking at Tang San, he only said: "Xiao San, are you interested in doing a big deal with me..."

"Do a big deal? What?"

Tang San was stunned for a moment, and looked at Hu Liena with doubtful eyes. Could it be...

Ahem, it turned out that the pure and innocent Tang San also thought wrongly. This unexpected look made Hu Liena immediately burst out with a cold murderous intent.

"Do you know who is the owner of this killing city?"

Lingmo looked at Tang San with a smile, then walked to the entrance of the hell road, but did not go in, and said to herself.

"King of Slaughter!"

"No, to be exact, the real master of the Slaughter City should be God Shura!

The King of Slaughter is just a messenger of Shura, a messenger who replaces God Shura in the Slaughter City.

You can also understand this Slaughter City as the place where God Shura inherits..."

Lingmo said lightly. Lingmo didn't have a good impression of this great god!

If he hadn't died, Lingmo really wanted to give him a knife. This so-called fallen paradise was simply unbearable to look at.

The so-called fall is to completely exile one's own nature and return to the wild ecology of the primitive world.

Killing and being killed, sin and massacre, all kinds of things, are everywhere...

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