"I didn't expect my great-grandfather to fall to this point..."

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After hearing Lingmo's explanation, Tang San's expression was very painful, and he couldn't help but clench his fists.

He had never heard of Tang Chen's deeds, but from Lingmo's oral account, he also knew that his great-grandfather Tang Chen must have been a genius who amazed the world.

Unexpectedly, the most courageous warrior in the past fell into the paradise of sin and became a degenerate...

"Alas... You don't have to be sad! This matter has nothing to do with you, why blame yourself?

You are good at everything, the only shortcoming is that you like to take everything on yourself.

The fate of your great-grandfather is the result of his own choice. If you really want to save him, it's not impossible..."

Lingmo said calmly, and found that Hu Liena in his arms wanted to break free secretly, so he grabbed her back.

Lingmo found it funny to look at her blushing face.

I like to see her angry but unable to fight, very cute.

Lingmo is definitely not a good person, nor a gentleman. If Tang San hadn't been there, he really wanted to find a place to do some serious work.

Now that we are in the City of Slaughter, we should follow the local customs.

Just now, from the outer city to the inner city, Lingmo has seen too many dazzling and exciting scenes, and now he is burning with fire.

It's unreasonable not to do something bad, right?

Lingmo doesn't like other people, but he didn't expect to meet Hu Liena in this ghost place. Isn't it a coincidence?

"But how can I save him?"

Tang San said worriedly. He didn't know how to save Tang Chen, so he could only pin his hopes on Lingmo.

"Simple! Kill the Nine-Headed Bat King, and use my divine power to call back his spiritual wisdom.

I can tell you very clearly that I am not here to travel in the Slaughter City this time.

I am here to find your great-grandfather, the King of Slaughter Tang Chen..."

According to the original description, Tang Chen's ending is that Tang San poisoned and destroyed the Slaughter City, and later when he came to hunt Tang San, he was awakened by his Sea God Halo.

Although Tang San had not participated in the Sea God Nine Tests at this time, this did not prevent Tang Chen's mind from being called back.

Because Lingmo is now also a god, his halo can also call back Tang Chen.

The only thing to worry about is that after Tang Chen's mind is called back, the Shura power in his body will also explode.

Although he can achieve a demigod body later, he will still die in the end...

So, one thing Lingmo has to do is to limit the Shura power in his body so that it cannot explode.

Finally, he was thrown into the Heavenly Road. After he passed through the Three Thousand Heavenly Roads and entered the God Realm, the taboo in his body would be opened.

Truly reach the level of becoming a god at level 100! Only in this way can he be saved.

So far, this is the only way Lingmo can think of...

"Is it really possible?"

Tang San looked at him with doubt and continued, "Even if you really have a way, with our strength, how can we kill that blood-red nine-headed bat king?"

"Hehe, a mere nine-headed bat can't stop me!"

Lingmo laughed. He didn't even take the Asura God seriously, let alone the Bat King.

Although Tang San was still very confused, Lingmo was too lazy to explain.

He said directly: "Okay! Leave the next thing to me. Now I need you to help me do one thing.

That is...lead out the King of Slaughter to me, and leave the rest to me..."

Lingmo smiled slightly. He seemed to have seen the next scene, which must be very interesting.

"How can we lure him out?"

"Simple! Go out and kill people. The more the better. Just kill as much as you can. Leave the rest to me..."

After hearing Lingmo's words, Tang San finally understood why Lingmo wanted to do something big with him.

It turned out that he was going to hold a slaughter feast. Perhaps only in this way could he lure out the King of Slaughter?

"Take this thing with you! I'll see your performance later..."

Lingmo directly threw a Buddha's Wrath Tanglian to Tang San, and in Tang San's surprised eyes, he took Hu Liena out of the Hell Road.

"Buddha's Wrath Tanglian! Oh my God, Xiaomo actually made the Tang Sect's strongest hidden weapon, the Buddha's Wrath Tanglian?"

Tang San was very shocked. At first, he only knew that Lingmo had made the Peacock Feather, but he didn't expect Lingmo to even make the Buddha's Wrath Tanglian.

Originally, Tang San was not sure about making a big fuss. After getting the Buddha's Wrath Tanglian, he sneered and left the Hell Road directly.

Lingmo took Hu Liena to the sky above the Slaughter City, found a quiet place, and quietly watched the next exciting plot.

The blood moon in the sky was particularly bright, and the Slaughter City, which was full of blood, was about to usher in a great slaughter.

"Can you let me go?"

Hu Liena was very passively carried around by Lingmo, and she was really depressed.

There was nothing this guy could be so shameless, just a moment of time he treated me as his woman?

Although Hu Liena did not resist this behavior, she felt it was too fast and couldn't bear it for a while.

"No! The woman in my arms has never been able to break free from my hands.

This is the city of killing, known as the paradise of sin. Since you come here, you must be prepared to be lucky..."

Ling Mo smiled evilly, he was right, there are no rules in the Killing City, as long as you are brave and strong, you can get anything you want.

Hu Liena has been practicing in the Killing City for a year, how could she not even understand this rule.

So she was desperate, because Ling Mo was right, she knew... what Ling Mo really wanted to do, she absolutely couldn't resist.

There is no longer any code of human ethics to restrict him...

But after thinking about it carefully, Hu Liena accepted this tragic fate...

"Oh, please stop rubbing it. It feels weird and I have no strength at all..."

"Then give me a kiss..."

"Ah, I kissed the wrong person, it wasn't there..."

"Where's the kiss?"

"I...forget it, I'll do it myself!"

There was a bloody scene taking place in that palace, but it was a pity that no one could appreciate this wonderful scene.

Tang San, who obtained the Buddha's Wrath Tang Lotus, completely let himself go after walking out of the hell road.

With one strike of Buddha's Angry Tang Lotus, more than ten people were killed, completely entering a state of killing.

"Damn, what's going on? Is that kid crazy?"

For a moment, the entire killing city was in chaos. Tang San was already red-eyed, killing people one by one.

He rushed straight out of the training ground and appeared alone on the street.

Tang San, who was in a killing state, didn't even realize that at the same time, his good brother was also experiencing an exciting battle.

The two of them are fighting side by side, right? Although the targets of the battle are different...

If Tang San knew about it, he would probably quit immediately.

It's too much. I'm trying my best to survive here. Why the hell are you so unloyal to hide in secret and do good things?

Do you still think of me as a brother? Which is more important, a brother or a woman?

This is a good question, what do you think? Which is more important, brothers or women?

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