"Xiaomo! Can you be more careful? This is still on the street. Hugging and kissing each other is immoral..."

Tang San still couldn't accept Lingmo's behavior. As a man who came out of the feudal ideology of ancient times, in his cognition.

How can you have such close contact on the street? It's too indecent...

"That's right! But I'm happy..."

"Put me down quickly! Haven't you heard that it's immoral?"

"No! I won't let go. Bite me..."

"Fuck, you really bite..."

69 Book Barβ†’69π–˜π–π–šπ–.π–“π–Šπ–™

While flirting, Lingmo still put Hu Liena down. She almost recovered.

Tang Chen hasn't woken up yet, but judging from the situation, he will wake up soon.

"Xiaomo! Is my great-grandfather okay?"

Tang San said worriedly. It was also the first time he saw Tang Chen, and he was a little excited.

This god-like tough guy was actually conquered by Lingmo. Sometimes Tang San was really curious, where did Lingmo buy the cheat?

Why did he always feel that his cheat was too weak? Could it be that cheap things are not good?

"It's okay! It won't take long for him to wake up. The Shura power in his body has been suppressed by me and will not erupt in a short time.

However, after this incident, I need to take him away and go to the North.

As for what to do, I will explain it to you at that time. Anyway, it's not a bad thing. Maybe he can become a great god..."

Lingmo said lightly. No matter what, Tang Chen had to go with him.

Even if he didn't want to.

However, if Lingmo told him what to do in the North, he would definitely agree! Because... He knew his body very well. If he didn't go to the North, even if he survived, he wouldn't have much time.

He was almost three hundred years old, and he should think about himself. As for other things, wouldn't it be better to slowly solve them after becoming a god?


Tang San just asked in confusion, but didn't ask, because he knew that if Lingmo wanted to tell him, he would tell him immediately.

The reason why he didn't say it might be because there were too many people here, and it was not suitable.

"You guys! I give you two minutes to leave the Killing City.

From today on, this Killing City, known as the Paradise of Sin, will no longer exist.

If you don't want to die, you'd better do as I say! Otherwise... I will let you know what it means to be in agony..."

After solving Tang Chen's problem, Lingmo came to the center of the square and looked at the fallen people around.

Don't say it, there are really a lot of people in this Killing City. There are more than 100,000 people in this square.

This is just one layer inside. There are more fallen people outside. Although these people are cruel by nature, they are not impossible to control...

Pull them out, they are still a powerful army, and they are very cruel...

Lingmo has already thought about it. Next, he will build a capital in the Northland to house these fallen people.

They can do whatever they want in there, and Lingmo will not care!

However, when the army of dark creatures attacks, they must rush to the first line of defense.

From today on, this city of slaughter will completely disappear from the continent...

"We are willing to follow the new King of Slaughter!"

The rule of the City of Slaughter is that the strong are respected.

Lingmo defeated the King of Slaughter, so he is the new King of Slaughter... These people quickly expressed their inner thoughts.

Although most of them are people with ulterior motives, Lingmo will not care.

"Very good! It seems that you are not too pedantic, but very smart...

Now you leave the City of Slaughter within two hours. Those who are willing to follow me can wait outside...

If you don't want to, you can leave on your own!

Later, I will take you to a place, a place that is likely to be heaven for you..."

Lingmo sneered and said, whether they agree or not, he will destroy the City of Slaughter today, and it will be useless even if the Asura God comes.

But before that, he needs to leave the inheritance of God Shura, otherwise Tang San will not be able to become God Shura in the future, which would be a sin...

"We are willing to obey the will of the King of Slaughter and leave the Slaughter City immediately..."

As soon as the voice fell, some people gradually left.

None of them disobeyed. After seeing Lingmo's strength, they were completely scared.

Rather than dying in vain, it is better to find another place to live happily and not to risk your life here.

Soon, this paradise full of fallen people only had Lingmo, Hu Liena, Tang San and Tang Chen.

Of course, there was also Tang Hao who was unwilling to show up...

"Uncle, you have been watching for so long! Are you not going to come out?"

After Lingmo drove away the fallen people, he looked at a corner not far away, where a person was hiding...


Tang San looked in surprise and found that Tang Hao slowly walked out from inside.

It turned out that Tang Hao had been in the Slaughter City all the time, protecting him from behind.

Tang San was extremely excited. He thought Tang Hao had left, but he didn't expect him to be here...

In fact, Lingmo had discovered Tang Hao from the beginning, but seeing how hard he had to hide every day... Lingmo couldn't bear to pull him out.

"Tang Hao!"

When she saw Tang Hao, Hu Liena was obviously a little flustered, but after seeing Lingmo on the side, she gradually felt relieved.

She leaned towards Lingmo involuntarily.

The Spirit Hall and Haotian Sect have always had a feud, the most direct one being the feud between Bibi Dong and Tang Hao. As Bibi Dong's disciple, she was naturally afraid of Tang Hao.

However, now that she is Lingmo's woman, Tang Hao shouldn't do anything, right?

Moreover, Lingmo shouldn't sit back and watch herself being beaten by Tang Hao, right?

Hu Liena was panicked, and was obviously frightened by Tang Hao's hammer last time...

"So you have already discovered me?"

Tang Hao walked out of the corner and said in a low voice.

"Uncle, after so many years, you still can't change your habit of hiding!

In fact, I felt your breath when I entered the Slaughter City, but seeing that you were hiding so hard, I didn't have the heart to pull you out, fearing that you would lose face..."

Lingmo's answer made Tang Hao's face darken. Why did he feel like a clown?

Is this kid deliberately trying to provoke me? What does this mean, calling him a fool?

"Dad, this is Zeng..."

Tang San said excitedly, but was interrupted by Tang Hao before he finished speaking.

"You don't need to say it! I already know..."

Obviously, Tang Hao already knew Tang Chen's identity. The last time he saw Tang Chen was many years ago.

Now looking at Tang Chen's coma, a tear fell from Tang Hao's cold and ruthless face.

He thought his grandfather was dead, but he didn't expect... It turned out that he had been hiding in this killing city and became a puppet of others.

If he knew all this earlier, maybe his grandfather wouldn't have to go through so much pain.

He blamed himself. It was the first time Lingmo saw him cry.

"Hehe, this guy..."

Lingmo shook his head unconsciously. This touching scene was really enviable.

It's a pity that he didn't...

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