Ling Mo looked at Tang Chen and finally revealed his original thoughts.

Everyone was stunned when they heard Ling Mo's words.

"Xiao Mo! I didn't understand what you said..."

Tang Hao asked doubtfully, he couldn't understand what Ling Mo meant.

The gate to heaven and the trial on the heavenly road are confusing to listen to.

"Let's put it this way..."

Ling Mo calmed down and continued: "The gate to heaven can certainly lead to heaven, but...

Before going to heaven, you must go through three thousand heavenly trials, which means...

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If you pass these three thousand tests, you can enter the divine realm.

Moreover, after entering the God Realm, the taboos in your body will be opened and affected by the laws of the mainland...

The highest level of a soul master can only reach level ninety-nine...

Once you enter the God Realm, this restriction will be opened, and you can reach the level of 100 and become a god.

When you step on the Heavenly Road, you don’t need to go through the test of divine status, and you don’t need to inherit someone else’s divine status. You can completely create your own divine status...

For example, my Jueshen position was created by me..."

After Ling Mo explained, they finally understood.

But regarding this absolute god, Ling Mo was just talking nonsense.

He has no divine status, is not in the establishment of the God Realm, and belongs entirely to a third party.

He cultivates Sansheng Daohua instead of Wuhun, so he can have the strength of a god without a godly position...

The reason why I call him "Jueshen" is just to make it easier for me to call him when I go out to show off in the future.

There's nothing I can do about it, that's how it is in Douluo Continent. When people reach level 90 titled Douluo, they will give themselves a domineering name so that they can show off in the future.

The title Lingmo became a god before he could take it, so he could only take a name from a god, so as not to pretend to be awesome in the future...

They say when in town, do as the Romans do! The common perception in mainland China is that the more domineering the name, the higher the status...

"I see! So, doesn't it mean that everyone can participate in the Heavenly Road Assessment, and we don't have to worry about not having enough divine positions?"

Tang Hao suddenly said excitedly...

"That's right! With the existence of this heavenly road, you can completely avoid the divine examination in the future and enter the divine realm directly...

But Xiaosan doesn’t need to take the Heavenly Road assessment, because you have your own divine position to inherit..."

"Huh? What does that mean……"

Tang San was stunned for a moment, and the others also cast doubtful glances.

“The inheritance of Shura, one of the five major gods in the God Realm, is in the City of Killing.

And you are the successor chosen by God Shura! Regarding the deeds of God Shura, you can ask your great-grandfather when you have time later..."

Ling Mo was too lazy to explain this. No one was more familiar with the inheritance of God Shura than Tang Chen.

"Xiao San! Are you really the successor chosen by God Shura?"

As soon as he heard about the Shura God, Tang Chen suddenly became excited.

You know, had Rakshasa not intervened back then, he would have become the Shura God.

Now that he heard that his great-grandson had become the heir to the Shura God, how could he not be excited?

It seems that this Shura God is destined to be associated with their Tang family...

"I do not know……"

Tang San was confused, he always felt that Ling Mo was bluffing him...

"You can discuss this matter later! Now I still have the same question. Do you have the courage to accompany me?"

Ling Mo looked at Tang Chen, waiting for him to speak.

Ling Mo knew that he would not reject her, because it was impossible for him to let such a good thing go...

"Why don't you dare!"

Sure enough, Tang Chen agreed directly. In his world, there was no such thing as "dare".

Back then, Bo Saixi had dared to take the Nine Asura Examinations with just one word, and he had left behind such a heroic feat that he would never return until he became a god.

If Rakshasa hadn't intervened, he would have succeeded.

It can be seen that this old man has a more violent temper than Tang Hao...

"Grandpa, don't rush to participate in the Tianlu Trial. It's better to go back to Haotian Sect for a while to adjust.

In your current state, it is not appropriate to participate in the trial..."

Tang Hao was worried that Tang Chen would act on impulse and end up in a tragic situation, so he stopped it.

"Well...that makes sense. It just so happens that I haven't gone back to see my disciples for a long time. It just so happens that this time I have the opportunity to go back and see my disciples and grandchildren..."

Tang Chen thought over and over again and decided to go back to Haotian Sect first.

"No problem! Since the old man wants to go back and see the sect, he can go back.

One day the old man wants to take part in the Pilgrim Trial, come to me at the Ghost Gate at any time...

There is another thing, which is very important. I hope that after the old man returns to Haotian Sect, he can reorganize the sect and be born again..."

Ling Mo considered that the Bafang Council behind them still needed the Haotian Sect to take a good lead, so he spoke directly.

"You can rest assured about the matter of birth! The Haotian Sect founded by me will not let it sink like this."

"It's done! Oh, by the way... One month later, my ghost sect will convene an eight-party council, and I also invite the old man to come and discuss ways to deal with the dark army.

In addition... after the Eight-Party Council, I hope that the old man can take a good lead and take the lead in removing the sect disciples to garrison in the North.

All the disciples of my ghost sect have been sent to the north a few days ago.

Two fists are no match for four hands, and with the power of my ghost gate, it is difficult to resist this catastrophe. I hope that the old man can take care of the common people in this world and lead a good start..."

In Lingmo's plan, once the leader, Haotian Sect, makes the first decision, other small sects will definitely follow.

As for the other major sects, the lower four sects will follow the Spirit Hall completely, and then negotiate with Qian Daoliu...

"My friend is willing to give so much for the world. If I don't say anything, how can I justify it?

Don't worry! When I return to Haotian Sect, I will immediately start to reorganize the mountain gate. In a month at most, I will definitely give you an answer..."

Tang Chen said in a firm tone. He would never break his promises...

"In that case, I'm relieved! Here, thank you for your help...

As Xiao San's brother, you are Xiao San's great-grandfather and my great-grandfather.

Here, I, Lingmo, wish you good fortune, longevity, good health, and delicious food..."

Ahem, if it weren't for the last sentence, this sentence would have a good flavor...

"Haha, Xiaomo! When did you learn to be polite? This is not like you..."

Tang San laughed, thinking that Lingmo was fake.

When has this guy ever been so sincere? In the past, he did all kinds of unscrupulous things, just to cheat an honest man like him.

"What are you saying! I thought you understood me the best, but it turns out you don't understand anything. Alas, I'm so disappointed..."


With a happy laugh, Lingmo took Hu Liena and left the Killing City first.

Tang Chen, Tang Hao and the other two also set out on the journey back to Haotian Sect.

Lingmo didn't follow them, he had no interest.

There were still a bunch of people waiting for him to deal with outside. He wanted to take all these people to the north. When the war came, they would be the death squad members...

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