"Don't tell Yanyan about this, hehe... I'm already over 80 years old, and I'm almost a lonely old man.

What's wrong with finding a young and beautiful girl to accompany me?

You can be free and easy, but I can't be happy..."

It's over, this guy has been completely led astray by Lingmo.

But if you think about it carefully, it's right. His wife has been dead for decades, so it's not too much to find a new wife.

Don't you see how strong Tang Chen is? He's almost 200, right? Still not giving up...

"Well! I think, even if Yanyan knew, she should... maybe, perhaps, not blame you!

After all, she is busy outside all day long, and she doesn't know how to go home.

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But then again, if you want to find someone, just find someone, don't find someone younger than me, the generations can't be messed up..."

If Dugu Yan knew that Dugu Bo found a grandmother younger than her, would she be angry to death?

This sounds very exciting! Not to mention that she can't accept it, Lingmo can't bear it either.

"Hehe, what do you mean, if you don't find a young one, do you still find those old ladies? That's not interesting.

Let's talk about our own things, you two can call each other as you like, don't pay too much attention to these details..."

Thinking about it, it is indeed a bit inappropriate, but Dugu Bo doesn't care about these.

Young girls are fun, those middle-aged women are nothing...

"It's up to you! After you finish this period of work, you can rest when you go back. Do whatever you want. Leave the rest of the work to Yanyan."

Lingmo thought about it and finally said that since the establishment of Guimen, Dugu Bo has been busy from beginning to end, and it's time to give him a break.

"This is a tulip that makes you want to die. It's a fairy medicine. Take it.

Take it easy. After all, you are not young. Even if you have fairy medicine, you should be restrained..."

"Stop talking nonsense! You should take care of yourself first. Don't wilt at such a young age..."

Taking the tulip, Dugu Bo left with a sly smile on his face. It seems that... he seems to find a place to practice the fairy medicine given by Lingmo.

This old man, why does he feel like a completely different person? Is it really true that the old saying comes true?

A red man is red when he is close to a red man, and a black man is black when he is close to a black man?

Birds of a feather flock together?

After spending a long time with Lingmo, I suddenly feel like I'm good again?

Lingmo is really curious, which girl did this old man like, and why did the girl like this old man?

He's already halfway into the coffin, what's the point?

If you think about it carefully, this is actually not a problem.

In this world, people with power and strength never lack women, this is the fact...

It is estimated that if Dugu Bo spreads the word, the girls who want to sleep with him will probably line up from the Ghost Gate to Tiandou City.

After all... one step to heaven, sitting on power and wealth, exempting from decades of hard work.

Such temptation, no one can refuse!

It's like, in the real world, young people all want to find a rich woman, it doesn't matter if they are old, as long as they have money...

"Hey! Yanyan, come back soon, see this crazy old man in your family, I really can't stop you..."

Lingmo sighed, and he didn't stop him, anyway, in the end, Dugu Yan must be the one with a headache.

In this day and age, I have seen people who cheat their fathers and brothers, but I have never seen people who cheat their wives...

After Dugu Bo left, Lingmo calmed down and came to the road to heaven.

Hu Liena had already passed the first level and was walking towards the second level.

Lingmo had already passed it once, so he could enter and exit the road to heaven at will...

Along the way, Lingmo found that most people were stuck on the tenth level, which was a test of the mind.

Perhaps those who were immature and undetermined were stuck on this level...

Returning to the top of the road to heaven, Lingmo sacrificed the Nine Cauldrons and began to change the rules of the road to heaven...

With the help of the Nine Cauldrons, Lingmo exerted his strength instantly...Three Taoist flowers on his head instantly illuminated the entire void.

"What's going on? It's such a strange feeling, as if the soul power of my whole body is boiling. In just a few minutes, I actually broke through a level..."

The moment Lingmo cast the spell, everyone on the road to heaven felt the subtle changes and cast their eyes to the top...

"Isn't that the sect master? What is the sect master doing?"

"What's going on with those three flowers... This power is so warm..."

Surrounded by the green light, everyone felt that their souls had been sublimated.

Slowly, the people who were originally stuck on the tenth floor quickly took the first step towards the eleventh floor and successfully broke through the shackles of the tenth floor.

"It seems that the intensity of this trial is weakening, and the rewards after breaking through the level have doubled..."

"Did the sect master change the rules of the road to heaven?"

"Now, it seems that there is only this explanation..."

Everyone looked at Lingmo in confusion, they could feel it.

Since Lingmo changed the trial of the road to heaven, their speed of breaking through the level has become faster and faster.

The difficulty of the trial has also begun to decrease, and the rewards have not decreased. On the contrary, the rewards for some levels have doubled.

If this trend continues, as long as they successfully walk through 3,000 bluestone bricks, they will immediately be promoted to level 99 Ultimate Douluo...

Such a shocking increase is unimaginable to everyone...

The road to heaven, as its name suggests, can reach heaven in one step if you walk through it...

Lingmo re-established a new order, expelling the supporters of divine power from the road to heaven, preventing anyone from disrupting the new order.

At the moment of being expelled, a roar came from the end of the void: "Damn it! Boy, I'm not done with you. Wait, if you dare to go against the will of God, you will be doomed in the future..."

"Eternal doom? God's will? You are just a bunch of clowns, and you dare to grin in front of me?"

Lingmo replied coldly. As soon as the voice fell, a sword energy was instantly emitted, and a green flower exploded in the void.

At this time, in a sacred mountain far away in the God Realm, an old man was hit by Lingmo's sword and vomited blood, and fled in panic...

"Damn it, what level of existence is this kid now? Just a sword energy can seriously injure me...

This kid is too scary, it seems that I have to avoid his edge first..."

Escaped from the mountain, the old man was pale and panicked.

Lingmo's sword just now directly hit the God Realm from the void, tracked down the sacred mountain where he lived in seclusion, and severely injured him with one sword.

Originally, he thought that even if he couldn't kill Lingmo, Lingmo couldn't do anything to him.

Now he was wrong! If the sword just now had deviated by one point, it could have directly killed him.

In just a few days, Lingmo had grown to an uncertain factor that they couldn't control.

This was undoubtedly the only variable in their plan, a time bomb that could explode at any time...

"The new order cannot be questioned! Whoever dares to disrupt the order I set will be killed..."

Lingmo set up a new order and looked at the void with cold eyes. He knew... above that layer of void, there were still several great gods watching here.

Lingmo's words were meant for them to hear. Anyone who dared to go against his will would be killed...

So decisive, so cruel...

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