"Tell me, what do you want to do here?"

Under Ling Mo's suppression, Qian Daoliu finally chose to give in and would definitely have a chat with Qian Renxue when he had time.

How does this girl discipline her husband? She has no manners at all and dares to show her teeth to her grandfather...

"Simple, I only come here for one thing!"

Ling Mo said, slowly stood up from his seat, looked at Qian Daoliu and continued: "Participate in the Pilgrim Trial and become a god at level 100..."

"What? Become a god at level 100?"

Suddenly, the atmosphere solidified. Qian Daoliu looked very surprised, thinking that he had just heard wrongly.

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He just said that he would participate in some Pilgrim Trial and become a god at level 100! What is this?

"Three years ago! I found a door leading to the God Realm in the Northland.

Within the Tianmen, there is a trial heavenly road hidden. As long as you pass the heavenly road, you can reach the God Realm.

And you are already level ninety-nine. As long as you pass through, you can become a god immediately, and you can also create your own god..."

"The road to heaven, trials, becoming a god..."

For a moment, Qian Daoliu's thoughts were confused and his mood suddenly became tense.

Becoming a god was his inevitable dream. He didn't expect that Ling Mo's visit would actually give him a chance to become a god.

Could he not be excited? Not to mention the authenticity of Tianlu, but judging from the strength Ling Mo has shown now, he is definitely a god.

Moreover... Qian Daoliu has never heard of any absolute god, which corresponds to what Ling Mo just said, creating his own god...

As a god, Ling Mo had no reason to deceive him, not to mention... He just said that he was Qian Renxue's husband.

It was easy to tell whether it was true or not, and Qian Daoliu was very interested, but he was still worried about whether there might be some conspiracy hidden in it.

Tianlu is real or not, but who can say for sure what Lingmo wants to do?

This guy comes to you for no reason and wants you to become a god. How can there be such a good thing in the world?

"I'm very curious. Since you discovered Tianmen and have become a god, why did you tell me this news?"

"Why do you care so much? I'm just asking you, do you want to become a god? Everything else is nonsense...

Let’s talk about you, you damn old man, what do I want from you? If you don’t take a shower, will you die in a few years? "

Ling Mo felt that it was too difficult to communicate with this guy because he was too thoughtful and always thinking about the worst.

That sentence is fulfilled, what kind of person has what kind of thoughts.

He has been plotting against others all his life, but when it comes to himself, he must consider it carefully.

He often thinks about simple things in more complicated ways...

Therefore, this old man is too thoughtful. Ling Mo really doesn’t want to deal with him. However, he is Qian Renxue’s grandfather. Do you think it’s irritating or not...

"If you don't explain clearly, why should I trust you? Why do you want me to enter your murderous situation just based on your one-sided words?"

Qian Daoliu returned coldly, not because he was overthinking, but because Ling Mo was too dangerous and he had to overthink...

Seeing how stubborn he was, Ling Mo had no choice but to release what he cared about most...

"Let me tell you this! Does Tang Chen know?"

"Tang Chen? That old guy is still alive?"

Sure enough, Qian Daoliu's expression changed immediately when he heard about Tang Chen. Obviously...the two people had a lot of grievances.

They have been fighting for a lifetime, and this old man has never won once. He thought that Tang Chen was dead, and planned to clean up Tang Chen and eliminate all his descendants, so that he could win...

Unexpectedly, Ling Mo mentioned Tang Chen. It seems that this guy is not dead yet...

"That's right! Not only is he not dead, but he is still alive and well, and he has now returned to Haotian Sect.

And...a few days ago, Haotian Sect had been reborn and moved closer to the north.

Your old enemy, Tang Chen... is probably now participating in the Pilgrim Trials.

Just wait, when he becomes a god, he will come back with a hammer and blow you up..."

Ling Mo threatened in the last sentence, these two old enemies are very difficult to deal with.

As soon as he heard that Tang Chen had participated in the Tianlu Trial, Qian Daoliu became anxious...

If Ling Mo's words were true, Tang Chen would eventually become a god before him, and he would definitely be beaten to death with a hammer.

This thing is simply scarier than the end of the world.

No... we must not let him become a god. Even if we can't stop him, we must be one step ahead of him before he becomes a god.

After hearing that Tang Chen had participated in the Tianlu Trial, Qian Daoliu immediately made up his mind.

"Grandson-in-law, I also want to participate in the Pilgrim Trial. I don't know what I need to do?"

"Yo? Are you so polite now? Wouldn't it be over already?"

Ling Mo laughed angrily, this old man was really ambiguous and duplicitous.

The look of reluctance just now, a hint of suspicion here, a hint of suspicion somewhere else.

Now when I heard that Tang Chen was going to participate in the Pilgrimage Trial, I immediately lost my suspicion. I wished I could participate in the Pilgrimage Trial now, more anxious than anyone else...

"Hehe, we are all a family! You don't want me to be beaten to death by that old madman, right? Tell me, what are the conditions for participating in the Pilgrim Trial? As long as I can do it, I will try my best to satisfy you..."

It has to be said that Qian Daoliu's face-changing skills are indeed quite powerful. It made Ling Mo think that something was controlling him just now.

Compared with just now, they are completely different people!

This hypocritical old man is really dangerous. Fortunately, Lingmo is not afraid of him now, otherwise he can't become a god no matter what...

"Tsk tsk... I thought I heard it wrong when he called me grandson-in-law so happily.

Hey... For Xue'er's sake, I won't accept your benefits this time.

It's easy to participate in the trial! You can go directly to the Northland Jueshen Island, and someone will arrange for you to enter the Heavenly Road to participate in the trial.

Of course, the Heavenly Road trial is a trial, and whether you can become a god depends on you.

Tang Chen went there two days ago. I guess he has reached the tenth level now?

You started slower than others, whether you can catch up depends on you..."

Lingmo finally teased that these two old enemies really didn't know what jokes they would make on the Heavenly Road.

After Tang Chen returned to Haotian Sect, he spent a few days to reorganize the mountain gate and re-emerge.

Later, they took the disciples of Haotian Sect to station troops in the north. The current location of Haotian Sect is on the north bank...

They didn't want the old site before. In order to deal with this turmoil, they brought their whole family to the north. It can be seen how sincere they are this time...

"Of course! Even if Tang Chen, the old man, participated in the trial a few days earlier than me, he couldn't become a god before me."

"It's useless for you to brag to me. If you want to brag, go to him and brag in person.

Also, that old guy is not very friendly to you! Maybe he will fight with you directly when you meet.

I need to remind you that the entire Haotian Sect is stationed in the north. For your safety, I advise you to take all the people from the Wuhun Hall to calm the situation..."

Ling Mo said insidiously!

How many people did Haotian Sect go this time?

The advance troops came with more than 10,000 people, and there were nearly 50,000 troops behind them, heading to the north...

With this kind of formation, if Qian Daoliu didn't bring a few people with him, he probably wouldn't dare to go...

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