On this day... the Absolute God Temple welcomed a group of people, all of whom were rulers loved by thousands of people.

At the invitation of Guimen, everyone gathered together to discuss the general situation of the world...

"Master, Davis Dai Mubai of the Xingluo Empire has arrived! Xue Qinghe of the Tiandou Empire has also entered the Absolute God Island...

The two empires have sent their heirs to the throne, and the current ruler has not come."

"Oh? It seems that these old guys have smelled danger and are ready to give up power...

Don't worry! It doesn't matter whether the head of the family comes or not, as long as there are representatives..."

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

In the Absolute God Temple, Lingmo sat on the upper seat, and rows of seats were opened below.

This is a temporary conference center prepared to entertain rulers from all parties.

"Reporting to the Sect Master, Tang Chen, Tang Hao, and Tang Xiao of Haotian Sect have entered Jueshen Island..."

"Ning Fengzhi, the Sect Master of Qibao Liuli Sect, brought Sword Douluo and Ghost Douluo to Jueshen Island..."

"Sect Master, Yu Zhenyuan of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family has also arrived..."

Wow, the two empires and the upper three sects have all entered, and now only the four lower sects and the Spirit Hall are missing.

It seems that these people are still very respectful! This invitation letter from Guimen is considered to be famous in the world...

"Got it! Go down..."

Lingmo sat quietly in his seat, waiting for these people to arrive...

"Sect Master! Except for the Elephant Armor Sect, the people from the three sects below are waiting for the order of the Spirit Hall.

It seems that they want to follow the lead of the Spirit Hall and wait for changes..."

Dugu Bo said coldly.

Now only the Spirit Hall has not appeared, and the rest have already arrived.

The four sects below obviously all submitted to the Spirit Hall, except for the Elephant Armor Sect...

These people didn't show up just to see what the Spirit Hall would do. Presumably... they had already gathered outside, and as soon as the Spirit Hall showed up, they would show up immediately...

"Don't bother! Let them toss around, they won't have a good life for many days..."

After this Eight-Directions Council, they still have up to two years to rest, maybe less than two years.

Lingmo had previously visited the Dark Forbidden Zone to check, and the dark creatures on that side had already glimpsed the secret of the light array and were preparing to break the array.

The light array will be broken sooner or later, it's just a matter of time.

Therefore... after this council, no matter how those people below have ulterior motives, it's useless.

Because... this world no longer allows them to abuse their power for personal gain and fight for power and profit...

"Haha, little friend Ling, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you so much?"

A heroic voice came from outside the door, and Lingmo looked over, and the people who came were Tang Chen, Tang Hao and Tang Xiao.

Accompanying them were Tang San and his aunt Tang Yuehua.

It seemed that after the old man came back, their family had become much more harmonious, and all the past grievances had been resolved.

"Haha, I can feel the domineering aura emanating from the old man from a distance. It seems that he is in good physical condition recently..."

Lingmo came down from above while chatting and laughing, and greeted him cordially.

"Thanks to you, if it weren't for your soul power, I'm afraid my body would have exploded long ago...

This time, all the members of my Haotian Sect came to help Guimen to calm down. If you are unhappy with anyone later, just tell me, I will hit one of them with one hammer..."

Good guy, he is worthy of being the strongest man on the surface, and he speaks so domineeringly.

"With the words of the old man, I feel relieved! Come on, give the old man a seat and treat him well.

After the subsequent leaders of various sects arrive, the parliament will be held on time..."

During the conversation, Lingmo greeted Tang San, and then arranged the Haotian Sect to the front position on the left.

On the right is the Spirit Hall, below are the two empires, and finally the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Why are the Spirit Hall and the Clear Sky Sect ranked ahead of the two empires?

Because they are so powerful.

Look at this battle, the Clear Sky Sect is really a surprise!

This time, the Northern Garrison has more than ten Titled Douluo, and there is also an Extreme Douluo and two Super Douluo.

Tang Hao alone can be half of the empire, right? This guy is already level 98, just one step away from entering level 99...

Not to mention there is also a Tang Chen, who is really powerful, no joke.

As for the Spirit Hall! That's even more powerful...

Two Extreme Douluos, and more than ten Titled Douluos, are not inferior to the Clear Sky Sect at all, so it is reasonable to be ranked in front.

"The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is here!"

There was a loud call from the door, Lingmo looked over, and saw Ning Fengzhi walking in with Chen Xin Gu Rong with a smile on his face.

Ning Rongrong also came in with him...

"Ah... So you are really here, Dad didn't lie to me..."

At the moment when Lingmo came, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but rushed over and hugged Lingmo tightly.

"Hehe, silly girl! Did you miss me?"


Before Lingmo had time to reminisce with Ning Rongrong, Ning Fengzhi said happily: "Xiaomo! Rongrong insisted on coming with me, and I had no choice.

My daughter has grown up, and it's time for her to find a home! From today on, she will be handed over to you..."

"Uncle, what are you talking about? Isn't this embarrassing for me..."

Lingmo was embarrassed. He knew in his heart that it was not Ning Rongrong who insisted on coming. He saw through the mystery, but did not point it out.

"Rongrong, go down first! Zhuqing is behind. I will find you after the meeting..."

After thinking about it, Lingmo decided to let Ning Rongrong go down first, so as not to worry about the meeting later.

"Okay! Don't lie to me..."

"Be good! How could I lie to you? I will find you later. Okay, go down first..."

As he said, Lingmo asked a female disciple to lead Ning Rongrong to the back. The back of the Absolute Temple was where Lingmo lived.

Zhu Zhuqing, Dugu Yan, Shui Bing'er and Xuewu were all there. They came back ten days ago and got along well...

The Snow Girl was still gathering the soul beast army in the north and did not come. Qian Renxue came on behalf of the Tiandou Empire. As for Hu Liena...she should be with Bibi Dong at this time.

"Xiao Mo! You really made a big deal this time. One invitation letter shook the world. Look at these people, they are all big shots..."

Looking at the big guys in the room, Jian Dao Chen Xin couldn't help but sigh.

In this world, only Ling Mo has such a hand. How can others have this ability...

"It's okay! If it wasn't for the last resort, I wouldn't do this... They can come, just to give me face.

Since they give me face, I won't hurt them!"

"Xiao Mo, tell me honestly, did you convene the Eight Directions Council this time for the last Northland Disaster?"

Ning Fengzhi suddenly calmed down and asked, but he had a question in his heart.

"That's right! It was the Northland Disaster. I will explain the details to you later. You can take a seat first..."

Speaking, Ling Mo arranged the designated position of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect and sat on the third seat...

"Xiao Mo, long time no see..."

At this time, an excited voice came from outside the door.

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