"Okay." Xiao Wu responded without any hesitation.

"They are indeed good sisters." Ning Rongrong smiled happily, walked to Xiao Wu's side, and held Xiao Wu's arm affectionately.

Xiao Wu smiled and looked at Ye Feng.

Xiao Wu's actions have made it obvious that the reason why she agreed to form a duo with Ning Rongrong was entirely because of Ye Feng. Ning Rongrong is Ye Feng's junior sister, so Xiao Wu naturally wants to have a good relationship with Ning Rongrong.

Next, the monsters from Shrek Academy began to look for the duo.

Oscar found Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun found Tang San, and Xiao Wu was in the same group as Ning Rongrong. After a while, only Ye Feng and Zhu Zhuqing did not form a duo.

"Ye Feng, shall I team up with you? I have a feeling that I can form martial soul fusion skills with you." Zhu Zhuqing's tone was calm, making it impossible to see the excitement in her heart.

"Martial spirit fusion skill?"

"Martial spirit fusion skill?"

"Martial spirit fusion skill?"

Everyone in the field exclaimed. Zhu Zhuqing just said that she could form a martial soul fusion skill with Ye Feng's martial soul.

"Zhu Zhuqing, are you telling the truth?" Flanders asked in surprise.

As a member of the Golden Iron Triangle, Flanders knew what martial soul fusion skills meant to soul masters.

The power of martial soul fusion skills is not one plus one or two, but the combat effectiveness increases exponentially.

Looking at the soul masters in the soul master world, if you want to form martial soul fusion skills with other soul masters, you don't just have to think about it. Even if they are twins, or two soul masters with the same martial soul, they may not be able to form martial soul fusion skills.

"Yes." Zhu Zhuqing nodded affirmatively.

"Can you really form martial soul fusion skills with Boss Ye?" Dai Mubai looked at Zhu Zhuqing with a deep frown.

"Yes." Zhu Zhuqing nodded affirmatively again.

"Boss Ye, is this true?" Dai Mubai still looked at Zhu Zhuqing questioningly.

Dai Mubai is Zhu Zhuqing's fiancé. His martial spirit is the evil-eyed white tiger, which can be combined with Zhu Zhuqing to form the martial spirit fusion skill Netherworld White Tiger. Now Zhu Zhuqing told Dai Mubai that she would merge with another man! ! !

"Well, I feel the same way." Ye Feng nodded affirmatively.

"Hahaha, our academy admitted two outstanding monsters this year. Zhu Zhuqing and Ye Feng, you two will form a duo." Flanders laughed happily.

"Dean, the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is about to be held. I suggest that each of us should go on stage and wear a mask to participate in the competition. And try to speak as little as possible and use nicknames to participate. This can avoid exposing our age and prevent Our fighting method is controlled by someone with a will," Ye Feng suggested.

"Okay, your opinion is very good. I'll do as you say." Flender nodded.

"In addition, the eight of us must participate in a team match every day. This can improve our cooperation and unleash stronger combat effectiveness." Ye Feng continued to suggest.

"Okay." Flanders nodded.

"Besides that, I personally require that we be at two points and one line between Shrek Academy and Soto City. We should bear a hundred kilograms of weight every day and run back and forth thirty times." Ye Feng continued.


"Run back and forth thirty times?"

"The weight is still one hundred kilograms when you rise. Ye Feng, have you forgotten the distance between Shrek Academy and Soto City?"

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Oscar, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun stared at Ye Feng in stunned silence.

He carries a weight of one hundred kilograms and runs back and forth thirty times a day.

This is not something humans do at all, but something monsters do.

"Hahaha, it's rare that you have such a request. But can you do it? From our college to Soto City, it takes two hours even if you walk." Flanders asked.

"I can do it." Ye Feng replied affirmatively.

By running around Shrek Academy and Soto City thirty times a day, Ye Feng no longer had to take practical lessons from Zhao Wuji or listen to the teachings of other teachers.

"Okay, it's rare for you to be so diligent. Let's try it tomorrow." Flanders said.

"Okay." Ye Feng nodded.

"Mubai, take them to register." Flanders ordered.


Dai Mubai nodded in agreement and walked into the Great Soul Fighting Arena with the other seven Shrek monsters.

From Dai Mubai's words, Xiao Wu, Tang San and others learned about the levels of the fighting spirit badges in the Great Spirit Fighting Arena. There are eight levels of badges, from low to high, divided into iron, copper, silver, gold, purple gold, sapphire, ruby ​​and diamond.

"Silver Fighting Soul is at the third level, so it's not difficult." Xiao Wu said with a confident smile.

"It's not that simple. I started participating in the Great Soul Fighting Arena at level 20, and my current record is twenty-nine wins and twenty-seven losses, accumulating two points." Dai Mubai clenched his hands tightly.

"Mubai, with your strength, how come you only have two points?" Tang San asked in surprise.

Although Tang San didn't fight Dai Mubai at the Rose Hotel, he also saw Dai Mubai's strength in the battle between Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu. However, Dai Mubai only accumulated two points in the Great Soul Fighting Arena.

"Nothing is impossible. The Soto City Spirit Fighting Arena is not that easy to mess around with. Fatty, tell me about your record." Dai Mubai ordered.

"Twenty-one wins, twelve losses, nine points." Ma Hongjun said.

"Do you understand? The battles in the Great Soul Fighting Arena are divided into groups according to their levels. Soul masters of different levels will encounter opponents of different levels. The team that a duo encounters will be based on the teammate with the highest soul power in the duo. Boss Ye's soul power level is level 49 Soul Master, and Zhu Qing is level 27 Great Soul Master. If they form a duo, they will face opponents of more than level 40. In all likelihood, both opponents will be soul masters of more than level 40. Zhu Qing, do you still want to form a duo with Boss Ye?" Dai Mubai explained in detail, persuading Zhu Zhuqing again.

Zhu Zhuqing is Dai Mubai's fiancée, and Dai Mubai does not want Zhu Zhuqing to merge with another man. Even if it is not a physical fusion, it is just a fusion of martial souls.

"There is motivation only when there is pressure." Zhu Zhuqing replied in a flat tone.

"Okay, go and register." Dai Mubai compromised.

In the Great Soul Fighting Arena, each person can only participate in one individual game every day, but can participate in different types at the same time. If you are lucky, you can get three points in a day. In as little as two months, you can get the Silver Fighting Spirit Badge.

Dai Mubai and Oscar formed a duo, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong formed the Seven Treasures Charm Rabbit duo, and Tang San and Ma Hongjun formed the Three Horses duo.

"Registration fee, ten gold soul coins." said the waiter at the counter.

Ye Feng flicked his fingers, took out ten gold soul coins from his bracelet, and placed them on the counter.

"Team name?" asked the waiter at the counter.

"Zhu Qing, you come up with the name." Ye Feng smiled.

"Just call it... Nine Heart Cats." Zhu Zhuqing answered after a little thought.

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