Fairy Yuechan's ears turned red. She clicked again and was badly humiliated by Ye Feng.

"Why did you hit me?"

Pay attention to the words used by Fairy Yuechan.

She didn't use "How dare you hit me", but asked Ye Feng why he hit her. Subconsciously, she did not think that Ye Feng could not hit him, but that she needed Ye Feng to give her a reason.

Fairy Yuechan probably didn't notice the subtle changes in her mood. As she continued to get along with Ye Feng, her state of mind gradually began to accept and acquiesce in some of Ye Feng's bad behavior.


Ye Feng reprimanded: "You have no awareness of being a prisoner and a maid. You are so courageous that you dare to incite the people around me to rebel. For this reason, don't you think it is enough?"

Ye Feng reached out and grabbed Fairy Yuechan's arm.

Fairy Yuechan tensed up and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Don't panic, let me see if there are any treasures hidden on your body. For safety reasons, we cannot leave any treasures on you that can tempt others." After Ye Feng finished speaking, he once again began to search Fairy Yuechan in all directions. .


Fairy Yuechan was trembling with anger. She wanted to resist, but she had been sealed and couldn't use any of her divine power.

"Is this how you treat your maid?" Fairy Yuechan asked. There was a hint of disappointment in Ye Feng's tone.

"Of course not. Unless I have the intention of developing her into a maid, I won't even take a look at it." Ye Feng ignored Fairy Yuechan's words and carefully groped for the precious phantoms and medicinal materials on Fairy Yuechan. and other residues.

"Ye Feng, watch your words." Fairy Yuechan couldn't help it. If Ye Feng used what just happened as an excuse every day to perform a full body search on her, she would definitely collapse. In order to achieve the purpose of persuading Ye Feng to stop, he warned: "Ye Feng, you must have the consciousness of beings in the lower world. Once the Butian Sect knows how you treat me, not only the Butian Sect, but also the upper world will be stirred up." . Someone will be really angry and come from the lower world to sweep through the eight realms. Can you bear the consequences?"

Fairy Yuechan is smart, calm, and has all the advantages of a superior person. Even though he was insulted now, he still calmly persuaded Ye Feng to stop. What you say is well-founded.

"Upper Realm, even the Immortal King is my woman. Do you think people from the Upper Realm dare to provoke me?" Ye Feng reminded Fairy Yuechan casually.

"Immortal King?"

Fairy Yuechan questioned Ye Feng's words and asked tentatively: "Are you referring to the sacrifices to the spirits in your Stone Village?"

The sacrifice spirit of Shicun, the Willow God.

"I've heard about the sacrifice spirit of your Stone Village. She does have some magical powers. However, her strength definitely does not reach the level of the Immortal King."

Ye Feng was too lazy to tell Fairy Yuechan. Fairy Yuechan mistakenly thought he was talking about Liu Shen, but actually he was talking about Nine-leaf Sword Grass.

Nine-leaf Sword Grass is the Immortal King in ancient times. It has been sealed in the False God Realm. Now that he has been able to escape, he has been keeping a low profile. Fairy Yuechan has never been to Shicun, so it is normal for her to not know her existence.

"Hey, where did you touch?"

Fairy Yuechan shouted.

Ye Feng stood behind her and opened a mountain stream. Such behavior made Fairy Yuechan tremble with anger.

Ye Feng did not continue to tease Fairy Yuechan. He stretched out his hand and hit Fairy Yuechan on the buttocks. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, like a general returning in triumph, and he said proudly: "After the inspection, there are no other treasures on your body. Now you don't have to worry about you continuing to use some foreign objects to incite the people around me to rebel."


Fairy Yuechan listened to the crisp sound. I felt angry and regretful at the same time. She now regrets inciting rebellion against Xiaota. She read from Ye Feng's teasing and proud look that Ye Feng's second body search was intentional. The purpose was to intimidate her and make her suffer such humiliation, so that she would never dare to rebel against any living being around Ye Feng again.

Facts have proved that Ye Feng's second search of Fairy Yuechan was indeed intentional. The purpose is indeed to scare Fairy Yuechan with such a despicable method, so that she will never dare to do similar things in the future.

"You go."

Ye Feng opened the golden passage and released the seal that bound Fairy Yuechan.

"You want to let me go?"

Fairy Yuechan's expression showed surprise for the first time.

Ye Feng untied her seal without warning and let her go free. It was really beyond Fairy Yuechan’s expectation.

Fairy Yuechan felt that Ye Feng was very bad, even a hooligan. She is so gorgeous and so beautiful that it is unreal. Ye Feng has been playing tricks on her one after another. Just now, Ye Feng was still very interested. According to her understanding of Ye Feng, Ye Feng will do more outrageous things in the next period of time. However, she never expected that Ye Feng would... actually let her go.


Why is this?

Fairy Yuechan was very curious as to why Ye Feng did this and why he suddenly let her go?

"Let's go quickly." Ye Feng urged Fairy Yuechan.

"Are you playing hard to get?" Fairy Yuechan whispered. At this moment, she still remained calm. She felt that Ye Feng was playing hard to get, saying that he was going to let her go, but in fact he was testing her, or perhaps he was trying to capture her again so that she could serve him wholeheartedly.

"I told you to leave, and I have broken your seal. If you stay here and don't leave, do you want to have a baby with me before leaving?" Ye Feng's tone was flat, making it impossible for people to see through the meaning in his words. of reality.

"Then... am I really leaving?" Fairy Yuechan asked Ye Feng tentatively. Seeing Ye Feng nod, she continued to ask: "Don't you regret it?"

"No regrets." Ye Feng said.

Fairy Yuechan stepped onto the golden passage. Returned from the world treasure box to the outside world. When Ye Feng also came out of the golden passage, he saw that Fairy Yuechan had not left. The latter stood in the palace, as if waiting for her.

"Still not leaving?" Ye Feng said.

"Once a word is spoken, how can a person go back on his word." Fairy Yuechan said in a flat tone, "Just now I promised to be your maid, how can I just let go and leave. Didn't you say that you would conquer me with your own charm? How about this, I'll give you a chance. We'll set a deadline of one month. After one month, if you can't conquer me with your charm, I will leave you."

"Are you addicted to being beaten?" Ye Feng laughed jokingly.

Fairy Yuechan blushed again. Thinking of the scene of being teased by Ye Feng, her heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a little.

"Are you addicted to the Millennium Killer or the palm?" Ye Feng continued to tease Fairy Yuechan. He raised his sinful palm.

"You only have one month to live, so cherish it." Fairy Yuechan ignored Ye Feng's words and took the initiative to enter the World Treasure Box. As if she was afraid of something.

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