A bright light flashed by, as spirit power is poured into his right hand. On the back of his hand, a glowing violet pink spirit mark then appeared, as Ao Si Ka activated his 1st ring spirit ability.

Ao Si Ka called out the name of his 1st ring spirit ability. "Extreme Recovery Sausage."

And then immediately, a sizzling brown orangey hot sausage materialised. It's strong herbal fragrance, earthy nature, and scent, infused with the essence of the Grass Leaf Warrior, strongly wafted his nose.

It naturally causes the little Ao Si Ka, who has been hungry for days, repeatedly eating the same food for days, to drool slightly.

But he managed to refrain himself from embarrassing himself any longer. Quickly, wiping away the drools, dribbling down the side of his face, with the back of his sleaves.

Without holding back, Ao Si Ka starts to rapidly devour the Extreme Recovery Sausage,like a starving hungry beast. Taking large bites, stuffing his cheeks, and down his throat. Gone within seconds.

Ao Si Ka then lets out a satisfied look, his facehas grown slightly red, looking like a angry chipmunk, regaining a healthy glow.

A warmth wave of energy, then invades, spreading to the rest of his body. Soothing the mind, and recuperate his body.

The small injuries and bruises on his body, he incurred from fighting, the Grass Leaf Warrior. Rapidly, began to heal, disappearing before his very eyes.

Upon a closer look, from a third person perspective, you could see vibrant green vines, covering the surface of the injury or wound, criss-crossing in and out like stitches. Slowly, closing the wound, then the stitches vanishes, becoming green particles, which assimilate itself with the user, becoming new flesh, and skin tissue.

Ao Si Ka smirks, smiling, and stretching his body out. Having felt refreshed, his hunger satiated, but hasn't dissappeared.

Ao Si Ka excitingly said, from his recent observation, information gained after obtaining his 1st Spirit Ring. "It would seem that the Extreme Recovery Sausage is an effective recovery support spirit ability, as I thought. But to what extent can it recover, and heal the user, upon consumption. Is there a time limit in duration before the sausage dissappears. Does the effect diminishes after each use. Can the healing effect be stack together... Beats me." Ao Si Ka sighs expressively, shaking his shoulders.

A spirit after obtaining a spirit ring, will undergo a process of variation in order to progress, and further evolve.

Even If there were two of the same spirit, with similar spirit ring, they will still evolve to gain entirely different spirit abilities, walking down a different route, and vice versa. Evolution varies from one person to another, not one remains the same, identical to another.

Even if the spirit ring differs in age by slightly a bit, the designated outcome of one's own spirit ability will greatly differ in effect and power.

The original Ao Si Ka(Oscar) from the Douluo Dalu main storyline, was a full on Auxiliary Support System Spirit Master. He rarely gets involved in direct confrontations, and rather supports others from the sidelines. 

It wasn't until the following, after obtaining his 6th Spirit Ring, Clone Mirror Large Sausage. That Ao Si Ka managed to have, the capability to hold his own, against Spirit Masters for a certain duration of time.

His initial first two spirit rings, were in the 100+ years range. Therefore his 1st spirit ring Big Recovery Sausage was not as much powerful and effective, as the current 200+ years Extreme Recovery Sausage.

A thought suddenly crossed his mind, as he starts to recall on something. 'If I remember correctly, when an individual Spirit Master reaches rank 10, by registering their spirit ranks, they're freely entitled to receive a monthly stipend of 1 spirit gold coin from Spirit Hall.'

Ao Si Ka then became excited, drowning on the idea, that he no longer need to be a beggar on the streets anymore. Once he officially registers his spirit rank, in Fa Ming City's Spirit Hall, obtaining a monthly allowance.

Ao Si Ka paused for a sec, before strolling over to the corpse of the dead, Grass Leaf Warrior plant spirit beast, lying in front of him.

A idea suddenly enters into his head. "I wonder if I can store this dead corpse in my own Inventory. Later I can sell it to some shop to make a profit. A corpse of a plant spirit beast must have some use. Since it's plant like body is full of abundant of wood spiritual energy. It can be used as an ingredient for medicine, refining pills, or something..."

Ao Si Ka bend down on knees, almost instinctively, he knew how to access his Inventory. Whilst reaching his hand, lightly touching the dead body of the Grass Leaf Warrior.

He called out within mind, feeling a connection with a mysterious force. With a thought, the mysterious force starts to distort, the space around the dead Grass Leaf Warrior's corpse. A strong suction force then pulled the body into the portal, and the dissappears like that, stored withinside Ao Si Ka's personal Inventory.

Leaving the outer regions of Star Dou forest, Ao Si Ka began to make his way back to Fa Ming city. He then walk through the city entrance, pass by the very same City Guard's, he encountered on his way this morning.

They've each gave Ao Si Ka a cold scrutinise look, observing him from top to bottom, judging him based on his looks and dirt poor rag attire.

They deemed him as not even a threat, or worth something to be worry about. So they it as unnecessary, lettinh him pass by through the city gates peacefully, without much trouble.

On Douluo Continent, regardless of whether it's Heaven Dou Empire or Star Luo Empire, in any city or province, Spirit Hall could be that city's symbolic power structure.

Ao Si Ka only needs to asked a random passersby, and he successfully found the location of Fa Ming City's Spirit Hall.

Ao Si Ka barely just arrived at Fa Ming City's Spirit Hall, when he was immediately stopped by Spirit Hall's entrance guard's. "Halt, little boy. This is Spirit Hall. You can't just simply enter without permission."

Fa Ming City's Spirit Hall's location was a tall marble building, with an immensely large added dome structure. Just the width of the front must exceed a hundred meters, height reaching up to thirty meters, divided into three floors.

The entire building was of white marble, and the emblem on the front gate had one longsword, with the hilt form the shape of angel wings.

From the information that he gathered, Ao Si Ka knew that an emblem with only one simple sword design, meant that Fa Ming City's Spirit Hall was amongst the lowest rank Spirit Hall.

The two entrance gate guard's appeared to be twenty to thirty years old or so, the spirit power fluctuating on their bodies were not all that distinct, feeling as if neither had reached even spirit master level.

It looked like Fa Ming city was indeed a remote city, in the outskirts of Barak Province, from the indication of Spirit Hall level, it could be seen that this city was deemed of no importance to Heaven Dou Empire.

Ao Si Ka readjust his posture, as he spoke carefully, with proper manners and etiquette. "Greeting, Mister Guards. I have just recently obtained my first spirit ring, and successfully became a spirit master. I have come here to have my spirit master level appraised."

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