After Ao Si Ka left Spirit Hall, along the way, he collected his monthly stipend of one gold spirit coin at the front reception desk.

In order to prove his identity as a spirit master,he had to show his Spirit Hall issued badge to the receptionist, which he just recently acquired.

The front desk receptionist Ming Yi, then happily handed over a single gold spirit coin, with an alluring smile on her face, that could charm any guy.

The gold spirit coin fall, tumbling over, landed within the palm of his hand. Just before it loses its momentum, it quickly vanishes, dissipating into white particles, and appearing in his Inventory.

After which Ao Si Ka then asked a random passerby for directions.

Following the advice, that which he acquired from the random passersby, he asks for directions.

Ao Si Ka took turns, turning around the corner every now and then, until he finally ends up at his destination... the 14th district, are pretty much known as the Market District.

Fa Ming City is a lower tier class 2 city, meaning that it has a total overall population of approximately around 5,000 to 10,000.

Fa Ming City is a part of the Ballack province, which is located in the southwestern regions of Heaven Dou Empire.

The city is divided into 16 different regions, four market district, three housing districts, and the rest is split equally between Spirit Hall and the city's four great noble families; the Yan, Jia, Ming, and Hou family.

Each noble family is under the guidance and protection of a powerful Spirit Douluo.

That being said, Ao Si Ka was born and raised up in the 14th district, known as the slum district. Where the homeless, discarded, and abandoned children lives.

It is not quite uncommon for poor working class families to abandoned their children, due to bad conditions, discarding them on the streets, or sell them to slavery on the black market, as they can't afford to feed another mouth.

Ao Si Ka exits the 14th district of his own accord, flamboyantly waving his hands around, as if curious and quite excited like a child.

His poorly tattered attire, drew the attention of some of the ongoing spectators, as they become quite cautious around the boy.

Some were quite cautious, through personal experience, or either unlucky encounters.

Pickpocketers and thief's are quite often little children, who are from the 14th district. Utilizing cheap tricks and nasty tactics, they fool the victim, making them seem defenceless, enabling them to steal the victim's possession.

Though the method and profession is considered wrongful. It is still a way of life, that provides them food and necessaries, allowing them to live just a little longer.

With that being said, Ao Si Ka nonchalantly stroll down the streets, looking around the Market District. Without a care in the world, as his eyes constantly shuffle around, ogling the items and goods in which the stalls sell.

The footpath were lined with many stalls, selling simple snack, from dried to fresh fruits to meat roasting on roasting skewers.

The fresh scent of food, arising from the many food stalls, it felt so different and distant to him.

Before on Earth, he could basically eat as much as he wants, and not care about going hungry. But now it's different, his living conditions are much worser, and he has to conserve his living expenses, or else he ends up being penniless again.

Ao Si Ka then sighs, grumbling to himself, as he said. "I really hate taking responsibilities..."

Just before he suddenly stops, right in his tracks. Paused for a moment, he then survey the peculiar store that lay before him.

He arrived in front of a small to medium store,neatly decorated with ornaments, and eccentric wood carved decorations. A wooden carved sign board, hanging on the side of the building, depicting a needle and fabric.

'It was a clothed store...' Or so is what Ao Si Ka thought, as he curiously looked at the goods, clothes made out of silk or plant fibre, hanging on display to the side, near the window.

Ao Si Ka saw a long cosy black and white fur cloak, presumably made from a wolf type spirit beast, it's species is probably a Ghost Wolf.

It was on full display. The Ghost Wolf cloak released a very faint dark aura, it permeates, and seeps into the surroundings. But no one seems to notice this, unless they are a spirit master, or someone with a keen eye.

Out of curiosity, Ao Si Ka seems interest in seing if he could afford it or not. He enters the store.

He was greeted by the sight of a beautiful lady, in her early to late twenties, with a slightly curvaceous attractive body. Her long reddish hair swirled to the side, as she turns her head around, her seemingly dark green eyes gazes at Ao Si Ka's figure.

She revealed a slight smile, curving her lips together and biting her lip, as if taunting someone to draw closer.

Ao Si Ka politely called out to the beautiful lady. "Hello, aunty. I was wondering for how much are you willing to sell this wolf fur cloak?" Her reaction was none the less that great, as she lightly grunted. "Hmph... that thing is way outside of your budget little boy. Even though it only costs 1 silver spirit coin. It is still made out from the fur of a 100 years old spirit beast, so it's much stronger and more resistance than ordinary material made out of animal hide and fur."

Ao Si Ka slightly frowns for a bit, but nevertheless, he still wants to buy it. It is still within his budget limit, and he can always save some money on food expenses, by just simply eating his sausage spirit.

It costs literally nothing, beneficial to the body, with an added healing effect. Though it does expend a little of his spirit power in the process to make the sausage.

Ao Si Ka still insist on buying it. The fur cloak is made of a 100 years old spirit beast, so it is pretty durable and long lasting than normal clothes.

Second is that the temperature drops considerably low during the night, and it is quite windy.

It can be pretty bad if he himself were to catch a cold in the middle of the night, sleeping out in the open, without any warm blanket or a coat to keep his body temperature from dropping.

'I don't want to go through that again.' Ao Si Ka thought to himself, reminiscent on the previous night. His body remembers, and starts shaking slightly.

Ao Si Ka said. "I would still like to buy it. I've got the money..." But his sentense were suddenly interrupted, as the lady intervenes, she said slightly annoyed. "Listen here, little boy. This here is an establishment. We sell stuff to well paid customers. Not filthy rugrats like you, who don't even have money to afford a living space to their own. Now be it..."

Ao Si Ka loss whatever little colour in his face, as his expression then immediatly turns extremely cold, the lady has touched on a personal subject she shouldn't have.

His stern cold looks gaze right back at the lady, eye half closed, devoid of any ounce of emotion.

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