Douluo Dalu System

Chapter 48 - Cure(2)

"Well, truth be told I was a little tempted to absorb it but then I thought that it might benefit you or your granddaughter more than it can benefit me so I didn't absorb it yet and since you have the same spirit you can even get a domain ability if your luck and your poison also won't corrupt it as it would to any other bone since they have the same poison"

Though what he said was reasonable and he couldn't refute the logic in it, he still couldn't understand why he would just hand out a 10,000-year spirit bone to his granddaughter, that was an item which anyone would want to have for themselves.

While he was thinking about that, Tang San gave Dugu Yan a jade bottle which had a few pills in them, these were the pills he had refined in the morning for her, it would temporarily neutralize the poison in her body long enough for her to drive it all completely into the Spirit Bone.

This was the new version of the same pill which he had given to Dugu Bo during the time he had spent with him in Sunset Forest, it could act not only on the poison produced by the spirit but also on the poison released by the spirit bone itself, as for the Ten Thousand Year Jade Phosphor Serpent Spirit Bone, it was something which he had gotten from the system.

"I can't accept this bone, it's too precious"

Dugu Yan who was silent all this time finally spoke up, what she said was quite reasonable since no one would just 'give away' a ten thousand year spirit bone for 'helping' his fiance.

"Well, if you don't want it then I can just give it to your grandfather this can still help him get rid of the lingering poison in his body"

The way he said it so nonchalantly made them doubt whether this was a Ten Thousand Year Spirit Bone or not.

"You see, this spirit bone contains the poison of the Jade Phosphor Serpent and unless one has poison immunity or a similar type of poison spirit or a superior poison type spirit it would be useless to them. So even if I sell this I won't get the same as what I would get from selling any other Ten Thousand Year Spirit Bone"

When they heard Tang San's 'reason' for giving away the spirit bone they finally noticed the dense poison being emitted from it, they had to finally agree with the reason this time but Dugu Bo still asked him,

"Then why don't you take this bone instead?? You have a poison immunity don't you, this bone would surely boost your strength by a large amount, and since you're the youngest Spirit King you would need some extra protection apart from your Spirit abilities to defend yourself"

"That would be the case if I didn't absorb a torso spirit bone, it was an Ice Jade Scorpion Torso Spirit Bone, and due to that I can't absorb this anymore, so either you accept it or just throw it away since it would only bring problems if someone found out that I have a Ten Thousand Year Spirit Bone"

Dugu Yan finally understood the reason and accepted it and said,

"... I'll accept it and in return, I'll agree to marry you after you graduate from the academy"

"Well, I'll have to decline since I don't intend on marrying that soon"

Dugu Bo who was getting a little impatient said,

"Can you both hurry it up a little, decide on the marriage for a later date when I and Tang San's parents talk it out first"

Tang San just handed out the bone to her and though it was poisonous since it was the same spirit she could still suppress it. He then led her to a cultivation ground and told Flender that no one should disturb them for the next week or so. Since it was due to Dugu Bo he naturally didn't reject his request and told the teacher to inform their students to not go to the Cultivation grounds for the next week and those who disobey would be kicked out of the academy, facing such a harsh punishment no one naturally dared to enter that area but people couldn't help but gossip about what was in that place.

It was nearly 6 days since Dugu Yan started absorbing the spirit bone and it seemed that she was almost done with the process, Dugu Bo was continuously on watch and had occasionally been chatting up with Tang San who was practicing his alchemy and making a few pills which he would then sell later on in the Heaven Dou Auction Hall, he knew that there would be an auction in a couple of days and he had to be there since he had to meet Ning Rongrong's father Nig Fenghzi.

When he finished his daily practice of [Red God's Eye] and his Forbidden Heaven Cultivation he continued to observe Dugu Yan. It seemed that she would finish absorbing the Spirit Bone today so he was quite alert.

When Dugu Yan finally opened her eyes she saw both Tang San and her grandfather waiting nearby. She had finally broken through to the Spirit Ancestor Rank and was quite refreshed, the ability she had gotten from the Spirit Bone was a poison domain just as Tang San had suspected and due to the Spirit Bone, even her Jade Phosphor Spirit's poison had improved with no apparent changes to the spirit itself.

She then spent the next few hours guiding the poison into the spirit bone with the help of her grandfather, Tang San did not interfere in this and just kept watch at the entrance while cultivating, he had no apparent breakthroughs but he had been getting quite familiar with his current rank and was quite sure that he can absorb a new Spirit Ring to breakthrough to the Spirit King Rank.

After seeing that she had gotten rid of the problems due to her spirit he then gave out a pill formula he had made a month back in Sunset Forest to Dugu Bo, this was a pill formula which could be used to cure his spirits problem as long as one was under the Spirit King Rank. This formula didn't require his blood but the items it required was not cheap nor was it that costly either.

After that, Dugu Bo left him and Dugu Yan alone together while saying he would be back in two days, Tang San didn't reject his request and he then gave her a tour of the entire academy. When she met Xie Lingling she was quite happy and the two girls chatted for quite a while along with Tang San.

Xie Lingling had also undergone a breakthrough to the Spirit Ancestor Rank and had also gotten a Spirit Ring with her teacher Qin Ming. Her healing speed had increased after the breakthrough and due to the herb's influence, she could produce sap from her spirit every day which had the same powers as her spirit.

This was a huge help to her as this type of sap can trump any medicine in the market as it even has the capability to heal and regrow lost limbs from a person. Due to the herb as long as one's head isn't chopped off she could effectively heal a person no matter what condition he is in.

She also felt that after reaching the Spirit Saint Realm and forming her Spirit Avatar her spirit would undergo a major change followed by another change at the Titled Douluo Realm though even she didn't know what these changes were so she could only diligently cultivate.

After that he gave Dugu Yan an immortal herb the Aromatic Silk Beauty, this herb was capable of subduing all types of poisons, but there was a hidden fact, it could enhance the poison of a Poison-type Spirit. He wanted to use it to attract the horde in Sunset Forest but he already has the Beast Attracting Incense which he got from the system so he finally planned to use it during that time.

After giving her the herb and telling her the method to intake and absorb it, he showed her to the guest room and left towards his room.

Tomorrow will be the day when he would go to the auction, he had already prepared to sell the pills and also the Powder Shooting Shadow with which he planned to get acquainted with Ning Fenghzi.

He wanted to take Xiao Wu along with him but he was told that she was in seclusion and would take some time before she could come out, he handed out a bracelet to Liu Erlong and told her to pass it to Xiao Wu saying that it was from him. She just smiled and took the bracelet while saying that she would give it to her as soon as possible.

He then went to inform Grandmaster that he would be leaving Shrek for a while as he planned to hunt for Spirit Rings and he would meet them in Sunset Forest after 6 months which should be enough time for everyone to break through to the next stage.

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