Douluo Dalu System

Chapter 5 - Nuoding Academy

The next day he left with Old Jack towards Nuoding City, he was a little excited as this is the first time he was leaving the village. After nearly a few hours of traveling, they were able to reach the academy.

Just when they were about to enter, they were stopped by the guard. He displayed a rude attitude towards them when they showed him the letter from Spirit Hall he started to laugh and said,

"Haha, who the hell are you trying to fool?? Innate Full Spirit Power and that too with Blue Silver River Grass. Hahaha, this is the funniest thing I've heard in my entire life. Do you really expect me to believe that this certificate is true?? This is surely a fake"

Old Jack unable to bear it tried to scold him but realizing the difference in power he stopped himself. Tang San already had his hidden weapon ready to attack.


[Tang Sect Mysterious Heaven Treasure Records, general principles, third item: Determine whether the opponent is an enemy. If they are, then aim to kill. If not then show mercy, otherwise, you shall only increase your worries.]


And just when he was about to do so,

"What's going on here??"

"G-Greeting's grandmaster, these two here are trying to get into the academy with a fake certificate. I was just stopping them"

"Is that so, can I see that certificate old man??"

When Tang San saw the person who came he was happy, this was the grandmaster. If things go well then he would surely become his student.

"Thank you, teacher"

"I am not an academy teacher"

"Then how did you speak on behalf of the academy??"

"Can only a teacher speak on behalf of the academy??"

"Then you must either be the vice-principal, principal or some high ranking person in the academy??"

"That's a smart answer but you are still wrong. I'm just a freeloader in the academy and everyone calls me grandmaster here you should also do the same. Don't go around calling me teacher unless… you are genuinely willing to be my disciple"

He didn't reply to that, seeing that he got even more impressed and said,

"Talented and smart. I should try again, how about this? You have the third Twin spirit in the last one hundred years"

Hearing that he acted like he was surprised but when he heard how he got that information from his spirit hall certificate he was genuinely impressed and bowed towards him and said,

"Teacher. Please accept me as a student"

When he said the 'Teacher for say, father for life' quote he was even more impressed and readily accepted him as his student. After reporting to the Dean's office about this matter the grandmaster left, when he left the teachers saw Tang San's information and pitied him. He was then assigned to the dormitory, room seven.

After that he left the office and went towards the room, he was able to hear a lot of noise coming from the room, when he went inside he was able to see that the room was pretty big but out of the fifty beds, only eleven or so had beddings.

Then a kid came up to him and asked,

"Are you a working student??"

"Hi, I'm Tang San from, Holy Spirit Village"

"I'm Wang Sheng, my spirit is a future war tiger battle spirit. I'm also the head of this room. What's your spirit??"

"Tang San, Blue Silver Grass"

Hearing that all the kids broke out in a burst of laughter, they looked at Tang San as if he was an idiot. He didn't bother with them and went towards one of the beds.

He just shook his head and said,

"I'm just here to study"

After setting his stuff he went towards grandmasters room, to inform him that he had settled down. When he entered the room instead of grandmaster he saw a little girl with blonde hair reading a book. He was a little surprised that there was someone here apart from the grandmaster, he had a feeling that he saw this girl somewhere but he couldn't exactly remember where exactly.

Dismissing that thought he said,

"Hello, My name is Tang San and I'm grandmasters, student. May I ask who are you??"

When the girl heard that he was grandmasters student she was surprised, when Tang San saw that he knew that she was actually surprised and unlike those who pitied him after hearing that she was a little happy and said,

"I'm actually surprised that you actually took my father as your teacher. I'm Qian Renxue you can call me Renxue since your father's student."

When he heard that he was shocked, no shocked would be an understatement. He knew that according to the novels she was supposed to be his future enemy and was the future Seraphim God. He was a little wary against her right now and was worried about grandmaster.

"You face structure, hair color and your body structure don't resemble grandmaster in the slightest so tell me who you actually are if not…."

Listening to what he said she had a slight disappointment on her face and spoke with a sad voice,

"Truly a genius, just like father said you are an exceptional kid. But what you said is right Yu Xiaogang, I mean your teacher the grandmaster is not my actual father but instead my stepfather. My actual father passed away before I was born…. Well looks like I got a little emotional sorry for that"

Listening to her he saw that everything she said was actually true and he couldn't detect a single lie from her. But seeing that she had tears in her eyes he felt a little guilty and said,

"I'm sorry about that, I was wrong as compensation you can ask me to do anything for you as long as it doesn't go against my morals"

When she heard that she was a little surprised as she didn't expect such a small kid to say such m_a_t_u_r_e words. But then with a playful smile, she said,

"I'm that case what if I ask you to marry me??"

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