Douluo Dalu System

Chapter 51 - Heaven Dou Auction(3)

Tang San found Ning Fenghzi in the auction and spotted that a couple of seats next to him were vacant so he made his way there in a calm manner with Ma Hongjin.

Ma Hongjin was a little dissatisfied at them not going to the VIP rooms, he wanted to spend some more time with the ladies of the auction house if he could, now that his face became much more handsome and he was also quite lean and thin it had become easier to pick up girls now. From the batch of auction girls 3 of them had given their home address to him inviting him to spend the night and the rest had given him various offers like having a nice romantic dinner or going out on a date, one of them even tries to 'pay' him to spend some 'quality time' with her.

But now that they were going to the common area he was slightly disappointed, he didn't know what was going on inside Tang San's head right now so he finally decided to ask him about it.

"Brother San, why didn't you accept going to the VIP area??"

"That's because we don't want anyone to know that we're the ones selling the pills in today's auction, if we did go to the VIP area then most people would surely know that we must have something to do with today's pills in the auction as we aren't regular VIP customers"

Hearing that logic Hongjin finally understood but still felt that there was something amiss in all this but gave up thinking in the end as he was now busy searching for any possible targets from this auction.

They then sat in the seat next to Ning Fenghzi, Tang San just slightly greeted him and didn't bother talking much until the auction started to avoid suspicion.

After waiting for some time the auction had finally started, the first few items were completely boring, it was just some rare spirit commodities which was nothing special to him, there were a few jewelries being sold along with a few alchemy pills which could supposedly help you in your cultivation.

There was nothing that had interested him or Hongjin through the entire auction, Hongjin just gave up and started flirting with the attendee near him. The item on display was a gem of a bitten carrot, it was one of the last few items in this auction, the next item was a ruby rabbit, Tang San was able to know that this was a firestone not a ruby rabbit, he knew that there was also impurities in this rabbit but he then thought of the Samsara Eye, this could help him devour the impurities in the rabbit and completely expel them from the Fire Stone.

He thought it was worth a try so he was about to bid when he heard,

"Watch out for the impurities"

He stopped bidding and looked at the rabbit confirming that there were impurities in the stone, he then turned around and asked,

"Sir, how did you know about this??"

The man wearing the mask smiled and explained how the auctioneer was using his spirit to hide the fact that there were impurities in the stone, Tang San was truly impressed, things like this can only be gained from experience. But the man was taken aback when he saw that Tang San still bid for the item it was at 50,000 and he now put up a bid of 55,000 soon the bid rose up until 69,000 when the rest of the people gave up bidding for it.

"You're a weird one, buying the item despite knowing that there were impurities in it"

"I have my own uses for that item, but I'm surprised that you can see the trick the auctioneer is pulling over the auction house that was quite impressive"

"Haha, you're the impressive one kid, finding out that it was the auctioneer and not the auction house playing the trick with just this little information and this little time"

"You're not one to talk, most people would surely fall for this trick, including me but it seems that you didn't"

"Well what can I say, I've seen plenty enough of the world. The only difference between the two of us might be that I have more experience than you that's all but I'm still impressed by your talent for your age"

When he mentioned their age Hongjin became alert while Tang San still kept a cool face and asked,

"How were you able to find our age?? We both had masks on and we surely didn't say or do anything to give out our age"

"Haha, though you are wearing masks you still can't hide your body shape and your friends' behavior is a dead give away of your age"

"I think you should pay attention to the next few items which are going to be sold I think they may interest you a bit"

"Oh! I'll surely take a look at it then"

The next item was the Poison Shooting Shadow, it caused the interest of a lot of people to be perked up, it was a weapon which could be used to kill any Spirit Master below the Thirtieth Rank and cause serious damage to those above the thirtieth rank. Naturally, Ning Fenghzi's interest was piqued when he saw this item, it was something which could be used by even an ordinary person so being a support type cultivator he naturally was interested in this item.

"Haha, this item is naturally good, I'm interested are you the one who put this up for auction??"

"Of course, I'm the creator of this weapon so I can even explain how to use this if you purchase it"

"You created this weapon?? I have to admit this is quite useful for me"

When the bid started he was the first to bid at hundred thousand gold coins, this caused most of the other bidders to stop bidding but there were still quite a few bidders who still didn't stop and eventually, Ning Fenghzi won it for 500,000 gold coins.

The next couple of items were the pills in the jade bottles which were fiercely bid by all the women present at this auction. Even Ning Fenghzi bid for these pills as he wanted to gift them to Ning Rongrong. Most of the female bidders went mad with the prices and eventually he had earned a total of 1,000,000 gold coins for all the pills.

But when the auction for the pills in the copper bottles began, almost every male in the auction went mad over them, who wouldn't want to satisfy their woman in bed?? Ning Fenghzi didn't bid for these pills as he had no interest in them but he still bid for the hair regrowing pills as a gift for Gu Rong also known as the Bone Douluo. The net total he had gained from this batch of pills was 5,000,000 as most males bid heavily for them afraid that there were only a limited amount of these pills giving Tang San a total of 6,000,000 profit.

Even Ning Fenghzi was taken aback by these pills, they are quite important for those below the Ancestor rank and his clan could surely use pills like these as rewards to motivate the younger generation. Naturally, he also bid for these pills heavily and won a lot of them, this round had given him a profit of 15,000,000 gold coins, these pills were quite important to all the clans so the competition was quite heavy for them.

And when the auctioneer said that they had one final batch to sell everyone was surprised as to what these next batch of pills could be, most of them had spent quite a lot of money on the previous batch of pills and their pockets were almost empty right now so they were slightly worried that they wouldn't have enough money to buy these pills.

When all the pills were introduced, almost everyone present at the auction had their eyes popping out, these were some heaven-defying pills, though they had their side effects and had limited uses no one here could deny the value of these pills, some of the people who heavily bid for the previous pills were slightly regretting not saving up their money right now.

When the bidding started the prices increased so fast that people were almost scared by it, in the end, all these pills were bid by Ning Fenghzi for a total of 25,000,000 gold coins.

"Woah, mister I really underestimated how rich you were, 25,000,000 gold coins I have to say I've never seen such a huge amount in my life before so thank you for purchasing my pills"

"Your pills??"

When he realized what Tang San said he was seriously shocked, but hearing what the auctioneer said made him almost vomit blood for spending so much cash,

"Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to inform you that the maker of these pills had sold us a batch of the same pills which would soon be auctioned next month at all our auction houses with the same amount of pills sold at each branch, the maker of these pills was the same person who sold the weapon Powder Shooting Shadow which was previously auctioned and he said that he comes from the Tang Sect, I hope that you would come to the next auction if you want to purchase the same set of pills and please inform your friends about it too"

Ning Fenghzi gave out a wry smile, this kid was too smart, he had baited him to increase the prices of the pills which were sold and create a hype in this auction, he would have noticed his intentions before itself but he had pulled all his attention onto the pills and made him think that they wouldn't be sold again making him bid for it without thinking.

"Haha, Kid, you've truly pulled one over me this time"

"Sorry about that, how about I compensate you for your troubles??"

"I spent nearly 35,000,000 because of you, if I had bid properly I would have spent only 25 or 30 million instead"

"Well, in that case, how about I give you this instead"

Saying that he took out a jade box, it was a box which could be bought anywhere but when he opened it a rich fragrance spread out from it, if he didn't close the box then they would have attracted the attention of everyone in the auction.

"This herb is called 'Beautiful Silk Tulip', it's an immortal herb and maybe the last of its kind in this continent, for others it may have a good effect on their body but for you it may as well be priceless, but even if I explain how important it would be to you, you wouldn't understand it yet so I'll just give it to you instead. There is a special method to use this herb but I'll leave that for you to figure out"

"Well though the herb has a good fragrance it doesn't seem that special but since it's a gift I'll happily accept it"

After he took the herb he kept it in his space ring and didn't bother about it anymore, he knew that he wouldn't place much importance to this herb yet but when he finds out the actual use of the herb he would have acknowledged it.

After that the auction proceeded as usual and when they saw that it was a girl being sold as the next 'item' it didn't sit well with them, she had a spirit variation due to which she had cat ears growing on her, Tang San who saw that was a little tempted to buy her but refrained in the end. He knew that Ning Fenghzi would buy her but she was proven wrong when he saw that he didn't bother with the bidding now he knew that he had f_u_c_k_e_d up since he had forced him to bid too much in the previous rounds of the auction he wants to save as much as he can now.

He then saw Hongjin and got an idea, he asked him,

"Don't you think that girl is pitiful??"

"Well we can't do anything, this is really common in the empire most slaves are raised from childhood but it seems that she was captured recently if I had the cash to spare then I would have surely bought her"

"Do you think we can buy her and set her free??"

"I wouldn't advise that, these girls have been stripped from their livelihood and even if you set them free they won't know how to survive as for this girls, just having those ears is enough for a lot of people to target her so even if you free her now it wouldn't matter much as she would end up being caught by someone else and would lose her freedom again"

"That's pitiful isn't it"

Ma Hongjin then said,

"Curse those fat nobles, how can they just ignore people's lives and treat them as pets"

"Well in that case, here you go, do what you want and do know that we only need to pay half"

Tang San handed his deposit card and told Ma Hongjin to bid if he wants and left everything to fate after that,

"B-Brother San, what is this??"

"Well don't you want to save her, this is me giving you a chance to do so"

"B-But why me??"

"Well it doesn't have to be you per se, but wouldn't it be nice to be a hero who saves the damsel in distress"

Saying that he just closed his eyes and left Ma Hongjin to choose, he only saved this girl because unlike the others she still had some will to live and he can't just go around saving every woman who needs help so he found the perfect scapegoat for this job. If Ma Hongjin knew what he was thinking then he would curse out loud, but he didn't so there was nothing he could do.

After thinking for a while Hongjin just grit his teeth and just placed a bid on the young girl, it was currently at 1,500,000 so he bid for 1,510,000. Soon after bidding for a while the final price rose up to nearly 1,640,000 which exceeded their deposit but since they only had to pay half he didn't bother about it.

Ma Hongjin gave Tang San the card back and gave out a sigh of relief, he had won but 820,000 was still a huge amount for him.

"Brother San, what should I do now??"

"Well since you bought her you should take care of her, she doesn't look too old around 11 or 12 years I guess, you can train her to be your maid or attendant and it seems that she's also a Spirit Master after seeing if she has any talent then you can even spend some resources on her to train her and you can even talk to Dean Flender and get her to work at the academy or something but it's all up to you so do whatever you want"

"Eh, but brother san didn't you pay for her shouldn't you be the one to decide??"

"Well technically you're the one who bid for her so you should be the one to take care of her and since you have so much free time these days you should be able to deal with all this"

Saying that Tang San just looked ahead not bothering to listen to Hongjin anymore. After that was done, they took away the cage and brought out a box which was covered by a red silk cloth, it looked quite grand so he didn't know what it was for, he remembered the guy from the auction house telling him that there would be two items which would be worthwhile to check out, this must have been the second item.

"Dear bidders this item was something which our auction house was able to find by luck and it wasn't easy to find, the starting price is set at 5,000,000 with each bid no lesser than 100,000"

He then unveiled the item and opened the box, seeing what was inside made Tang San have a huge gasp of air.

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