Douluo Dalu System

Chapter 71 - Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament

With the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament only one week away a lot of Academies were in a hurry with their last-minute preparations, of course even Shrek had its worries, they still hadn't decided who the substitute members would be, when Liu Erlong was still the Dean of the Academy she had a team prepared to participate in the tournament but with the entrance of Shrek's Seven Devils the whole thing changed and only a few members from the original team were left.

The new subs for Shrek's team were -

Tai Long - Vigorous Orangutan - Rank 38

Huang Yan - Lone Wolf - Rank 35

Jing Ling - Skeleton - Rank 35

Jiang Zhu - Healing Scepter - Rank 35

Xie Lingling - Nine Hearts Apple - Rank 48

The youngest among them was Jiang Zhu who was 18 years old and Xie Lingling who was 17, currently, they were in the meeting room of the academy along with Grandmaster, he was giving out a lecture on the how to's of the tournament.

The rules were so long that they almost felt dizzy listening to them,

"Grandmaster why should we bother about rules?? Isn't it fine as long as we win everything??"

Ma Hongjin naturally protested to this boring discussion, he had almost fallen asleep a few times too, Oscar was checking out Jiang Zhu from the start and was also barely paying attention, Xiao Wu and Rongrong were gossiping, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai looked like they were paying attention but he knew that they were somehow sleeping with their eyes open, Tang San and the four substitutes were the only ones paying attention this made grandmaster to let out a huge sigh, not everyone can be like Tang San.

On the day of the tournament,

In Heaven Dou Capital where the tournament was being held a lot of Spirit Masters had gathered from various Academies and the Spirit Arena was remodeled into the competition stage for the Tournament. A lot of spectators were also here to watch the qualifiers of the tournament, it was like a festival in the city.

Ning Rongrong shouted, this would be the first time for all of them to see so many people gathered at once, only Tang San kept a straight face, even the usually cold Zhu Zhuqing was excited from the atmosphere. For Tang San, this amount of people was nothing, he had seen tens of thousands of people gathered during his first life.

He had once gone to the Vatican due to the pope contacting a severe disease and to visit and pray for him a lot of people had gathered compared to that this was less.

All the Shrek Devils were wearing a green colored dress, it was an odd color, somewhat between yellow and green, Dai Mubai had called it Snot Green. There was an emerald design on the front which was the Shrek Academy's Logo and on the back a few words saying - Looking for Advertisers.

This made all of the Seven Devils and the substitutes embarrassed, they cursed their cheapskate principal for making them wear this. Upon seeing this a lot of people started to comment on them, naturally Flender, Grandmaster and the rest of the teachers had long fled leaving them to fend for themselves.

They all let out a silent drop of tear.

In the VIP platform, Tang San saw a few familiar faces the Prince of Heaven Dou Xue Xing, the Three committee members of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, The Emperor of Heaven Dou, on his left was a bishop of Spirit Hall, while on the right of the Emperor was a person he was quite familiar with Ning Fenghzi.

When he saw him, he was nervous but he didn't show it on his face, how was he supposed to face him when he had already cooked the rice with his daughter. By coincidence, their eyes met and Ning Fenghzi nodded slightly, seeing that Tang San also nervously nodded.

Ning Fenghzi saw the nervousness on his face but he didn't understand why he was so nervous but thought that it was due to the Tournament and didn't pay much attention.

"Preselection competition first round, Blue Sunshine Academy versus Purple Star Academy."

"Preselection competition first round, Auckland Academy versus Blazing Radiance Academy."

"Preselection competition first round, Heaven Dou Imperial Academy versus Shrek Academy."

When they all heard Shrek Academy the faces of the participating Shrek Seven Devils dropped slightly, they had hoped to convince Flender to remove the advertis_e_m_e_nts or if worst comes to worst Tang San had decided to buy the advertis_e_m_e_nt rights for Tang Sect.

But with the match starting now they had no option but to go up with these dresses, a few people were jeering at them saying that they had set the matches up and were favoring the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. But Bishop Salas announced,

"I personally drew the lots there was no chance of any matches being fixed and I hereby declare that for any spirit masters academy reaching the finals the spirit hall will make an exception and let the participating spirit masters enter into the Spirit Temple directly"

This surprised all the spirit masters, the spirit hall's spirit temple was the most important place apart from the Pontiff's Hall and the Douluo Palace, it was every spirit master's dream to enter the spirit temple so everyone was motivated to the matches.

But the Emperor's expression was slightly dropped, the spirit hall openly recruiting the elites of the Empire was a n_a_k_e_d provocation to the Emperor's authority but the Emperor didn't say anything and looked at the bishop with a cold face.

Tang San also noticed this, he was able to observe this using his [Red God's Eye] this meant that the conflict between the Heaven Dou Empire and Spirit Hall existed and that he would surely get involved into it. He was happy that the conflict existed if it didn't then he would need to face the Spirit Hall by himself and that would be more problematic.

But when they got into positions everyone was surprised, they all jeered had Shrek given up the match??

In the VIP stands, even Ning Fenghzi was a little surprised at how bold Shrek was for their first match. He knew that the Heaven Dou Team wouldn't be able to match even one from Shrek's team, but even he was still under the assumption that they were all still Spirit Ancestors.

They had no positions, it was only Dai Mubai standing right at the front with Jiang Zhu right behind him. Tang San and the remaining 5 participants were chatting among themselves, this made the Heaven Dou Team ridicule them and they released their spirit rings, they were all Spirit Ancestors and they all had an ideal ring combination.

With their noble background, getting an ideal spirit ring combination isn't that difficult for them.

In the VIP stands, they were also discussing this,

Prince Xue Xing jeered at Shrek,

"These bumpkins are tarnishing Heaven Dou's reputation, this match will be an instant victory, they aren't even trying for god's sake"

Ning Fenghzi said,

"I agree with Prince Xing, this match will be an instant victory"

One of the committee members of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy commented from the side,

But from Shrek's side, only Dai Mubai and Jiang Zhu released their rings and the whole stadium became quiet, there was a pin drop silence that's how shocked they all were, even the VIP stands was silent,

Jiang Zhu had an ideal combination and was also a spirit elder with three rings but Dai Mubai's two black rings were seriously shocking, his fourth ring was a black ten thousand year ring!!!

Emperor Xue Ye then remembered Ning Fenghzi's comment and asked him,

"Schoolmaster Ning, it seems this is the school you were confident about wasn't it?? Was this school supported by your School??"

"Haha, Emperor Xue, you surely jest, it's just that my daughter is in this school and she is also participating it's just that she didn't participate in today's match that's all. This kid with the ten thousand year ring is the leader of the team, originally they were going to join the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy but were rejected by Prince Xue Xing which lead them to join another academy in the capital, the Blue Thunder Academy which is now the Shrek Academy"

Hearing that he remembered the Heaven Dou's Academy committee members remark and glared at Xue Xing. A spirit king under 20 years of age this was a true talent and his brother had let such a talent get away from their hands, how could he not be angry.

The match wasn't anything surprising, it just ended in a minute with the Heaven Dou Academy's total wipeout, but what infuriated Prince Xue Xing was that they healed them after defeating them, it was a humiliation. How could they let the opponents healing spirit master heal them!!

After the match, the whole crowd was cheering for them, though they all still kept their hoods on to avoid losing face because of their dresses.


Ning Rongrong was surprised to see her father though she was nervous she still rushed and hugged him. He was quite surprised by the mood of the team but he understood when he saw the words written on their backs. 'Looking for advertisers'

He formed up his own theory of why Tang San was nervous before the match, he just hugged his daughter and didn't seem to notice anything.

"Haha, Rong'er your academy didn't leave the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy any face did you??"

"Hmph, we were only taking back some debt which was due"


Hearing her way of putting the situation the Shreks Seven Devils all laughed, the five substitutes didn't understand but Xie Lingling understood right away and explained it to the rest of them.

"Well leaving that aside won't you introduce me to your team, especially to the two who fought in the match today??"

"Of course!! The black-haired boy with the odd eyes is Dai Mubai and his spirit is the White Tiger and is a rank 58 Spirit King and the girl with the maroon hair is Jiang Zhu, her spirit is a healing scepter and she's a really good healing support, one of the two in our team she's only 35th rank but she's only 18 years old which is pretty good for a support type"

When she said Food Type spirit master and rank 55 at the same time he looked quite deeply at Oscar.

"Then you naturally know Tang San, apart from a few more spirit rings he's practically the same"

He gave a wry smile, she had completely avoided going into details and even her voice had changed, he was able to figure out the relationship between the two of them. This made him quite happy, having Tang San as a son-in-law would be perfect according to his evaluation, he was the most talented youth he had ever seen but more importantly, his character was exceptional even he would be on guard against him.

"Then the next would be Fatty, his actual name is Ma Hongjin and he's recently lost some weight but we still call him fatty, he's a Rank 56 Spirit King and his spirit is fire phoenix"

Ning Fengzhi's eyes widened when he heard his spirit, no matter what dragons and phoenixes were top-rated spirits in the spirit master world and his was a fire phoenix.

"Then the next would be Xiao Wu, she's the oldest of us girls and her spirit is Soft Bones Rabbit Queen and she's a Rank 55 Spirit King"

When he heard that he was astonished how come all of them were Spirit Kings!!

"Rongrong, you're not going to tell me that they're all spirit kings, are they?? Wait, what's your current rank??"

"Of course everyone is at least a Spirit King in the Seven Devils but the newer members are only Spirit Elders and Spirit Ancestors but they're quite good too. My current rank is 56"

His eyes widened when she said that, he was truly shocked, he had expected that maybe Tang San might become a Spirit King before the tournament but that was only a Rank 50 or 51 even he wouldn't have expected that they would all be spirit kings.

Rongrong then introduced Zhu Zhuqing,

"She's Zhu Zhuqing, her spirit is the Hell Moon Civet and she's a Rank 61 Spirit Emperor"

"A what!!!"

He couldn't keep himself back this time, these youth's were hardly only 15 or 16 years old yet they were already Spirit Kings and there was even one Spirit Emperor among them!!

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