Douluo Dalu - The Story of Sheng Feilong

11 Literally Kicking His Butt!

Hey there, Yozuka here!

Time's up for the poll!

First of all, thank you very much for all your votes!

The end result was very clear with 84% being leaned towards one answer.

As decided by the poll, Sheng Feilong will indeed awaken a second Spirit Soul.

As I said before, I already have a plan for what it'll be and a rough concept of how to incorperate it into the story. However, that will not happen for at least the next 10 to 15 chapters.

Therefore, I don't wish to go into too much detail about it. As mentioned before, the Spirit Soul has been inspired by an 1997 Anime and will be of the darkness element. As for why it didn't awake naturally like his Spirit Eyes, take note of the Awakening Ceremony Sheng Feilong went through and how it is different from the ceremony described in the original Douluo Dalu novels. Please trust me when I tell you that everything will explain itself later and any major differences to the original have their reasons (at least all of them I conciously put in and didn't just got wrong.)

Link to the poll's results ( Screenshot taken at 00:09, November 21st GMT+1):

Without further ado, please enjoy todays chapter!

It was incredibly satisfying to write and I hope you'll like it!


Sheng Feilong and Xiao Yuewu stood 10 meters apart on the big arena. Both of them staring at each other and waiting for the fight to begin. A second year student had ascended the arena with them and stood at the side to act as the referee. Apparently, even the higher grades knew about the fight. He lifted his hand and announced with a loud voice.

"First year student Sheng Feilong versus first year student Xiao Yuewu. Both combatants on your marks! Ready? Fight!"

He abruptly lowered his hand as a signal to begin the fight.

In nearly the same moment, Xiao Yuewu's Soul Power surged and a bright, yellow Soul Ring sprung into existence behind his back as two curved, black and white daggers appeared in his hands. His Soul Ring lit up and a hazy, light green aura enveloped his body. That was Xiao Yuewu's first Soul Skill – Wind Enhancement!

Wind Enhancement greatly increases the users speed and, while being of the wind element, could still be used by any Soul Master, making it a perfect match for Agility Type Soul Masters. With the boost from his Soul Skill, Xiao Yuewu brandished his daggers and dashed towards Sheng Feilong with astonishing speed!

If it was a month ago, Sheng Feilong would definitely be flustered by this however, after his training with Song Weihan and the things he learned about being a Control System Soul Master, he couldn't hope for more than a opponent mindlessly dashing towards him!

Sheng Feilong quickly made look to unprepared and flustered while he used his Spirit Eyes and activated his first Soul Skill – Toad Prison. He felt his Spirit Power trap Xiao Yuewu in his illusion without much resistance, as the latter had a quite low Spirit Power, before than hastily taking a few steps to his right.

Inside the illusion, Xiao Yuewu saw Sheng Feilongs flustered expression before the latters Soul Ring lit up, making Xiao Yuewus head buzz a bit. Sheng Feilong definitely used a Spirit Attack to make him lose focus before, too bad his Spirit Power wasn't strong enough! He than saw Sheng Feilong jump back and use his Soul Power to create a light blue barrier in front of himself to avoid Xiao Yuewus attack.

Xiao Yuewu grinned and used the dagger in his left hand to attack Sheng Feilongs barrier and dissipate it with a single attack. Such a weak and hastily made barrier couldn't stop his assault in the slightest! He than used his other dagger to stab towards Sheng Feilong's shoulder, piercing it easily and ending the fight in an instant with Sheng Feilong being badly hurt! …Or so he thought..!

The Sheng Feilong he just stabbed suddenly stopped moving and with poof, he turned into over a dozen cauliflowers that flew into all directions! Xiao Yuewu pulled back his dagger and swung his head to the side to dodge one of the cauliflowers, before exclaiming in shock!

"Cauliflowers?! Where did they- ugh!"

In the real world, the crowd saw Xiao Yuewu activate his Soul Skill and madly dash towards Sheng Feilong who also activated his Soul Skill in return before taking a few steps to the side. They than saw Xiao Yuewu dash past Sheng Feilong and attack the air with a powerful downward slash from his left dagger before taking another step forward and piercing the air with his right dagger. He than grinned like a fool, before looking shocked and taking a step back.

"Cauliflowers?! Where did they- ugh!"

By now Sheng Feilong had already circiled behind his back, lifted his leg and strongly kicked Xiao Yuewu's butt in a fluid motion!

Xiao Yuewu fell to the ground after a strong kick and landed face first on the arena's stone surface. He quickly turned around only to see Sheng Feilong coldly smiling at him with his hands in his pockets!


"When did you-?!" Before he could finish his words, Sheng Feilong pulled his hands out of his pockets and madly dashed at him, trying to hit him in the face! Xiao Yuewu quickly rolled to the side and than sprung to his feet. Sheng Feilong quickly repositioned himself before charging at Xiao Yuewu again. The latter quickly dodged Sheng Feilong's fist before slashing at his stomach, injuring him heavily! … Or so he thought..!

The Sheng Feilong he just slashed again exploded into cauliflowers, nearly causing to fall Xiao Yuewu to the ground, not knowing what just happened, before he was ruthlessly kicked in the butt again, tripping and falling to the ground!

Outside of the still existing illusion, the crowd, which by now stopped cheering and instead stared at Xiao Yuewu like he was an idiot, saw the latter being kicked to the ground, than stare at Sheng Feilong before he rolled on the ground and sprung to his feet. Xiao Yuewu quickly took a step to the side and slashed at the air again, only to then stop moving and stare at the air, giving Sheng Feilong enough time to casually stroll around his back and lift his leg before kicking Xiao Yuewu's butt again, causing the latter to fall to the ground, again!

Xiao Yuewu turned around, sat up and once again, stared at Sheng Feilong casually standing behind himself with his hands in his pockets. Sheng Feilong still looked at Xiao Yuewu with the same cold, but mocking smile on his face.

"Two! Do you want to continue? Or do you admit defeat?"

Xiao Yuewu was about to lose his mind, he was just kicked ruthlessly kicked in the butt by that prick, Sheng Feilong, who even dared to make fun of him afterwards! He forcefully calmed himself down and tried to analyse the situation.

'How did he do that? Where did he get those cauliflowers?! No, wait! It must be related to his Spirit Soul! He most probably has a second Spirit Soul! Twin Spirit Souls, damn it!'

Xiao Yuewu stood up and looked at Sheng Feilong with an ice cold expression.

"I get it. Not bad, you got me good. To think you actually hid your second Spirit Soul, hmpf. So, what is it? Is it related to the space element and allows you to teleport? Or is it a plant Spirit related to cauliflowers? Whatever, now that I figured it out, you have already lost. I'll show you what true strength is!"

The crowd didn't know what to say to Xiao Yuewu's sudden exclamation. Second Spirit Soul? Cauliflowers? What was he talking about? Many people started muttering amongst themselves and Jian Wang looked at Xiao Yuewu weirdly before quietly asking the person next to him.

"What is Xiao Yuewu talking about? He couldn't have hit his head when he fell down, could he..?"

The person shook his head, but before he could answer, he gasped in surprise as he saw Sheng Feilong take a few steps to the side again and Xiao Yuewu madly charging at the position Sheng Feilong stood in before, with a face red from anger!

"Sheng Feilong, I'll break your legs, how dare you insult my mother!"

Xiao Yuewu madly slashed at the air where Sheng Feilong stood before, while the latter, again, casually strolled around the arena, stopped behind Xiao Yuewu's back, lifted his leg and kicked Xiao Yuewu in the butt before exclaiming.

"Three! We can always stop if you want to."

Sheng Feilong than took a few steps to the side again, strolled around the arena while Xiao Yuewu jumped around, slashed the air and cried in raged, before being kicked in the butt!

This continued for also half an hour. By now, the crowd was dead silent, many of them seriously concerned about Xiao Yuewu's mental health, as he jumped about, slashed the air and threw profanities and insults left and right, while seemingly just waiting to be kicked in the butt.

At last, they again heard Sheng Feilong exclaim after kicking Xiao Yuewu to the ground.

"52! You know, I'm really getting bored now. Well, I admit defeat, I guess. It's your win, congratulations!"

On the arena, Xiao Yuewu laid on his back, his hair and face riddled with dust, all limbs stretched away from his body, while his Spirit Soul dagger's had long since disappeared. He just stared at the sky, mindlessly mumbling something about cauliflowers while breathing heavily. He was totally exhausted and will probably never eat cauliflowers in his life again!

Sheng Feilong happily skipped down the arena, his hands still in his pockets, as he made his way to the Academy's entrance. The crowd opened a path for him naturally, still shocked about what they just witnessed. From start to finish, Sheng Feilong didn't use a single hand, he just kicked Xiao Yuewu in the butt again and again!

When Sheng Feilong reached the Academy's gates, he saw Sheng Lingtian, already wating for him, next to his Purple Mecha, so he hurredly run over while smiling brightly. Sheng Lingtian retuned the smile, not forgetting to add a witty remark.

"Oh, Feilong. What's wrong, why are you smiling so happily? Are you that glad to see your father?"

Sheng Feilong continued smiling and ruthlessly shattered his father's hope for love.

"Not really. I'm just in a good mood. I made a few friends today... And kicked someone's butt!"

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