She Meixiao laughed lightly when she heard Sheng Feilong's answer. "I see. Since I already issued an invitation to her, she can naturally join Daedalus whenever she wishes; She just needs to ask. So, if she comes up to you, just come visit me together."

"Thank you, Master..." Sheng Feilong nodded with a genuine smile which She Meixiao returned. "Let's just eat for now, I'm also getting hungry by now" Sheng Feilong once again nodded and started to dig in into his food.

The two of them continued to talk about small stuff while they were eating and Sheng Feilong soon finished up. He waited for She Meixiao to finish as well, but the latter once again smiled at him. "You don't need to wait for me. Rather than that, you should go and cultivate. There's nothing more to do today, so you'll find me in my room later."

Sheng Feilong hesitated for a moment, but soon bowed lightly to She Meixiao and then left the dining hall. She Meixiao continued her meal alone and lightly smiled. "Why don't you take seat as well? It's rude to stare at people like that."

The room was silent for a moment and She Meixiao just lightly looked across the table. Soon, a figure stepped out from the shadows and sat down at the table with a frown on their face. "She Meixiao, is Daedalus trying to poach away our students once again? Are you not satisfied with just Sheng Feilong?"

"Elder Cai, please. Poaching is such a hard word. I had just been giving out a light invitation. With all due respect, I think it would be Shrek Academy's fault for not being able to kep their students with them, no?" She Meixiao spoke in a respectful tone, once again with a faint, faked smile on her face as she stared at Elder Cai in the seat across from her.

Elder Cai's face darkened and she continued to stare at She Meixiao with a cold expression. "Consider this a warning. Keep your distance from out students. Especially Yuanen Yehui; You know exactly why we keep watch on her."

For the first time in a long while, She Meixiao's face darkened as well. She dropped the pretentious smile and faced Elder Cai with a frosty expression, her voice just as icy. "Oh, I know perfectly well why you keep watch on her. Why you make sure she doesn't get too powerful. And also why you intend to cripple her before she becomes a Titled Douluo. Have you already forgotten that Yun Ming was the one who asked Daedalus for help, Cai Yue'er?"

A cold snort escaped Elder Cai's mouth before she continued to speak. "And, once again, Daedalus tries to put the blame on others. Wasn't it Daedalus that said that there would be no other option to prevent the invasion? You, the 'experts' in this regard, were unable to come up with any viable solution, forcing us to use such pitiful methods."

"Back then, we didn't have any other options, but you have personally witnessed just how powerful Feilong's Spirit Essence is; With it, we will be able to effortlessly prevent-" Before She Meixiao could finish, Elder Cai abruptly cut her off. "You want me to leave the chances with a boy who can't even control his own anger issues? The demon Yuanen Yehui summoned through the Gates of Hell was merely a lowly servant at best, yet he nearly lost control. And you want to leave something like the long planned invasion of a Demon King in his hands? Have you become muddled, She Meixiao?"

She Meixiao's expression darkened even more and her voice grew colder accordingly. "His Spirit Essence awakened less than a year ago, yet he is already able to control it to this degree. His mind and spirit will only become more firm as time passes and as he becomes stronger. I'd rather put my faith in him than simply destroying the future of one of the most talented Soul Masters of this generation."

"You are delusional! Put your faith in him? In a irrational boy, who couldn't even control his anger and nearly started a war between the Douluo and Star Luo continent all alone – How very reliable he is!" Elder Cai spoke with a incredulous expression. Then continued with an irritated tone. "Rather relying on luck than to search for a foolproof method to deal with the situation; You really take after She Tianhao in this regard."

The atmosphere around their table suddenly got heavy and oppressive as She Meixiao released her Soul Power. She stared at Elder Cai with murderous intent and her voice was completely devoid of any warmth at this point. "Don't you ever dare to speak of my father like that again."

Elder Cai snorted once again, looking at She Meixiao. "Am I wrong? If it wasn't for your father's blind faith, your previous disciple wouldn't have met such a bitter end. And if it wasn't for She Tianhao's personal strength, we would already be dead as well-"

"Shut your mouth before I take your head!" She Meixiao's expression was livid; Another single word from Elder Cai and she would disregard all pretenses. Elder Cai noticed this and stood up with a grim expression. "I see you're not able to have a civil conversation about this, yet. I'll take my leave then; Keep your distance from Shrek Academy's students."

Elder Cai left without waiting any longer, leaving only She Meixiao behind. The latter took a few minutes to calm down again, before getting up and leaving the dining hall as well, ignoring the half eaten food on the table.


Sheng Feilong had already returned to his room and currently sat on his bed with a calm expression. He took a deep breath and started meditating. Without knowing what transpired between She Meixiao and Elder Cai, he quickly adjusted his breathing and started cultivating just as She Meixiao had told him to do.

About two hours passed silently while Sheng Feilong absorbed the Soul Power around him. After that time, he slowly opened his eyes with a content expression; While it wasn't enough for him to make a breakthrough, he felt like it was enough for today and stopped.

After that he started going through a few books on Mecha Making that he had brought from the Douluo Continent, before he started to train his Spirit Power after another hour. Like this, Sheng Feilong spent the whole afternoon – from lunch until dinner time – silently inside his own room.

He finished his training up and went for a quick shower, then went over to She Meixiao's room and asked her whether she wanted to join him for dinner. She agreed and the two of them entered the dining hall. Unlike during lunch time, the hall was packed with people this time.

She Meixiao and Sheng Feilong passed a table where the people from Shrek Academy, including Elder Cai and Teacher Wu Zhangkong, sat. Sheng Feilong nodded towards them, but went for another table with She Meixiao. Neither he, any of the other students nor Wu Zhangkong notice the frosty atmosphere between Elder Cai and She Meixiao.

The atmosphere at Shrek Academy's table was jubilant and everyone was happily chatting with each other. Only Yuanen Yehui seemed more distant than usual. Xie Xie asked her about it, but she just replied that she was tired this day, so no one asked any further. Sheng Feilong and She Meixiao finished their dinner and returned to their respective rooms.

The next day, Sheng Feilong was packing his stuff as they would soon set out to the next city. Most of it was still in his Spacial Ring, so he didn't have much to pack anyways, but he stopped what he was doing when someone knocked on his door. He went to open it and was rather pleasantly surprised. "Yuanen? What brings you here?"

YuanenYehui nodded lightly. "Do you have some time?" Sheng Feilong wasn't sure what was going on, but still replied with a friendly smile. "Sure. Come in." The went inside the room and sat down at the table when Yuanen Yehui directly started to speak. "I spoke to Tang Wulin yesterday."

"Okay." Sheng Feilong nodded his head. He didn't expect her to bring this up so fast, but wasn't too surprised about it. Yuanen Yehui continued with a calm expression. "He told me that you really called him and that he saw you and Senior She with Gu Yue. That you claimed she had attacked you and that he was knocked out by Senior She soon after. Gu Yue didn't tell him what happened, but he woke up later with her by his side."

Sheng Feilong nodded again. "Yeah, that's about right. We let Gu Yue go after she toldus what we wanted to know. And she took Tang Wulin with her." Yuanen Yehui had a serious expression on her face. "So, she really attacked you? Because of your second Spirit Essence?"

Sheng Feilong hesitated for a moment, but then decided to just tell her what he knew. "Yes. After that, Master followed her to her room to see what she was up to, but she was attacked by another powerful Soul Master. That's the main reason we're so certain that Shrek Academy is involved: That Soul Master was powerful enough to heavily injure my master, a Hyper Douluo with a Four Word Battle Armour."

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