Sheng Feilong was surprised by She Meixiao's sudden compassion for Yuanen Yehui's situation, but didn't question it; He was concerned about Yuanen Yehui, Xu Lizhi and the others as well, especially since Elder Cai didn't seem to help them at all.

Yuanen Yehui told them where they currently were after which She Meixiao checked her Soul Communicator. She looked at a map and how to get there the fast before speaking to Yuanen Yehui again. "It'll take a while until we arrive in the next city and from there, we can take another train directly to you. We'll be there in the evening. For now, try to calm the others down. We'll help you."

Yuanen Yehui thanked She Meixiao and they soon ended the call. Sheng Feilong put his Soul Communicator away and looked at She Meixiao. "...Is it really okay, Master?" She understood what he meant and smiled slightly. "They are your friends, aren't they? Of course it's alright. We don't have a strict schedule to begin with, so there's no need to worry."

Huang Jialong, who had remained silent for the whole time until now, looked at the two of them slightly confused. "Who was that? I know this Tang Wulin you mentioned, so was this another one of the Shrek Academy students for the Douluo Continent?"

"Yes. Yuanen Yehui is a student. She's the girl with the Fallen Angel and Titan Giant Ape Spirit Essences." Sheng Feilong replied with a nod. Huang Jialong thought about it for a moment before remembering her. "The one who defeated Monster Academy's Shadow King?"

Sheng Feilong nodded again, causing Huang Jialong gasp lightly in understanding, then She Meixiao spoke up again. "We still have around two hours before we reach the next city. I've booked tickets for us to go to the city Yuanen Yehui, but we'll have to hurry when we arrive; The train is supposed to set out shortly after we get there."

The two boys nodded. For Soul Masters of their level, hurrying a bit to get a train wasn't a problem and they would get there in less than a minute, even if they had to cross the whole station. Sheng Feilong noticed that She Meixiao seemed to want to say something else and looked at her.

The latter hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Feilong, I'm planning to recruit Yuanen Yehui when we meet her this time." He wasn't really surprised by that and simply nodded his head with a calm expression, but She Meixiao spoke up again. "I'm not talking about initiating another invitation."

"What do you mean, Master..?" This time, Sheng Feilong was confused and She Meixiao's expression got more serious before she answered. "I'm talking about actively trying to recruit her. Her faith in Shrek Academy is currently extremely low, which is perfect for us. I will try to manipulate her into thinking that coming with us is the best method."

Sheng Feilong's expression fell, but he didn't say anything and just listened as She Meixiao continued. "I know you won't like that, but it's our best chance. I have to think of Daedalus' benefit, after all, and I really want to help her. But with Shrek academy tying her down, there isn't much I can do. However, I will not force her to join us; It will still be her own decision. I just want the two of you to know that."

Huang Jialong promptly nodded his head; He didn't know much about Yuanen Yehui other than she is quite strong as well as talented, so he felt it normal for She Meixiao to try to recruit her. Sheng Feilong remained quiet for a while, but then sighed and looked at She Meixiao again. "Is this really the best for her?"

She Meixiao's expression grew solemn. "It's also for the sake of Daedalus. But I wholeheartedly believe that it is the best for her as well, as we can actually help her with the problem regarding her Spirit Essence. Shrek Academy can't – or at least won't – because they refuse to take chances."

Sheng Feilong agreed to her with a nod. "I'll try to help as best as I can." Still, he wasn't fully convinced by this, especially about the manipulation part, but he trusts She Meixiao enough to believe that she really only had the best for Yuanen Yehui in mind.

For the rest of the ride, Sheng Feilong remained quiet. They arrived at the next city and hurriedly made their way to the next train, going into the same direction they came from for some time, but soon took a turn, heading to the city Yuanen Yehui told them. Sheng Feilong still remained quiet, resigning with the current situation, but mostly because he was worried about Yuanen Yehui and the others.

In the evening of the same day, they arrived at their destination and Sheng Feilong called Yuanen Yehui, asking her to come to a rather quiet place in the middle of the city, away from Elder Cai, so that they could talk.

Soon after, Yuanen Yehui arrived at the restaurant, though, unexpectedly with Xu Lizhi, the other Shrek students minus Gu Yue, and even Teacher Wu Zhangkong in tow. She Meixiao was a bit surprised at this and frowned lightly, enough for Sheng Feilong to notice, but her expression quickly returned to a gentle smile as she invited everyone in to the private room she had booked.

All of the Shrek students seemed distressed, though calmer than when Yuanen Yehui called. Sheng Feilong smiled lightly while he sat on the table, though also surprised. "All of you came. It's good to see you again..."

"Feilong, do you really know something? You know where the captain is?" Xu Xiaoyan spoke up with an agitated tone. She was the youngest of the bunch and also one of the people who knew Tang Wulin the longest. Though, before he could answer, She Meixiao smiled at them. "Now, calm down first. Take a seat, everyone."

Her voice was very calm, which seemed to influence the others somewhat and they did as they were told. A moment later, She Meixiao looked at Wu Zhangkong. "Teacher Wu, I'd like to hear the current matter of facts from you. So far, I've only heard from Yuanen Yehui that Shrek Academy refuses to look for Tang Wulin and wants all of you to return to the Douluo Continent?"

Her words seemed normal and filled with concern; If Sheng Feilong didn't know about her intentions beforehand, he would believe her that she was extremely concerned about this matter without a doubt. However, he also couldn't help but frown; He didn't expect She Meixiao to begin by trying to manipulate them as soon as they started talking.

Wu Zhangkong didn't seem to catch on to that and instead nodded with a frown on his face and a concerned expression. "Yes. After we've heard about the matter from Elder Cai, she told us we are to return to the Douluo Continent in a week, just as planned before. However, after trying to persuade her for a long while, she agreed to report back to the Pavilion Master that we would stay for a while longer to wait for any news of Tang Wulin."

Wu Zhangkong was known for his cold expressions and calm and collected demeanor, but it was obvious how distressed about this matter he was, just from his voice. Sheng Feilong had heard from Tang Wulin and the others that Wu Zhangkong was their teacher for their time at the Intermediate Academy and that he was the one that brought them to Shrek in the first place.

She Meixiao didn't know that, but also managed to interpret his voice without trouble. She sighed lightly and nodded at him. "I see. It's good that you got more time." She turned more serious and looked at everyone at the table. "Our organisation, Daedalus, is also investigating this matter ever since we've heard of it. It's extremely rare for spacial pathways that remained for a long time like the entrance to the Dragon Valley to collapse without any warnings. It's even stranger that everyone except Tang Wulin managed to get out."

"You mean, it might not have been an accident?" Her words left everyone agitated and Yue Zhengyu was the first to question what she implied, but She Meixiao shoko her head lightly. "I don't know. All I'm saying is, that it is weird. Even more so considering Tang Wulin's personality. You know that even better than me; He is hot headed, but also very calculative and knows when to advance and retreat. I don't believe that he would be so reckless to remain while everyone clearly had the time to retreat."

The room went silent for a moment, before She Meixiao once more spoke up with a low voice. "We assume that something must have happened inside the Dragon Valley. Currently, we can't get much more information in the short time, but the Tang Sect also doesn't know much more; No one can enter the Dragon Valley."

She paused, looking around for a moment before once more speaking with a frown; A careful approach to consolidate something that Yuanen Yehui also knew about. "...Gu Yue didn't come with you?" Her eyes were sharp, enough for Yuanen Yehui no notice and the latter frowned. Ye Xinglan spoke up in a quiet voice. "She's been locked up in her room ever since we've heard of what happened. And she refuses to come out; She doesn't even acknowledge us when we try to talk with her."

She Meixiao frowned once again, causing Yuanen Yehui to look even more distressed, while everyone else was visibly confused. "So, no one had seen her ever since the accident in the Dragon Valley..? What was she doing before..?"

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