"We pay our respects to senior Spirit Flamingo Douluo!"

Spirit Flamingo Douluo, Song Weihan? That's right, Song Weihan had already reached Rank 90 2 years ago! He became a Titled Douluo and his title is Spirit Flamingo. Not only that, but being only of age 36 when he broke through, he also became known as one of the youngest Titled Douluo's on the continent, raising his fame even higher!

Not only that, but just a year after that, another piece of news shocked the whole continent. Song Weihan's research at the Spirit Pagoda's Artificial Spirit Soul Development and Distribution Department had reached a major and critical new breakthrough as well: Together with his team, he had created the first Artificial Soul Bone and successfully fused with it himself!

Although that Artificial Soul Bone was currently only at the level of a 10-years-old Soul Bone, according to Song Weihan himself, the Soul Bone could be improved even after one had fused with it, just like with artificial Spirit Souls! Naturally, everything had its drawbacks. An artificial Soul Bone couldn't be mass produced right off the bat. The process of creation involved thousands of sub procedures and even the slightest mistake or miscalculation would instantly result in a fail, causing the overall success rate to be abysmally low. So far, only 3 Artificial Soul Bones had been successfully created: A right leg bone, a skull bone, and the first Soul Bone, Song Weihan had fused with: A torso bone.

While the whereabouts of the first Soul Bone are clear with Song Weihan having fused with it, reportedly, the right leg Soul Bone was giving to one of the Spirit Pagoda's Top Soul Master, a rank 98 Hyper Douluo who was only missing a right leg Soul Bone to complete a full set of 6 pieces. It has been rumoured that the Skull Soul Bone hasn't been given to anyone, as it's functionality couldn't be guaranteed, yet, though it will probably land in the hands of another top master of the Spirit Pagoda in the near future.

After they paid their respects to Song Weihan, Jian Wang, Jian Shiguan and Jian Wushuang stood up and Song Weihan smiled at them with a nod.

"It's been a while, Master Jian. You're also looking well, little Wang, but who might this young lady be?"

Sheng Feilong flinched. Jian Shiguan was staring at Song Weihan. Or more precisely his hair... He forgot that Jian Shiguan hadn't met Song Weihan before and she didn't know about the situation of the latter's hair. Even worse, Sheng Feilong didn't warn her about it. Just as Sheng Feilong thought about that, he heard Jian Shiguan's voice.

"Whoa. Brother Wang was right, your hair really looks like a chicken's, senior! I'm Jian Shiguan, nice to meet you!"

Jian Wang and Jian Wushuang also froze. Jian Wang remembered the time he called Song Weihan out about his hair and the terrible beating that followed in the name of "hand-to-hand combat training", while Jian Wushuang froze since, well,his niece just told a Titled Douluo that he looks like a chicken! Both of them looked over to Sheng Feilong in seek of help, though, noticing the latter's pale and tense expression, the knew he couldn't save them.

Song Weihan was stunned for a moment before chuckling at Jian Shiguan.

"Nice to meet you as well, but you shouldn't just tell people they look like chickens, you know? The last time little Wang did so, I beat him up!" Saying so, Song Weihan smiled bright, though, it looked more like the smile of the devil for the others.

Jian Shiguan froze for a second as well, innocently blinking at Song Weihan, she than said with a cute expression.

"Ah. Got it, senior. Sorry about that, I didn't want to insult you! Chickens are awesome, though!"

Jiang Wushuang nearly fell to the ground.

'This airhead! How could she be so casual about this! She just insulted a man who could kill our whole family on a whim!' Jian Wushuang knew he had to speak up at this point. Mustering his courage, he took a step forward, trying to explain himself to Song Weihan.

"Senior, this... Please don't take offence of her words, she's just a silly child! She really didn't have a bad intentions!"

Song Weihan still had that bright smile on his face as he casually dismissed Jian Wushuang's comment with a wave of his hand.

"Don't worry about it, Master Jian, no offence taken." He than turned towards Jian Wang. "By the way, little Wang, did you want to join Feilong in his training today?"

Jian Wang immediately had cold sweat run down his back and he spoke with a shaky voice.

"N-No, senior. It's just that Senior Sheng had asked us to bring Feilong here, so- so we were going to go home soon." Song Weihan stopped smiled at him and faked a sad expression, while glancing at Jian Wushuang for a moment.

"Ah, how sad. I hoped Feilong would be able to practise coordinating together with others today. I wouldn't have minded giving you a few pointers on the side. Really, what a shame..."

Jian Wushuang understood the meaning of that glance instantly and he light cleared his throat before looking at Jian Wang.

"Little Wang, no trouble. We can always return home later. It's a rare opportunity to have Senior Spirit Flamingo give you pointer, you should definitely take it!"

Jian Wang was close to tears and looked at Sheng Feilong for support, but the latter's cold eyes directly conveyed his emotions.

'I won't take the blame for this. If I die today, I'll drag you down with me. No chance I'll let you escape.'

Jian Wang could only force a smile while replying to Song Weihan with a light bow.

"Since it's like this, I'll have to ask for Senior's guidance." Song Weihan's mood brightened at the thought of his new punching ba- temporary student. His gaze wandered over to Jian Shiguan, this time with a genuine smile.

"Do you want to join in, too, little Shi? It'll be a good experience for the future."

Jian Shiguan, oblivious of the underlying meaning when the training was offered to Jian Wang, cheerfully nodded her head. She would train with a Titled Douluo today! Who could boast of having such a privilege!

A while later, inside of Song Weihan's personal training area, the three children and Song Weihan stood in the room, where Song Weihan asked them to release their Soul Power and Spirit Souls to see what levels they had reached. Jian Wang proudly stepped up first, releasing his Soul Power of rank 18 and his Mountain Splitting Axe Spirit Soul.

Song Weihan nodded seeing this. He wasn't really surprised by Jian Wang's Rank and he already knew the latter's Spirit Soul.

"Not bad, reaching rank 18 at your age is quite good. Little Shi, come and show me yours."

Jian Wang smiled smugly, clearly content that he was complimented by Song Weihan. Jian Shiguan was a bit nervous. After all, compared to Jian Wang or Sheng Feilong, she lagged behind quite a bit. Taking a step forward, she released her Soul Power and 3 strands of Bluesilver Grass appeared on her hand. Song Weihan took a look at her and was surprised.

"Bluesilver Grass and a Soul Power of rank 11. That's a surprise." Jian Shiguan was downcast when she heard Song Weihan's voice. But before she could say something, he spoke up again.

"Not many people are able to cultivate the Bluesilber Grass, even if they awaken with Innate Soul Power. To reach rank 11 at age ten is an obvious sign of your diligent cultivation. Tell me, what did you choose for your first artificial Spirit Soul and what's the Soul Skill you've obtained?"

Jian Shiguan was stunned. She didn't expect a powerful Soul Master like Song Weihan to compliment her on her Bluesilver Grass. Taking a moment to snap out of her daze, she then quickly answered him and released her Soul Ring.

"My first artificial Spirit Soul is a 10-years-old Thorned Tulip and the Soul Skill I've obtained is called Restricting Vine. It allows me to to bind an opponent with rope like strands of Bluesilver Grass that have the Tulips thorns, but it's not very resilient and even if my opponent can't break it, I have to hold the rope myself..."

Song Weihan nodded at her explanation but couldn't refrain from asking why she only had a 10-years-old Spirit Soul. Jian Shiguan blushed slightly and replied in a meek tone, not unlike her 'old self'.

"My... My Spirit Power is to low to hold a 100-years-old Spirit Soul... And my body is quite weak as well..."

Song Weihan followed up his question with another.

"Do you have a cultivation technique for training your Spirit Power or physical training?"

"I'm using the basic methods the Heaven Dou Primary Academy handed out to everyone in class."

Jian Shiguan said with the same meek voice. Song Weihan nodded again and looked over to Jian Wang. "What about you?"

Jian Wang was surprised by the sudden question but answered hastily.

"I'm using the personal techniques of my father. Though, I can't teach them to Shiguan as she's not suited to learn them."

Song Weihan understood that sentiment as not everyone's suited for every technique and his gaze returned to Jian Shiguan.

"I'll get you a suitable basic technique after watching you train today. They won't be some great secret manuals, but they'll at least be better than whatever the Academy hands out for free." He than looked at Sheng Feilong. "Your turn, Feilong. Tell them your Soul Skills as well."

Sheng Feilong nodded, took a step forward and also released his Soul Power and Soul Rings. Yellow and yellow! 2 Rings, signifying that he's already a Soul Grandmaster of at least rank 20! He then told the others about his current powers.

"I'm currently at rank 23. My Soul Rings both come from my first artificial Spirit Soul, the Ancient Hypnotic Toad. The first Soul Skill is called Toad Prison, an illusion ability, and the second is called Mental Detection. It's the same ability that the Spirit Ice Douluo, Huo Yuhao, got for his first ability, though mine's quite a bit weaker. I'm able to increase my perception in a limited area around me, which also allows me to see things in slow motion and I can give that ability to allies near me at around double the cost. I require only very little Soul Power for that, but the Spirit Power consumption is quite large."

Jian Wang and Jian Shiguan were stunned. To think Sheng Feilong actually got the same ability as Huo Yuhao! Even though it's weakened, it's still an amazing support ability and it doesn't even require much Soul Power! Song Weihan let them talk amongst themselves for a while longer before starting the training by having them normally cultivate and give them some pointers.

After that he had them cultivate their Spirit Power, which both, Jian Wang and Jian Shiguan had some problems with, but with Song Weihans help, they didn't encounter much problems. Song Weihan also talked with Jian Shiguan about a few things like what she's comfortable with while training to choose a suitable technique to teach her later.

When they went to one of the training halls for hand-to-hand combat training, Sheng Feilong and Jian Wang were incredibly nervous and a bit scared about what was to come, while Jian Shiguan was incredibly exited. As it turns out, Jian Wang's fear were confirmed. The training lasted for about an hour and by the end of it, both Jian Wang and Sheng Feilong were beaten to a pulp and left grasping for breath on the training hall's floor while Jian Shiguan was quite pale and had a few bruises.


In a small restaurant near the Spirit Pagoda, Jian Wushuang received a call on his Soul Communicator at about the same time the children's combat training ended. Taking a look at the number, he recognized it as the number of one of his subordinates. They were told to only call him if the occasion was of utmost importance, so he quickly answered the phone.

A few minutes later, he hang up with a incredulous expression. His old rival, the Blacksmith Association's only 8-star Saint Blacksmith, Chen Mu, had accepted a child from some backwater town as his personal disciple, stating that that boy called Tang Wulin was even more talented in blacksmithing than his own daughter and even he himself!

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