Douluo Dalu - The Story of Sheng Feilong

209 Master Vs. Disciple! Song Weihan's Strength!

After the initial shock, Song Weihan lowered his guard, looking at Sheng Feilong with a frown. The latter was still bathed in a golden light, radiating the powerful aura that originated from the 177.000-years-old Torso type Soul Bone. The expression of Song Weihan's face then grew colder by a few notches. "Are you challenging me?"

Sheng Feilong didn't answer and only smiled, but his eyes were fixed on Song Weihan, ready to respond to the latter's every move. Song Weihan similarly just continued to stare back at him, stayingrooted in his place. "You've become quite arrogant, Feilong."

Bit by bit, Song Weihan's aura climbed up. He said nothing, but the cold expression on his face was everything needed to have the smile on Sheng Feilong's face to vanish and have him tense up. The intensity of Song Weihan's aura matched Sheng Feilong's, though it was obvious the former was still holding back greatly. "Brace yourself."

Two short words, spoken in a cold voice, were everything Song Weihan said before suddenly vanishing from his spot. Sheng Feilong's eyes fiercely contracted before his gaze shifted to his left; Both of his arms following behind to block the kick that was aimed at Sheng Feilong's head.

Song Weihan's face was expressionless; His kick blocked by Sheng Feilong with neither of them backing down, nor being pushed back. This deadlock only lasted for a short moment, though, as Sheng Feilong spun around, sending a kick of his own to Song Weihan's legs, hoping to sweep him off his feet.

The leg suspended in the air was pulled back, landing on the ground again and giving Song Weihan the footing that he needed. Not even bothering to dodge Sheng Feilong's sweeping kick, but instead solidifying his own stance, Song Weihan sent out a fast punch towards Sheng Feilong's face.

The latter had no choice but to back down and dodge the attack; Instead of kicking Song Weihan, Sheng Feilong used the momentum to kick the ground, shooting himself back a few metres. Of course, a close quarters combat master like Song Weihan wouldn't let this chance slip by; Sheng Feilong was put into a disadvantageous position, forced to block a flurry of Song Weihan's blows.

With skillfull positioning, Song Weihan forced Sheng Feilong back even further, waiting for the opportune moment and then kneeing the latter to the chest. Though Sheng Feilong managed to block the kick using both arms, he still lost his footing, hanging suspended in the air for a few moments.

Song Weihan instantly made use of this opportunity; He took half a step back, twisting his body as he spun around clockwise, brutally kicking Sheng Feilong in the chest with the sole of his foot, using the same leg with which he kneed the latter before.

Sheng Feilong let out a pained grunt as his arms were pushed into his chest. With no footing to support himself, he was flung back dozens of metres by the force, heavily crashing into the wall on the opposite site of the training hall; The reinforced wall behind his back cracking and breaking as he was half embedded into it.

Song Weihan seized his attacks, staring at Sheng Feilong in what seemed to be a haughty manner. The latter stared back at Song Weihan, his Soul Power flaring up and the Radiant Emperor's Phantasmagoric Eyes Spirit Essence manifesting itself. Sheng Feilong's pale golden eyes turned into a brilliant, glowing gold colour, a similarly coloured haze surrounding them.

A red symbol appeared on his forehead – the image of a vertical eye, encased in a diamond shaped outer edge and adorned with six wings spanning over his whole forehead. An invisible pressure radiated off of him, different from the golden aura surrounding him, but equally powerful. Song Weihan's expressionless face turned into a frown as seven Soul Rings appeared around Sheng Feilong, the black, sixth one lighting up in a flash.

With the increase in his Spirit Power, the effects of Sheng Feilong's sixth Soul Skill, the Spirit Body Replica, also grew in strength. As his Soul Skill activated, a total of four copies of himself appeared next to him – all just as lifelike as the original and staring at Song Weihan. Moments later, all five Sheng Feilongs charged forward; The replicas in front, with the original behind.

Song Weihan's Soul Power flared up, an invisible pressure surrounding him as well as his Spirit Power spread out as well – Yet, his Spirit Essence didn't appear; He was solely relying on his raw Soul Power and Spirit Power, while Sheng Feilong was already making use of his Soul Skills.

Against the Spirit Body Replicas, Song Weihan didn't need to pull his punches. His Soul Power and Spirit Power seemed to merge together, forming an indomitable barrier around him, as he mercilessly attacked the replicas. He deflected the strike of the first, piercing its chest and heart in the same motion with his own hand coming out from its back, shattering the replica.

The attack of the second was denied entirely; Its arms severed and neck slashed open by a single wave of Song Weihan's sword hand, destroying it instantly as well. A third replica attacked Song Weihan as well, kicking out towards his legs to sweep him off his feet.

Without even bothering to look at it, Song Weihan lightly jumped, performing a backwards somersault in mid air, brutally crushing the replica's head as a whole with a single kick after which he gracefully landed.

Not wasting a single moment, the fourth replica and the original Sheng Feilong attacked at the same time, both sending powerful kicks towards Song Weihan's head from to different directions. The confident expressions on their faces quickly vanished as Song Weihan calmly stratched out his hands, catching the legs of both, Sheng Feilong and the replica, without a problem, stopping their attacks and holding on to both of them.

The next moment, Song Weihan spun around again, pulling Sheng Feilong and the replica with him before mercilessly craching the replica into the ground while the original Sheng Feilong was helplessly flung tens of metres into the air. The ground beneath the replica cracked, the last replica shattering upon impact, forcefully ending Sheng Feilong's Soul Skill.

The backlash hit Sheng Feilong while was still in the air, falling without being able to support himself as his Soul Power was in disarray for a moment. Just before he hit the ground, Song Weihan brutally kicking him in the stomach with a spinning motion. Sheng Feilong wasn't even able to groan as he was once again flung dozens of metres away, crashing into the same spot on the wall as before.

The reinforced wall cracked much more than before as the force of the impact was much higher. Pierces of rubble started falling down as Sheng Feilong was embedded into the wall once again, coughing out blood as the golden aura from the 177.000-years-old Soul Bone faded.

Sheng Feilong looked up again, his vision blurry, making it difficult for him to focus onto Song Weihan. The latter stared back at him, his expression emotionless again as Sheng Feilong slowly tried to pull himself up. He had just taken a single step forward before everything around him turned black; Sheng Feilong had lost consciousness, toppling over and now laid on the ground, motionless!


Sheng Feilong slowly opened his eyes and stared at a somewhat familiar ceiling. His whole body was aching; His muscles and bones screaming in pain. With a lot of difficulty, he managed to sit up in the bed, looking around the the hospital room. He was alone here, a few cables connecting to his body, monitoring his condition.

He saw a small bottle and a piece of paper just sitting on the bedside table next to him. Sheng Feilong quickly identified them as a pill bottle and a letter, the latter written by Song Weihan, telling him about the medical properties of the pills inside the bottle.

Taking one pill, Sheng Feilong swallowed it whole before laying back into his bed, groaning as he underestimated the pain from all over his body, specially his stomach and chest. He closed his eyes, trying to enter his own spiritual consciousness while letting the medical pill work its wonders.

He appeared on the usual grassland near the place where his Spirit Souls, Soul Bones and Spirit Essence were and started walking in their direction. Before he reached them, though, he spotted the old lion king laying in the grass some distance away from everything else.

The lion king also spotted him and lightly raised its head. "Sheng Feilong... You've truly had a number done to you this time." Sheng Feilong's face fell and he couldn't help but blame himself for listening to the lion king. "Wasn't this all your fault, Senior? You said I would be able to put up a good fight..."

"Un. I seem to have underestimated the strength of human Titled Douluos... I apologize." The lion king spoke in a low voice, aware of its own faults in this matter, and looked at Sheng Feilong. The latter simply sighed before speaking again. "Senior, how long how I been unconscious for..?"

"You do not need to worry too much." The lion king's voice was more relaxed now, his former guilt having vanished since Sheng Feilong didn't seem to mind his mistake. "It has only been a few hours. That human - Song Weihan – he brought you here and also left the pills you just took."

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