Jian Wushuang had a conflicted expression. Song Weihan had asked him to give those two technique manuals to Jian Shiguan, saying she should at least get the chance to catch up to her friends. Jian Wushuang naturally knew the value of those booklets. While they may not be the best, they're still much better than anything that would be taught at the Intermediate Academy, maybe even better than the techniques of the Advanced Academy. Moreover, Song Weihan had hand-picked them for Jian Shiguan and they were perfectly suited for her.

Jian Wushuang was worried about the strings that might be attached to obtaining those techniques and while joining the Spirit Pagoda was definitely a good choise, he didn't want to force it upon his niece. Jian Shiguan should be able to freely choose whether she wants to join the Spirit Pagoda or not. Though, seeing his niece's gleeful expression, he really couldn't bare to voice his concerns.

Sheng Lingtian understood Jian Wushuang troubles. Putting his hand on the latter's shoulder, he gave a small, reassuring smile and lightly shook his head. Jian Wushuang glanced at him before turning back to the excited children. Letting out a small, inaudible sigh, he took a step forward and spoke with an amused voice.

"You seem to have an awful lot of fun considering that you've just been beaten up. If you've talked enough, then let's go home."

The children were startled when Jian Wushuang suddenly spoke up and turned towards him out of reflex before nodding their heads. On the way out, Jian Wang remembered something turned towards Jian Wushuang again.

"Right, father, we need to come back tomorrow at around the same time! Senior Song said we could train together with Feilong if we want!"

Jian Wushuang looked at him strangely. Train with Song Weihan again? Weren't they just meditating for a while before then going to the training hall where Song Weihan beat them up? His son couldn't possibly like to get beaten up, right? While Jian Wang failed to guess Jian Wushuang thoughts, Sheng Feilong seemed to realize something and decided to correct Jian wang before the situation got worse.

"We were doing combat training in the form of a team fight. Brother Wang, Shiguan and I fought against Master and Master invited the both of them to join us again tomorrow for the same exercise."

Jian Wushuang relaxed slightly. So it was a team fight and not his son having some weird thoughts. Probably. He thought about it for a moment and spoke to the children again.

"Well, you can't possible do a team fight alone. If Wang'er und Shiguan want to join you, then I won't stop them. However, I need to work at the association tomorrow and can't take you to the Spirit Pagoda."

He glanced over to Sheng Lingtian who just nodded in response and spoke in his usual calm voice.

"That's not a problem. I can pick the both of them up on the way when I bring Feilong over. It's not much of a detour."

Jian Wushuang promptly agreed, causing both Jian Wang and Jian Shiguan to beam with joy. The next day, Sheng Lingitan came to pick them up with Sheng Feilong in tow. They met up with Song Weihan while Sheng Lingtian was occupied with work.

The day went by in the same way as the one before. Soul Power and Spirit Power training, corrections in their cultivation and last, but not least, the team fight against Song Weihan. Adhering by the strategies they came up with, Sheng Feilong's group didn't lost as badly as before, though mainly because Song Weihan gave them more leeway than yesterday since he wasn't in a bad mood.

Two weeks went by with Sheng Feilong, Jian Wang and Jian Shiguan training together and their teamwork became better and better at a rate that stunned even Song Weihan. Although they did not manage to force the latter to the point were he had to rely on a Soul Skill thanks to his superior experience, the changes would be apparent even to laymen's eyes.

They had just finished today's training, with all three of the children laying on the ground bruised and heavily panting, when they heard Song Weihan's voice.

"I won't be at the Spirit Pagoda for the coming week, so there won't be any training here. Take that time to rest a while, but remember to cultivate properly every day, even without me. I will be back the week after."

Hearing about this so suddenly was somewhat of a shock for Sheng Feilong. Thinking back, this was the first time since he became Song Weihan's disciple that he really had time off, other than the time when Song Weihan prepared for his breakthrough tothe Titled Douluo level. Currently, the children were still on summer break and school would only start in about 4 weeks, so they really had the whole days off.

After all of them had recuperated, Sheng Feilong spoke a while longer with Jian Wang and Jian Shiguan about today's training and what they were planning to do the coming week. Jian Wang planned to slack off and try to convince his father to relieve him of his blacksmithing training as well to make the most of this rare chance, while Jian Shiguan didn't really had a plan, only saying that she'd probably spend the time with some of the girls from their former class.

Sheng Feilong thought about their choices and decided to ask his father to go and visit their family at the Sheng Clan. He hadn't seen his uncle, aunt or cousin in all those four years and had only talked to them sometimes via a Soul Communicator.

Talking about the matter when they had sent Jian Shiguan and Jian Wang home, his father approved of the idea, saying that he'd ask for a leave the next day. As Sheng Lingtian had rarely asked for a leave so far, his superiors had no problem with him taking a week off and after talking with Sheng Fengtian, Sheng Feilong's uncle, they decided to visit them at Monday and then stay for a few days.

Sheng Feilong and Sheng Lingtian spent the next day preparing for their stay and packing things and left early in the morning at Monday. Unlike the soul car they took to leave the Sheng Clan years ago, with Sheng Lingtian's new Purple Mecha, the journey did not even take half as long and arrived at the Sheng Clans entrance at around 9 in the morning. Sheng Lingtian talked to an middle aged guardsman, who still recognized them as the former 6th Elder of the Clan and his son, while waiting for Sheng Fengtian to pick them up.

Sheng Fengtian camarrived after about 2 minutes and lead them to his courtyard after a heartfelt welcome. At Sheng Fengtian's courtyard, Sheng Feilong's aunt, Luo Mei, who's also Sheng Fengtian's wife, was already waiting for them. Seeing them arrive, she quickly came out to greet them, hugging Sheng Feilong with a beaming smile. The four of them spend some time together to catch up on a few things. Sheng Fengtian and Luo Mei were absolutely shocked when they heard that Song Weihan took Sheng Feilong as his personal disciple, actively making him a Young master of the Spirit Pagoda. When Sheng Feilong bragged about his cultivation level with a proud smile, his uncle and aunt sat in their seats with their mouths wide open.

After a few hours, Luo Mei went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for all of them while the three men remained in the living room. Sheng Feilong was wondering where Sheng Lijing was for some time now and finally couldn't help but ask. Sheng Fengtian smiled and explained it to him.

"Lijing is at the training grounds. The kids train there every morning under the supervision of an Elder. She should be finished in a few minutes and then make her way here. You still remember where the training grounds are, right? Why don't you go fetch her and let us old man talk alone?"

Sheng Feilong nodded, stood up and jogged to the door, waving at Sheng Fengtian and Sheng Lingtian with a bright smile before leaving.

"I'll go get Lijing now!"

Running through the familiar Sheng Clan Estate, Sheng Feilong made his way over to the training fields. The Clan felt like it hadn't changed at all. Safe for a few details, Sheng Feilong remembered most of the scenery, streets and even people! Although no one seemed to recognize or bother with him, Sheng Feilong couldn't help but smile at the nostalgia.

Sheng Feilong soon reached the training grounds. Standing at the side, he watched as the few dozen kids trained in different groups while he tried to find Sheng Lijing. He soon found her in a group of ten years old. Most of them were probably the children who went through the Awakening Ceremony together with him.

As the training ended, Sheng Lijing made her way towards the side where Sheng Feilong stood. She didn't seem to recognize him and didn't mind the boy standing at the field. Even though she ignored him, the short span of time she used to look at him was already enough for her to trip over a little mound of sand. Barely being able to keep her footing, she tried to act as if nothing happened. Sheng Feilong on the other hand could stop himself from smiling.

'She really didn't change much. And she's still the same airhead as back then!"

Seeing her approach, Sheng Feilong stood in her way, brightly smiling.

"Long time no see, Lijing!"

"Who are you?"

Sheng Lijing furrowed her brows. She didn't know who that boy was but he seemed oddly familiar. Sheng Feilong continued to smile, while feigning sadness.

"It's just been four years since father and I left, yet you already forgot about me? What a great cousin you are!"

Sheng Lijing's eyes widened in shock. Taking a closer look at the boy, his pitch black hair, fair skin and clear blue eyes merged with the image of a person in her head and she couldn't help exclaiming in joy.


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