Douluo Dalu - The Story of Sheng Feilong

238 Another Bloodline Manipulation Method?

Surprised by the sudden voice of the old lion king sounding out, Sheng Feilong was pulled into his own spiritual consciousness without much resistance. His body still instinctively circulated the technique Mu Ye just thought him while he appeared standing in the silvery white world.

Sheng Feilong appeared in front of the old lion king, standing about ten metres away from it. Usually, the lion would lazily lay in the grass and enjoy the light breeze, yet today it stood on all fours, its posture vigilant while it stared at Sheng Feilong with a stern expression.

"Senior? Is something the matter?" Sheng Feilong was still surprised, not understanding why the old lion king would suddenly call out to him. It stood at attention, its brows scrunched downwards, still staring at Sheng Feilong. "What is that energy in your body? What are you trying to do to my brother's bloodline?"

Only now understanding why the old lion king was so vigilant, Sheng Feilong gave a gasp of understanding before trying to explain the situation. "What I'm practising is a special cultivation technique to change and strengthen ones bloodline. With it, my bloodline will become even stronger."

"Why must you change your bloodline? What is it that my brethren's bloodline is lacking in?" The old lion king didn't back down and continued to stare down at Sheng Feilong, speaking in an accusing tone.

Sheng Feilong was taken aback by the amount of hostility within the old lion king. This was new to him as he only remembered the old lion king's magnanimous and calm temperament. "Senior, please calm down. There's nothing wrong with my bloodline... What I'm practising is a technique to make it even stronger, nothing more."

The old lion king huffed, sneering at his explanation. "Then what use is there to it? Our bloodline will naturally become stronger with time. What use is there to force the process to become faster."

Sheng Feilong understood why the lion king became so agitated now; As the former king of its race, the old lion took great pride in its Three-Eyed Golden Lion's bloodline – It's bloodline stood at the top of the world, superior to even most Dragon type bloodlines, yet Sheng Feilong attempted to fiddle with it in a way the old lion king didn't know.

Realizing that he would have to change his approach to pacify the old lion king, Sheng Feilong started to calm down, trying to think of a way to rationally explain the matter to the old lion. After a few moments of silence, he took a deep breath, looking at the lion king with a serious expression. "Senior, I understand you concerns – The Three-Eyed Golden Lion's bloodline is powerful and, usually, it wouldn't need any change."

The old lion's attention perked up and it wordless stared at Sheng Feilong as the latter looked past it, towards the other side of his spiritual consciousness. "...But with the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon... our situation is far from 'usual'." His gaze returned to the lion king, more serious than before. "I've already reached the Spirit Domain Realm in Spirit Power, one of the highest realms for humans, and we've only just managed to get the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon under control."

"However... That is as long as the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon only has two Soul Rings; I simply don't know what would happen if it were to obtain any more. When I first came to find the pride of golden lions, it was to awaken my bloodline and have another strong measure to contend with the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon." Sheng Feilong spoke in a stern voice, waiting for the old lion king to answer him.

The old lion turned around, staring into the distance towards the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon. From the first time it laid its eyes on the demon when it first became Sheng Feilong's Spirit Soul, the demon always gave it a bad feeling.

It knew that the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon was somehow in a sealed state and that what it felt form it wasn't even its full strength, yet just that fragment of its power was enough to cause an immense amount of pressure and even some resemblance of dread within the old lion king.

"Senior. Do you think we can keep in under control the way things are at the moment?" While the old lion king was still lost in thought, Sheng Feilong spoke up once again. Following his question, the old lion king fell silent for a long time. Sheng Feilong didn't say anything else and let it come to a decision by itself.

"...That technique you used before. Throw it away. It won't be of help to us; It's trying to change our pride bloodline into something that I don't recognize, forcing it to become stronger that way. That's not the kind of strength you should seek." Finally opening its mouth again, the old turned to Sheng Feilong. "I want to meet the one who gave you that technique. It may not be what we need, but it's ingenuity is undeniable; If that person has such a technique, they might have what we need as well."

Sheng Feilong hesitated for a moment, thinking about it before nodding his head. "...I'll bring him here. I'll show him what the problem is, and you'll be able to meet him like this." After seeing the old lion king nod its head and lay back down, Sheng Feilong left his own spiritual consciousness, opening his eyes in the real world.

Mu Ye stood in front of him, just a few steps away with a frown on his face; Everything had been going well, from his perspective, before Sheng Feilong suddenly stopped circulating the technique he was taught and continued to keep seated with his eyes closed. "What happened? Why did you stop cultivating?"

Sheng Feilong took a short moment to orientate himself, then looked at Mu Ye for a moment. "I'm sorry, Senior... Can I talk to my Masters for a while? I'll explain everything after that." His words caused Mu Ye to frown even more, but he didn't stop Sheng Feilong from leaving, though he himself remained in the training hall.

About 15 minutes later, Sheng Feilong returned with Song Weihan and She Meixiao by his side, both of which had solemn expressions on their faces. This caused Mu Ye's frown to deepen even more as he didn't understand why Sheng Feilong would get the two of them, much less why they seemed so stern about it. "What's going on?"

Sheng Feilong remained silent, while Song Weihan and She Meixiao stepped forward, the former speaking up first. "Sir Mu, it's about the technique you taught Feilong. There's isn't a problem with the technique, don't worry; Rather, there's a few special circumstances of which you don't know yet, which require a different technique."

Mu Ye stared at Song Weihan, not understanding what the latter meant, while She Meixiao spoke up to clear the matter. "Sir Mu, Feilong came to us to ask for our opinion before. He told us about what happened when he cultivated the technique you showed him first and told us what he was planning. That's why we both came here."

"I don't want to talk around the bush; Feilong would like for you to enter his spiritual consciousness and asked us whether we would approve of that." Song Weihan said, catching Mu Ye off guard and causing him to turn to Sheng Feilong, who nodded his head.

"Senior, there's a few things I didn't mention before when I told you about the inheritance I received from my Ancestor..." Sheng Feilong stepped forward, standing next to Song Weihan and She Meixiao and began telling Mu ye about what transpired at the mountain in the great Star Dou Forest, as well as the pride of golden lions and the old lion king becoming his Spirit Soul.

After he finished, Mu Ye was overcome with shock – Not only did Sheng Feilong have a Three-Eyed Golden Lion's bloodline and awakened the third eye, he also possessed two Soul Bones, one made artificially from a 100.000-years-old golden lion, who had opened the third eye as well, and the other from a real, 177.000-years-old lion king, who also became his Spirit Soul...

Moreover, Sheng Feilong wasn't finished yet; With the approval of Song Weihan and She Meixiao, he told Mu Ye about the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon, how it awakened, its powers and the demon spirit that had been sealed away by the so called Chains of Heaven. He told Mu Ye of his and the old lion king's plan to find a suitable technique to evolve his bloodline into something that could deal with the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon more reliably. "...That's why I wish for Senior to take a look himself. The old lion king would also like to meet you personally; It retained its intelligence from when it was still a live Soul Beast, so even others than I can have a conversation with it."

Mu Ye entering Sheng Feilong's spiritual consciousness was also the reason both, Song Weihan and She Meixiao, insisted on coming with Sheng Feilong to the training area; Opening up their own spiritual consciousness for another Soul Master to enter it, was incredibly dangerous, for it left the Soul Master in their most vulnerable state; This is also why neither Song Weihan nor She Meixiao truly knew what Sheng Feilong's spiritual consciousness looked like – They had never entered it out of respect for Sheng Feilong.

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