She Meixiao had to do her best to remain calm. After the chat she had with the doctor a few days ago and the extended wait, she really was incredibly excited to finally be able to get to know who he is and what really happened back then. After the doctor had informed her about the boy waking up, she had immediately run to the infirmary and met up with the doctor where both of them observed the boy from behind the mirrored window.

When they saw him sit up in his bed, She Meixiao was about to run in there and question him, but the doctor stopped her, telling her his own insights that he hadn't mentioned before; That the boy really only is a young boy and not some old monster. Moreover, from the amount of Soul Power the boy had regenerated, he should only be around the level of a high ranked Soul Ancestor, nothing more. Calming down somewhat, they then saw the boy shakily trace the scar on his own chest with dread and confusion apparent in his eyes.

At this point, the doctor told her to follow him into the room and cautioned her to remain calm when she talked to the boy as he thought that the latter might be in shock. Standing a few steps away from the bed, she lightly greeted the boy before introducing herself and asking for his name. The boy seemed to be on guard against them, two people he had never seen before, but seemingly relaxed when he identified the old man next to her as a doctor.

Sheng Feilong looked at the two people in front of him, still confused about the situation, but much more calm than before as the two of them didn't seem to have any bad intentions. Moreover, they were most likely the ones that saved his life when he was attacked by the insect type Soul Beast. Lightly nodding towards She Meixiao, he spoke up in a hoarse voice, only now recognizinghow dry his throat felt. "My name is Sheng Feilong. I'm feeling quite well, considering the circumstances, but what happened? Did you bring me here?"

She Meixiao was a bit surprised at his calm answer and noticed his hoarse voice, handing him a bottle of water to drink, while she answered his question. "We did indeed bring you here, but we're not too sure what happened to you, too. On that day, I was given a report that a massive amount of dark elemental energy was felt in the west and went over to investigate the matter a while later. I found the western wastelands corroded and destroyed by some kind of energy and the area's overlord, the 100.000-years-old Doomstinger Dragonfly, dead in the centre of that energy's source... That's also where I've found you; unconscious on the ground, just a few metres away from the Beasts corpse. Can you tell us a bit more about that?"

'So that place was the 'western wastelands'? And the Doomstinger Dragonfly is that giant insect Soul Beast? But what about the dark energy..? Is that from someone who came before her?', Sheng Feilong thought as he listened to She Xiaomei's explanation. He tried to hide his confusing by showing a calm expression and occasionally nodded his head, before starting to explain what happened to him that day. "I was on the way to Heaven Dou City for the purpose of Shrek Academy's Year End Exam, when terrorists attacked the Soul Train I had boarded. One of them was a Soul Saint, who defeated me and also took me along with him when I had lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was bound and we were flying above a tundra like wasteland. Is that the western wasteland that you meant, Ma'am? I don't know how long I was unconscious for but, soon after I woke up, we were attacked by a huge Soul beast insect..."

She Meixiao nodded, confirming Sheng Feilong's question about the western wasteland, while listening to his story in shock. "The Soul Beast you encountered, was it a big, black insect with a scorpion like tail beneath it's body, 2 pairs of strange wings and a monster like head?" Sheng Feilong nodded absent mindedly, before She Meixiao continued, "Than it was most likely the Doomstinger Dragonfly. You're also a student of Shrek Academy? Then, are you somehow related to the Spirit Flamingo Douluo, Song Weihan, from the Spirit Pagoda?"

Inwardly, She Meixiao was in complete shock. Just a few days ago, the Spirit Flamingo Douluo brought his man to besiege Shrek Academy to seek vengeance for his disciple, who supposedly died in an Exam of Shrek Academy. She naturally knew about the Soul Train accident near Heaven Dou City, but was this boy, Sheng Feilong, in front of her really involved in this matter? Still, Sheng Feilong's next words instantly cleared all of her questions. The latter looked at her in surprise and tried to stand up. "Huh? Ma'am, you know my Master? Is he also here?!"

This time, the doctor, who had remained silent until now couldn't help but speak up and take a few steps forward to hold Sheng Feilong down. "Now, now, boy. Keep in bed for now, we still don't know how your health is in detail, so you should take it slow. We don't personally know Senior Spirit Flamingo, but we have naturally heard about him and what he did those last few days."

Seeing that Sheng Feilong had calmed down, but was looking at him in confusion when he mentioned Song Weihan's actions, the doctor continued to patiently explain the situation to Sheng Feilong. Starting from the Soul Train's accident with no survivors, over Song Weihan leaving the Spirit Pagoda, to his siege on Shrek Academy and lastly his retreat with heavy injuries. Sheng Feilong said nothing for the whole time, but his body began shaking more and more violently as the anxiousness on his face could be seen clearly, causing the doctor to once again try to calm him down. "You don't need to worry for now, boy. You Master is alive, that much is already ascertained, and no one from his side had died as well; all of them will recover in due time. We still need youto tell us what happened that day. You said you encountered the Doomstinger Dragonfly? What happened after that?"

Sheng Feilong was still worried about Song Weihan, but he understood that the doctor only wants to help him and needs to know what happened to him. Moreover, She Meixiao's talk about the dark energy near that place left him with a bad feeling. "Before we encountered the insect, the Soul Saint that kidnapped me fled in horror, trying to get away from it, but it quickly caught up to us and... and killed the Soul saint in an instant. His chest was pierced and I crashed into the ground as he could hold me any longer. That Soul Beast ate the man after killing him and then stared at me. I was still bound and could only try to crawl away." He paused for a moment, tracing the scar on his chest again as he continued his story with a nervous expression."It... It pierced my... heart with its tail and slashed my shoulder apart. After that, it was like time stopped and I... heard this strange voice that asked my if I wanted power and told me to rest... I- I don't know what happened after that."

She Meixiao and the doctor looked at each other and saw the shock in the others eyes before the doctor looked at the scar on Sheng Feilong's chest in disbelief for a moment. He then looked at Sheng Feilong's face again and suddenly asked another question. "Sheng Feilong, can you tell me what your Spirit Essence is? I know it's rude to ask this so suddenly, but from what I found out in the last few days, something just doesn't add up."

Sheng Feilong was stunned for a moment, not really understanding the doctor's statement, but non the less answered him. "My Spirit Essence is called Radiant Emperor's Phantasmagoric Eyes. It's a Spirit essence that evolved from the normal Spirit Eyes after I fused with a special Skull Type Soul Bone." His words shocked the doctor even more and he deeply frowned with a confused expression. "'Radiant Emperor'..? Then, it's not related to darkness? Or even poison or acid?" Sheng Feilong vehemently shook his head. While he did have a poison related Spirit Soul, that had nothing to do with his actual Spirit Essence.

The doctor seemed lost in his thoughts for a moment before he spoke up again, staring at Sheng Feilong with a look that seemed to say that he want's to confirm something. "Boy, may I test something? I want to attach an IV-Drip with nutrient fluid in it to your arm. It will sting a bit, but nothing bad will happen." She Meixiao seemed to understand the doctors idea and asked Sheng Feilong to agree, to which he slightly nodded his head with a confused expression and stretched out his arm.

The doctor attached the IV-Drip to his arm and let the nutrient fluid slowly flow through the tube. Both he and She Meixiao watched the IV-Drip with excited expressions for a while, before She Meixiao's expression turned into one of confusion. "Nothing's happening..? Has the corrosive energy vanished? How is that possible?"

The doctor on the other hand, leaned back a bit and took a deep breath. "Boy, try to reject the IV-Drip. Imagine it like it's some kind of poison that you don't want to get into your body. Try to get it of it as fast as possible without pulling the tube out." She Meixiao and Sheng Feilong were slightly confused, but the latter still did as he was told and imagined the nutrient fluid as something bad, like a dreadful poison that has to be gone as soon as possible.

Nothing happened for a while, but the doctor beckoned for him to continue and after a while, Sheng Feilong suddenly felt his Soul Power to plummet somewhat, as a greyish, muddy green vapour suddenly rose up from the point were the IV-Drip was attached to him. A low hissing sound came from it and the tube suddenly fell from Sheng Feilong's arm, loosely hanging down from the IV-Drip. But shockingly, the end that was attached to Sheng Feilong's arm just a second ago, seemed to have been corroded away and still had some of that greyish, muddy green vapour coming off of it, while the needle that had pierced Sheng Feilong's arm and the little wound from the prick had vanished.

Sheng Feilong stared back and forth from his arm to the tube with a shocked expression, while She Meixiao's eyes sparkled with an incredible glee as she stared back and forth between Sheng Feilong's arm and the tube as well. Completely confused, Sheng Feilong then looked at the doctor for answers, while the latter looked somewhat excited as well. He took a deep breath before letting out a long sigh to calm himself down and looked at Sheng Feilong with a solemn expression. "Sheng Feilong. If I am not wrong then... you appear to have awakened a second Spirit Essence. You are a possessor of Twin Spirit Essences!"

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