Douluo Dalu - The Strongest God

29 The True Color of Ning Rongrong

At Spirit Pagoda.

There was a new exploration when he explored Spirit Ascension Platform. When Ryu reached the seventh floor, his spirit ability was sealed. He could only use his martial arts. So he hunted any spirit beast on the sixth floor.

After his rank jumped to rank 56, thanks to his 55 clones. He returned to sleep.

The next morning, he saw Tang San and Xiao Wu fought with Ma Hongjun. He remembered from Douluo Dalu 2.5, Ma Hongjun only became 2nd Class God. When Ma Hongjun came to The God Realm, he felt lonely. He couldn't bring her wife to there.

Then Ryu went to the kitchen. He knew that Ma Hongjun already ate all of the student's food.

"This smell"

"This is the best aroma. The food is delicious"

"Every student came to the kitchen"

They saw Ryu cooked food.

"Ryu is so handsome, genius, strong and can cook delicious food. He is perfect for me" Ning Rongrong thought.

Ma Hongjun rushed toward to kitchen and asked him "Brother, please give me your food"

"You can't eat my food except you accompany my training," Ryu said to Ma Hongjun, then he looked to other students.

All of them nodded.

"The Hellish training started," Huo Wu thought. She just laughed.


After eating, Flender asked all of them to train. The first training is to eat Oscar's sausage. After that, he asked all of them to run 20 laps around Shrek academy, except Oscar and Ning Rongrong. They must run 20 laps from Shrek academy to Suotuo City.

After that, they trained his body. Flender asked Ryu to lead them for this hellish training. At afternoon, all of the students lied on the ground, except Ryu and Huo Wu.

"So this is why he is so strong, he always did hellish training," Tang San said.

"Hahaha," Flender laughed. In his mind, he thought "With Ryu are here, I didn't need any physical teacher, I can economize the academy finances. Ryu likes teaching them too. The most important thing is Free…. free"

After that, Oscar and Ning Rongrong came from their training.

"Oscar, you two finished running twenty laps?

Oscar coughed, nodding, said:

"Dean, I finished running."

Flender snorted coldly,

"I asked you two, not you."

Oscar turned his head to look at Ning Rongrong, Ning Rongrong was also looking at him, the pair of big beautiful eyes filled with an innocent expression.

Oscar clenched his teeth, nodding, said:

"Yes, we both finished running."

"Very good, Oscar, I did not expect you to have a such a spirit of camaraderie. You come over here." Flender indicated the spot before him.

Oscar's face revealed a wry smile, but he did not again look at Ning Rongrong, with large strides walking up to stand before Flender. Flender slowly raised his right hand, light as a feather clapping Oscar's shoulder,

"I greatly appreciate your spirit of camaraderie, this being the case, you go run another twenty laps, let me have a look at just how deep your friendly affection actually is. Not finished running, you need not to eat. I already sealed your spirit power, you need not to try in vain to remove it. Go."

Oscar without saying anything, only nodded in silence, turning around and running towards the outside.

Flender's gaze returned to Dai Mubai, Tang San and the others, "Do you understand why I must act like this? Why I must have him continue running"

Ryu then looked to Ning Rongrong. He nodded.

Looking at Ryu, Flender smiled.

On Flender's face as before hung that smiling expression making people shiver all over,

"Because he lied. Even though he was lying for the sake of camaraderie or perhaps some other purpose, he still lied. You all still are children, lies are the worst moral character. I hope you understand."

Speaking, his gaze from his students turned to one innocent expression, looking at that lovely pitiful Ning Rongrong,

"Tell me, have you finished my arranged course from this morning?"

Ning Rongrong honestly shook her head, saying:

"I haven't. The distance is too long, I'm also hungry, can't persevere."

Flender slightly smiled, saying:

"Therefore, you alone ran to Suotuo City, furthermore gorged yourself on a meal, and still walked around at Suotuo City's commerce streets, just a moment ago returning to find Oscar, right or wrong?"

Ning Rongrong glared at him with that pair of beautiful eyes,

"You spied on me?

Flender's expression immediately turned cold,

"As dean, I must be in charge of each of the Academy's students. If speaking of Oscar's lying as something he does because he does not have the heart to let you receive punishment, they are still pardonable words. Then your violation is a crime that cannot be forgiven. Leaving the Academy without permission, failing to follow the Academy's directives, having a senior lie for you. Anyone of them is not a violation an excellent Spirit Master should commit. If this was on the battlefield, there is only one outcome for you, that is punishment by martial law, death, nothing more."

Ning Rongrong frowned, the gentle and soft expression on her face gradually fading, corners of her mouth slightly rose, unexpectedly revealing a somewhat contemptuous and disdainful expression,

"This is no battlefield, just an Academy, nothing more."

Flender nodded, saying.

"That's right, this is only an Academy, but this is my Shrek Academy. Right now, I give you two roads to choose from. First, pack up your things and leave immediately. You cannot join as a member. Second road, like I proved, you have the qualifications to stay here, if you still have the resolve to no longer offend the regulations in the future."

Ning Rongrong smiled, even though she was only twelve years old, one had no choice but to concede, her smile truly was lovely, very beautiful. That harmless smiling expression somewhat gave people palpitations.

"Flender, who do you think you are? Merely a minor Spirit Sage, that's all."

Flender had not gotten angry because of her words, faintly smiling, said:

"That's right, I am only a minor Spirit Sage, that's all, but to the current you, the difference from me still is way too far. Even if you are this generations most gifted individual at Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, in the end you are only a Spirit Grandmaster, that's all. Between you and me there is still is an insurmountable gulf. Since you do not see it like this, please leave - Shrek Academy does not welcome a student like you who cannot behave herself.

Ning Rongrong sneered,

"Want to hurry me off? Not so easy, since I've come I do not plan to leave prematurely. Flender, I advise you to control me less. Otherwise, consequences will not be such that they can be assumed by you."

Flender smiled slightly,

"If I feared some consequences, I would not have this Academy. This is my domain, I have the final say. Dai Mubai."


Dai Mubaistepped forward, currently his gaze at Ning Rongrong was disbelieving.

Flender said:

"You go take this miss Ning Rongrong's things from her room, afterward see her off from here. If she resists, I permit you to use any means."

"Flender, you dare."

Ning Rongrong delicately shouted, both hands akimbo, this twelve years old little girl showed extremely intrepid atmosphere.

"In all my life, you still are the first person who dares treat me like this."

Flender's smile clouded,

"That your dad hated you discipline you, is not representative of what I also hate to do, you cannot be my daughter. Also are not my baby. In my eyes, anyone student here are all more powerful than you. Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit indeed is the single most powerful existence among auxiliary type spirits, it's a pity, you will only let it be humiliated."

"That's drivel."

"Drivel? Then you tell me, compared to who present are you more powerful?"

Flender disdainfully said.

Ning Rongrong said:

"I am an auxiliary type Spirit Master, of course I can't compare with those Battle Spirit Masters in power. But my effect on the battlefield is bigger than theirs. With my assistance, one Spirit Master team's power as a whole will substantially upgrade."

Flender shook his finger and Ning Rongrong,

"No, you're mistaken. Each person present will have a more powerful effect on the battlefield than you. Because on the battlefield they all have a chance of surviving, but you do not. With your disposition, if you went on the battlefield you could only be cannon fodder, nothing more.

"Impossible. Our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School's Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit is the first under heaven, nobody can compare. Why am I different from them?"

Flender coldly said:

"Because of your heart. Because of your fickleness and impatience, you hold yourself too high. Even if it was your father, he still would not believe he was first under heaven. If he was not accompanied by outstanding companions, even a common Spirit Master would be

capable of killing him. But with your disposition, you believe you are able to find companions that will completely give you their backs?"

Ning Rongrong was dumbstruck a moment, Although because she was spoiled from childhood her disposition was somewhat eccentric, she still was exceptionally intelligent, although Flender's words sounded bad, she already understood Flender's meaning, for a moment somewhat not knowing how to dispute.

Flender unhurriedly walked up before Huo Wu and the others, he knew Ning Rongrong like Ryu, and Huo Wu is her love rival. Flender indicated Huo Wu, saying:

"Huo Wu this year is 12 years old, spirit Fire Shadow, fighting type Spirit Master. Thirty-fifth rank. Moreover, she could defeat you without any spirit ability, just using by martial art. You ask yourself if you are able to became like her?"

"Boom" One hit to her heart.

Then Ryu came in front of Ning Rongrong and said

"You still a disgusting noble"

[Critical Hit]

Hearing this, her heart was cracked. She started to crying. Then she ran away to her room.

Flender then said.

"All of you, get rest. Then prepare for evening lesson"

Dai Mubai looked at Flender's smiling expression, probing asking:

"Dean, must I still go help her pack up her things?"

Flender stared at him, saying:

"Do you really think this girl will leave? Although Ning Rongrong is a bit spoiled, her nature isn't bad, let her think clearly herself."

"Ryu, You go call back Oscar, say I excuse his punishment."

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