"Now I need to solve Huo Wu and Ning Rongrong matter"

In a week, he tried to do anything. The easiest way to make this problem solved is to make Ning Rongrong became Oscar lover. But Oscar raised the white flag before fighting. Ning Rongrong was very stubborn too. So he saved this problem to be solved later.

In the morning,

"Today is your second class. What about Oscar? Did he sleep in again?"

Tang San hurriedly said:

"When I left this morning he was still cultivating, perhaps his mediation couldn't be broken in time."

Flender frowned,

"For today's class, we can't start without him. Tang San, you go call him over."

Tang San was just about to return to the dorms when he saw Oscar hurriedly come running from the dorm. However, on his face was no panic from arriving late, instead brimming with excitement

"Oscar, do you want to run laps again?"

Dean Flender glared at him.

Oscar hastily shook his head,

"No, Dean please listen to my explanation. I broke through, I reached the thirtieth rank."

Flender's eyes distinctly shone,

"Good, good, good, Oscar, you haven't let me down. You are among the current students the second to reach the thirtieth rank. I congratulate you on behalf of the Academy."

Ning Rongrong felt the title of the strongest support-type spirit master would be stolen by him. She set him as her rival.

then Ryu said. "I reached rank 60 too"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

"Monster" Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing said at the same time.

"Hahaha, both of your relationships got better than before" Ryu laughed.

Zhu Zhuqing blushed. She didn't say anything.

Dai Mubai said "Thank you"

Flender said "Now because Ryu and Oscar need a new spirit ring, let's go to Star Dou Great Forest"

After arriving at Star Dou Great Forest, Hyorinmaru talked to Ryu.

"Ryu, I felt the presence of 1 million years spirit beast. But he just lurking." Hyorinmaru said.

"Good, who is it?" Ryu said.

"I will lead the way to him. Prepare yourself" Hyorinmaru said.

"Teacher Zhao, Dean. I found an interesting spirit beast. I will go alone. All of your focus to find Oscar new spirit ring"

Flender said "Ok, but if you met any dangerous things, run away"

Ryu said "Only 100.000 years old spirit beast or title Douluo can make a problem to me"

Then Ryu used Soru and disappeared. His speed now is one par with rank 70 Agility-type spirit master.

"Where is it?"

"I will call him, use my power"

"Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens"


Then an ice dragon appeared. It roared. Then it opened his mouth and said.

"Hey kid, show me yourself"

Then a Daydream Ice worm came from the ground. it has a plump, round head, appearing very meaty. Its diameter is about 1 meter and length more than 7 meters. Its whole body presented is white jade color, sparkling and translucent. Under its surface, the light glows circulate. On its head, it has a pair of eyes sparkling with golden light. The most peculiar thing is that starting from half a meter away from its head, every interval a circle shaped gold pattern could be seen, from head to tail, there is a total of 10 gold patterns.

"My name is Tian Meng, who are you, senior?" he said. He was frightened by Hyorinmaru. Tian Meng had no attack capabilities and thus could only scare away other spirit beasts using mental power.

"Hey Kid, want to be my partner? I want you to be human's conscious Spirit Ring" Hyorinmaru said.

"I already tested it on a Title Douluo but my power destroyed him. I need….." Tian Meng said, but before his explanation finished, Hyorinmaru said

"Ryu, show him your Sharingan"

"This, okay I will become his spirit ring. Now absorb me" a spirit ring appeared from his head.

Ryu then extended his hand and absorbed it. Hyorinmaru ice was upgraded to Ultimate Ice. It unlocked his Bankai form.

Then Ryu checked his status.

He checked his status.

Age: 12 years old

Rank: 61 (Spirit Emperor)

Exp : 0%

Spirit :

1. Beast Spirit: Chaos Void Time Djinn

2. Tool Spirit: Hyōrinmaru


1. First tomoe : Photographic memory [passive], improved vision [passive]

2. Second tomoe: Genjutsu, Immune to all illusion [passive]

3. Third tomoe : Copycat [passive], Night Vision [passive].

4. Mangekyo Sharingan: Susanoo, Amaterasu, Enton Kagutsuchi, Tsukuyomi

Spirit Ring :

Chaos Void Time Djinn : [Devour], [Essense Shift], [Curse : Amplify Damage]

Hyōrinmaru (Ultimate Ice). [Shikai], [Paralyzing Ice], [Ice Spikes], [Water Tamer], [Arcane Aura], [Bankai]

Skill : [Shadow Clone Jutsu] [Hiraishin no Jutsu] [Rokushiki], [Yukihira Soma Cooking Skill], [Haki], [Diable Jamble], [Electro], [Fishman Karate]

He checked the ultimate ice description.

• Name: Ultimate Ice


• It is the strongest type of ice; it can freeze everything, even the Soul Power.

• It suppresses any other type of ice, and cause a deterring effect on all ice-type Soul Masters, even if they are stronger than he. The host could even intercept their control over ice and interrupt their abilities.

• Ultimate Ice don't have an elemental weakness - it can't be melted by any type of fire

• Through a physical contact, a host can fuse his Ultimate Ice into other ice-type users to increase their powers.

"Very Good, thank you, Tian Meng," Ryu said.

"You are welcome. I'm sorry I can't give you any spirit bone. We, a worm doesn't have any bones"

"I Know about it"

After that, he looked at the sky. the fireworks with Seven Treasures Glazed Tile mark appeared on the sky. He knew Ning Rongrong mindset changed when she saw Tang San. Tang San paid his life to save Xiao Wu, so he absorbed Man Faced Demon Spider.

At the morning, he knew Tang San would be a success, and Xiao Wu returned back. After that, Tang San had a hidden weapon competition with Meng Yi Ran. After that, Ryu appeared and said.

"Someone want to eat Spider meat?"

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