The officiant on the side of the VIP platform said in a clear voice:

"Next, please welcome his majesty, Heaven Dou Empire's emperor, to declare this tournament open."

A grave and clear voice transmitted to the entire audience via sound amplifying spirit tools,

"I, Emperor of Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Ye, represents Heaven Dou Empire, and also this time's tournament host to declare, the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament now open."

Applause thundered once again, cheers rising and falling. But in the center of the arena, Ryu suddenly discovered that this emperor's smiling expression was a bit forced as if he himself wasn't particularly excited for this tournament.

After waiting for this round of applause to die down once again, the emperor continued:

"Here, I hope, the Spirit Masters participating in this tournament, can amply display their strength, and obtain good records. You are all the pride of Heaven Dou Empire. For the sake of the Empire's glory, display your brilliance."

Applause rose for the third time, and this time the eyes of the Spirit Masters in the center revealed a scorching brightness. To them, this tournament was the best stage to reveal themselves.

The emperor sat back in his seat, and the officiant's voice rose once again,

"Next, please welcome the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School's schoolmaster, mister Ning Fengzhi, to address this time's tournament."

Along with Ning Fengzhi getting up, applause rose once again, and there were even more attentive gazes. Who didn't want to take a look at the grace of the Spirit Master world's number one Support Spirit Master?

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, holding both hands together,

"I'm very happy to be invited as an honored guest to this tournament opening. As schoolmaster of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, I have already seen very many Spirit Masters grow. As the Continent's noblest vocation, each Spirit Master must experience many things to grow. In my experience, a sword's point comes from sharpening, and plum blossom fragrance follows the bitter cold. The Spirit Masters joining this tournament are undoubtedly the elite of the young generation. Just as his majesty just said, I hope you can win honor for the Empire, and also for your own academies. The Empire needs your talent. Thank you."

Platinum bishop Salas slowly stood and was led by a maid to the side of the officiant, starting to draw the lots. He was apparently very unwilling to speak, and each pair of opponents he drew was announced by the officiant.

"Preselection competition first round, Blue Sunshine Academy versus Purple Star Academy."

"Preselection competition first round, Auckland Academy versus Blazing Radiance Academy."

"Preselection competition first round, Second Line: Heaven Dou Imperial Academy versus Shrek Academy."

Then Shrek Academy defeated the enemy easily and shocked all of the audiences.

Oscar smiled:

"In front of absolute strength, even better tactics might not be useful. If it really won't do, we might as well put the whole Shrek Seven Devils on stage and let them have a good look."

While speaking, he pulled at the uniform he wore,

"What if it's snot green? As long as we can win, color is no problem."

"Let's go. We'll return to the Academy first. I don't want to have people standing around in a circle watching us later."

In order to keep from being the focal point, after returning to the rest area, everyone without the slightest hesitation changed out of their snot green uniforms, putting on their own clothes to leave the Great Spirit Arena. Since they left very quickly when they left the Great Spirit Arena the spectator seats had only just started emptying. Today was after all only the beginning, tomorrow was when the preselection competition would truly begin. And when the round robin tournament went into motion, it would take up a full month of matches.

The Shrek Devils now finally understood more and more clearly the benefit of Grandmaster's and Ryu's special training. With the previous experience of a month of continuous matches at Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, the competition now about to unfold was even a bit relaxed compared to then.


"Huo Wu."

The Shrek party was just moving away from the Great Spirit Arena and preparing to directly return to the Academy when they were stopped by a familiar voice.


Ning Rongrong and Huo Wu excitedly ran over, throwing theirself into Ryu's embrace.

"I miss you"

"I miss you too"

Then someone familiar to them came.


Ning Fengzhi changed into ordinary clothing, stood in a corner not far from the entrance, waving a hand in their direction.


Ning Rongrong excitedly ran over, throwing herself into her father's embrace.

Meeting this Seven Treasure Glazed Tile schoolmaster, Ryu couldn't help appearing somewhat artificial.

Ning Fengzhi pulled Ning Rongrong's hand and walked over,

"Hello, Shrek Academy's little friends."

Then he looked at Ryu "Finally, I saw you, Uchiha Ryu"

Then a black portal appeared

"So you are the one that made Xiao Rongrong had chosen"

an old man with a withered face appeared from the portal. He was not robust or muscular but still had a very astonishing stature clearly exuding his power. His muscles and skin were both withered, his eye sockets were deep caves, and if seen late at night it would simply be like an immense cranium. On his scalp were only a few sparse wisps of white or grey hair. He was Bone Douluo, Gu Rong.

"But you already had another girl"

"If our princess married you, you would slap our clan. Now, Fight me"

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