Douluo Dalu: Wulin's Legend

Chapter 102 Preselection Competition! Part 1

As usual, at night, Wulin entered the Immortal Realm to commence his training.

With six months passing in the real world, thirty-six months passed within the Immortal Realm.

Possessing abundant Spirit Power in the atmosphere, all the plants and Spirit Beasts flourished without any trouble.

The Immortal Realm was a tranquil place, and there were seldom any conflicts between the inhabitants for food.

Although this does mean the Spirit Beast's don't gain any combat experience, Wulin didn't plan to create a Spirit Beast army, to begin with.

He just wanted some more life in the Realm, and since he couldn't bring humans or transformed Spirit Beasts, he settled with these guys.

Looking around the Immortal Realm, large green tree's that could run for 'World's Most Healthy Tree' covered the entire landmass.

In some places, dirt mounds or craters were indicating the regions where some Spirit Beasts are dwelling.

Wulin disregarded their living zones and strolled around them, travelling to a specific location.

Occasionally, he would walk past a Spirit Beast. It showed no hostility towards Wulin but instead bowed its head and carried on with its day.

It didn't have much intelligence, but it learnt to do that whenever it sees Wulin enter the Realm after a while.

Wulin was the king of the Immortal Realm, and all Spirit Beasts could instinctively feel that.

However, most importantly, they knew he also controlled the Rice Ruler and its five Garden Guardians.

Wulin quickly arrived an area shut off to the ordinary Spirit Beasts. In front of him was a massive wall made from sticks, vines and other various materials.

It signified the boundary of the Rice Ruler's domain, Little Rice's domain.

Wulin jumped over the wall and seemed to have entered a completely different world.

Although the Immortal Realm was beautifully luscious, it was only pure grass, trees and shrubbery, without any unique plants.

However, this close off space had many unusual and colourful plants. Some were small, some large, some white, some black.

It was like a real-life Garden of Eden; Every species of plant existed in this domain.

Wulin would often go to the market districts to see if there were any unique plants that he could obtain and send them into the Immortal Realm.

Wulin always appreciated the breathtaking spectacle when he came here, and he wished he could show it to his girls.

However, they are not able to enter the Immortal Realm.

Suddenly, a colossal stalk-like Spirit Beast gracefully made its way to Wulin's side, using its vine-like appendages to move between plants.

The body of the stalk-like Spirit Beast was covered with many radiant colours, like a colourful rainbow.

This rainbow coloured stalk was Little Rice. It had grown a lot due to the abundant Spirit Power and the growing increase of the Flower of Life.

The reason for its colourful appearance was Wulin's Spirit Gourd. He wanted to test the effects of the Spiritual Liquid on Spirit Beasts, so he fed some to Little Rice.

As a result, it was lucky enough to awaken a dormant bloodline, mutating Little Rice to become colourful like this.

Little Rice used its vines to wrap around Wulin to pull him into its embrace and rubbing him against its stalk face.

To Little Rice, Wulin was its most favourite person. He gave it a beautiful home, gifted it with many rare plants and even prompted it to mutate.

Little Rice treated Wulin like a little treasure, and his every word was like holy scriptures.

Wulin rubbed Little Rice's head and laughed, "Alright, alright. You don't have to do this every time I enter the Immortal Realm."

Little Rice hugged Wulin for a little longer before setting him down, making some rustling noises as it talked to Wulin.

Naturally, Wulin had no idea what it was saying since he couldn't understand Spirit Beast's, but he nodded his head and played along.

"Ok, I am going to cultivate now, take care of the plants for me," Wulin said before flickering away.

Arriving in his usual training area, he got greeted by five monkeys. Four of them had brown fur while the last had a green coat, it was also the largest one.

Because just giving Little Rice the Spirit Liquid to test his theories weren't enough, he also gave some to each of the five monkey siblings.

However, only the oldest one was able to awaken a bloodline and mutate to a higher level.

The eldest monkey mutated into a Spirit Beast called the Hurricane Zephyr Monkey Spirit Beast.

It gained an ability to manipulate the wind element and could shoot out wind blades, which it liked to use to snipe its siblings.

The other monkey's not mutating like its eldest brother doesn't mean that they didn't gain any benefits though.

Their bodies and souls were purified, making their fur coats strong like steel and their bodies even stronger.

The five of them saw Wulin and immediately stood in a line, waiting for instructions, like poorly-organised soldiers.

Their silly coordinated gathering provoked Wulin to chuckle as he said, "Come on, I won't use any Spirit Power."

The monkeys immediately dispersed like shadows and circled Wulin like fiendish predators, waiting for their prey to let its guard down.

Speed was the most significant characteristic of these monkey's, and it was also the attribute that was upgraded the most after their bodies were purified.

Even though they were only a couple of tens of years old, they could easily match a Spirit Beast in the hundred years of age.

Their power wasn't just due to their bloodlines and bodies, but the fighting techniques that Wulin has taught them.

Unlike the rest of the Spirit Beasts that live peacefully here, the five monkey siblings love to fight and have been watching Wulin practice since they entered the Immortal Realm.

He taught them his hand-to-hand combat techniques and movement techniques, to which they immediately took a liking.

Although they were Spirit Beasts, they had humanoid bodies.

Wulin's techniques centred around a monkey's bodily movements, so they could also use his martial arts.

The five monkeys circled Wulin, with the eldest one shooting off cautionary wind blades at him to open a gap.

However, Wulin's body was already sturdy enough to hammer down a Spirit Saint.

So, the wind blades only cut his clothes before dissipating harmlessly off his body.

Wulin already knew they were no match for him, but since they were eager to play with him, he would also play with them.

He opened his body up a bit, leaving a noticeable gap in his defences. With their small intelligence, the monkeys immediate seized the opportunity to pounce on Wulin.

Wulin smirked as one monkey came up behind him and threw a punch at the back of his head.

His tail swiftly unfurled from his waist and blocked the Swift Wind Monkey's fist, grabbing its wrist and swinging it in front of him.

The monkey was thrown a couple of metres away, crashing into one of its speedily circling siblings.

The two of them got aggravated by the crash and immediately charged at Wulin. The rest of the monkeys decided to join in as well, making it a five on one.

Wulin moved forward and weaved his way through two Swift Wind Monkeys, crushing their encirclement with expertise.

Next, he spun around and gave the two monkeys a kick in the butt, sending them flying into their siblings once again.

The four monkeys crashed to the ground while the eldest brother, the Hurricane Zephyr Monkey, used its maximum speed to throw jabs.

Its awakened bloodline seemed to be quite strong, Wulin though it would almost be able to fight a 1,000-year-old Spirit Beast with its speed.

Of course, its power was a different story. It was stronger than its siblings but much weaker than other older Spirit Beasts.

Unfortunately, in the face of the Absolute Power that is Wulin, it may as well have been crawling at a snail's pace.

Wulin blocked all the Monkey's jabs with his palms before whacking it away with his tail, "Come on, I am not a monkey, but I use my tail more than you."

Wulin continued to spar the monkey siblings for a little while before sending them off so he could do his training.

He spent most of his time practising his many different techniques while he uses the rest to cultivate his Spirit Power.

Thanks to the time dilation of the Immortal Realm, Wulin had more time than anyone to cultivate all his techniques.

After more than a day inside the Immortal Realm, Wulin ran out of time and was expelled from the Realm.

As his consciousness returned to his body, so too did his sense of touch, allowing him to feel the warm and tiny body pillow in his embrace.

Wulin carried the little animal that was Little Jing to the bathroom and got her cleaned up before meeting with Ning Fengzhi and the others in the dining hall.

Like usual, Grandpa Bone and Grandpa Sword were both present, having breakfast with the family was a tradition for them.

Other than having breakfast with them, the only thing Grandpa Sword did was cultivate like a mad man.

Having his body cleansed and renewed allowed him to feel his cultivation progress once more, and he was now motivated to grow even stronger.

Grandpa Bone is similar to Grandpa Sword.

However, he must follow Ning Fengzhi around from now on to protect him, causing his cultivation speed to be a bit slower.

Ning Fengzhi would instead expose Grandpa Bone breaking through the 96th rank than Grandpa Sword breaking through the 97th rank.

Although it is only the difference in a number, the difference in power is like the difference in heaven and earth. Right now, Grandpa Bone can't defeat Grandpa Sword at all.

If word got out that Chen Xin made a breakthrough, then the clan would gather a lot of unwanted attention, and possibly create troubles.

After eating breakfast, Grandpa Bone opened a portal allowing the group to enter the Great Spirit Arena directly.

Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong left to go to their VIP Section to watch the fights while Wulin and the others went to the resting area to meet with the Shrek Academy group.

"Sixth Brother, Sisters! You wouldn't believe who our opponent is today!" Mu Bai happily laughed as he said.

"Boss Dai, who is it? For you to be so happy, it must be one of the weakest teams, and you will get a free win." Rong Rong said.

Oscar laughed a little, "Indeed, it is one of the weakest teams now, we are facing the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy team!"

Rong Rong laughed, "You guys really are lucky! When are you fighting?"

Mu Bai pointed at a large board as he said, "We are fighting in the first round, and on the centre stage as well!"

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Wulin looked at the board. It contained information of who was battling who on that day and which stage.

The centre stage first round was Shrek Academy vs Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

Looking further down, Wulin found the Seven Treasure School also in the centre stage, but they were in the final round instead.

He had never heard of the opposing Academy before, so he assumed it was some nameless Academy with weak students.

Currently, only Flander and the other teachers knew of Shrek Academy Team's strength, so they felt pity for the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

Two days in a row, they are going to be slammed two days in a row. It's hard to say how much reputation they will have left after today.

In the VIP Area, Bishop Salas was sitting to the side of Emperor Xue Ye like usual. Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong were on his other hand.

After yesterday's debacle, Salas decided to investigate the strength of his enemy powers, Shrek Academy and Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

He hadn't been able to see what happened yesterday. However, he hoped he would be able to find out the Spirit Rings of the Seven Treasure Team today.

Not only that, he was testing the Shrek Academy Team and trying to cause tensions by pitting them against the Heaven Dou Academy again.

Ning Fengzhi backed one while Emperor Xue Ye backed the other. To Salas, no matter who lost, it was a win for him.

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