Douluo Dalu: Wulin's Legend

Chapter 119 Flowing Leaves Village Incomplete


Pat! Pat" Pat!

Liu Chang struck the ground with his Spirit, Spirit Hoe Tool Spirit. He woke up early in the morning to tend to his fields and was drenched in sweat already.

"Ah! Tired, I am too tired!" Liu Chang threw his Spirit Hoe on the ground and cried out.

"What tired, keep working! Since you are too tired to work, I guess you are also too tired to play, let's not do anything tonight and have a good rest."

Almost immediately after he complained, a woman's voice shot back at him in contempt.

Liu Chang looked at his wife and hurriedly shook his head, "I didn't mean that. I just needed a small break; I will get back to it right away."

His wife glared at him and harrumphed, before turning away and going back to weaving baskets.

Liu Chang, noticing she turned away, dropped the act and sighed exhaustedly.

He wiped the sweat from his dirty, yellowish face and stared into the clouds above.

Hah... If only I awakened a mighty Spirit, I could have become a Spirit Master, Liu Chang thought to himself.

Suddenly, he noticed a black dot in the sky, and it seemed to be getting closer.

"Oh, oh my, what is that?" Liu Chang asked.

"Why are you looking at the sky for, huh? If you don't get back to work, how are you going to pay for our meals?"

Lady Liu went to check back on Liu Chang and noticed him slacking on the job, so she got angry and started yelling again.

However, unlike the usual reaction she gets from him, he ignored her and shakily pointed to the sky.

"T-that, is that coming right towards us?" Liu Chang's face began to pale, and his voice shook more than his dirty fingers.

At this time, his exhaustion left him, and panic replaced it, filling his body with anxiety.

"Go, quickly get the Village Chief!" Liu Chang yelled at his wife after a couple of seconds.

Lady Liu ran to the Village Chief's house screaming about the beast in the sky, causing a large amount of mass panic throughout the village.

The Village Chief swung the front door open and ran outside, "What is going on? Why are you screaming?"

"Chief, look in the sky, over there!" A villager pointed in the direction where everyone was looking as he informed the Village Chief.

The Village Chief looked into the sky and raised his old hand to block the sunlight.

He could see a black shadow that was quickly becoming larger. However, it wasn't a Spirit Beast like he thought it would be, because he could see a humanoid figure.

Being the strongest person in the village, the old Village Chief had the best vision and could better see the figures in the sky.

Flying? Can humans fly? The old chief thought incredulously. It was almost scarier than seeing a Spirit Beast.

"It is not a Spirit Beast. I can see a human up there," the Village Chief tried to calm the villagers down, but it looked like he was the one that needed calming.

He then remembered something and looked at a villager, "Lao, hide the girl!"

The villager, Lao, nodded his head while still stunned, and only ran off after the Village Chief yelled at him.

Wulin soon arrived above Flowing Leaves Village with Ning Yuzi and manipulated the Monkey God's Nimbus to descend.

He noticed earlier that a lot of villagers seemed to be gathering around and looking at him.

With his keen eyesight, he was also able to see the fear etched on their faces.

The Nimbus landed in the centre of the village, and Wulin and Ning Yuzi hopped off.

The villagers were stunned as they stared at the two of them, while Wulin and Yuzi looked around.

Yuzi couldn't help but smile when he saw the familiar buildings and dirty-faced people who reeked of farm work.

"This Flowing Leaves Village reminds me of my village," he said reminiscently.

Wulin was also looking around at the villagers with curiosity. They were surprised to see a couple of young men land in front of them.

Some of them openly looked at him, and other sneaked a glance through the slits in their windows.




(End of the edited parts)



The villagers cautiously gathered in the village square, peering through their windows and from between the straw buildings.

The Village Chief stepped forward and looked at the two of them cautiously. They looked so young, but he could feel an invisible pressure emanating from them.

"H-hello. I am the Chief of this Flowing Leave's Village, is there anything you need of our tiny village?"

The old Village Chief warily looked at the two of them and asked, feeling hesitant to approach to two youngsters.

Wulin looked at the old man that stepped forward and used his Observation Ability on him:


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Name: Yu Xiang

Spirit Rank: 43

Spirit: Wind Cutter Axe


"Good Afternoon. My name is Chen Wulin, and this is Ning Yuzi, we are from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan."

Wulin stepped forward and introduced Ning Yuzi and himself courteously, bowing towards the Village Chief.

The old Village Chief's eyes almost popped out of its sockets when he heard Wulin say they were from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

Even an uneducated and backwater old man like him knew what the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan was.

He looked at their clothes and noticed the vibrant mark of the Seven Treasured Pagoda, shining radiantly on the chest area of their pure white clothing.

'It's real, they are really from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan!' The Village Chief stood still as he tried to process the information thrown at him.

He quickly tried to understand what Wulin and Ning Yuzi were here for. After a few seconds, he remembered the big event that recently occurred.

The daughter of one of the Village Elders awakened their Spirit with a Spirit Power of nine.

"You are here to take Little Niu to the Seven treasure Clan?" The old man asked hurriedly, before looking around to see where Little Niu was.

Wulin nodded his head, "That's right, we wish to recruit the talented child as part of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan."

The Village Chief was elated to hear it. By having Little Niu join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, she would bring glory to their village and allow them to receive many benefits.

Not only that, but if she becomes someone of status, she could ask for the village to be under the protection of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

"Great, great! Where is Little Niu, bring her over here!" The Village Chief hurriedly yelled out in excitement.

In his mind, he was thinking how great his luck was for a person of his village to be scouted into the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

He didn't even know how they found out about Little Niu's Spirit Awakening, since he never saw anyone with the typical white Seven Treasure Clan attire during the time period until now.

"It's alright, there is no need to force the little girl over right now. We will go and find her ourselves." Wulin shook his hands, stopping them from searching for the girl.

"Of course! Masters, please wander around our humble village as you like. If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to tell me."

The Village Chief nodded his head rapidly before turning to the villagers that were still standing around, "What are you guys doing! Get back to whatever you were doing!"

The villagers quickly dispersed, but Wulin could still see a couple of them peeking through the cracks of their windows, or from behind a building.

The Village Chief also noticed a couple of them and sent a silent glare in their direction, causing them to flee quickly.

Wulin smiled a little and clapped Ning Yuzi's shoulder, "Come on, let's go and find the girl. See if we can convince her to come with us."

He led the way as he thought about the various methods he could use to coerce the little girl to come with him.

Most of them included giving her some food from the Immortal Realm, a little child of six years old would follow him like a chick if he gave her good food.

As for the Village Chief, he seemed to have somewhere to go and quickly ran off.

Wulin casually strolled around the village, there were many crop fields encircling the territory of the village.

It seemed this village was much smaller in comparison to the one Wulin used to live in, as it didn't have any clans or powerful families in it.

The entire village was headed by the Village Chief, who overlooked the village and protected it as the strongest Spirit Master.

After a brief look around the village, Wulin became bored and wanted to take the little girl back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

Once you have seen one corner of the village, you have seen all four corners. It was a small place with nothing much to offer in terms of entertainment.

After asking a random villager, Wulin and Ning Yuzi went to a small straw and mud house that looked like it could barely house anyone, let alone a family.

"Hello! Is Little Niu here, we are the people from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan." Wulin projected his voice into the building.

He heard rustling coming from inside the house, and the door was swung open shortly after.

A middle-aged woman with worn-out features stood at the door as she looked at Wulin and Ning Yuzi.

It was obvious to see that despite her withered and work overloaded body was tired, she was in an extremely good mood.

Seeing the two of them, the woman had a glint of excitement and happiness before it was replaced by sorrow.

"Masters, Little Niu is at her friend's house. She will only come back when it is time for dinner." The old woman said softly, as if it was a great shame.

"If you don't mind, why don't two Masters' come inside, I will brew some tea for you." She asked quickly, hoping to bring them inside.

Wulin shook his head, "There is no need for that. Where is the friend's house? We will go and visit her now."

He was already bored of the village and just wished to get Little Niu and bring her back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

However, it seemed that Little Niu's mother had other ideas, "Wait! I insist, please come inside. I will cook my best meal for you!"

Even Ning Yuzi could tell that the woman was trying to hide something as the two of them furrowed their eyebrows.

"Madam, what are you trying to hide from us? Where is Little Niu?" Ning Yuzi spoke in a stern voice, getting a little irritated by her attempt at keeping them from meeting Little Niu.

The old woman became frightened when she saw their displeasure and answered hastily, "Little N-Niu is really at her friend's house!"

"Is that so? Then we will go there now and talk to Little Niu." Wulin said, before turning around and walking away, followed by Ning Yuzi.


Once more, the middle-aged woman screamed out in haste. She ran forward and blocked their way.

Now, even Wulin was beginning to feel irritated by these antics. If there is something to be said, just say it already!

Suddenly, the woman plopped onto her knees as she immediately kowtowed towards the two of them.

"I am begging you! Please don't do anything to Pachong! She is just a little girl, and she has never done anything wrong!"

Tears were already streaming down her face as she repeatedly banged her head on the hard ground.

Wulin and Ning Yuzi were stunned by the sudden display in front of them, unable to react for a little while.

"What are you talking about, why would I kill anyone?"

Wulin looked at the woman incredulously, 'We are the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, why does it sound like we are ruthless murderers?'

He turned to Ning Yuzi and saw an equally surprised look on his face, he obviously had no idea what was going on here.

Seeing the woman was about to begin another round of kowtowing, Wulin grabbed her by the shoulder to stop her.

"Speak, why would we kill this person Pachong? We are not bloodthirsty people." He stared into her teary eyes and asked seriously.

The woman was tearing up as she thought about it, "It… It happened during the Spirit Awaken Ceremony…"

"Many people in the village are calling her a demon child! But she is only a little girl, she has never done anything wrong!"

She latched onto Wulin's arm and held it in a death grip, "She does not deserve this kind of treatment, please do not harm her!"

Although she was gripping Wulin as strongly as she could, the middle-aged woman was only a normal Spirit Master, without a single Spirit Ring.

He easily shook himself free of her hands and said, "I will not kill anyone who does not deserve to be killed."

"Now, lead the way to Pachong's house." Wulin said strongly and didn't allow the woman to reject him.

Helpless, the woman wiped her tears and lead Wulin and Ning Yuzi around the village, towards the girl named Pachong's house.

Being a small village, they quickly arrived at a house that was similarly built to Little Niu's.

Even before reaching the door, Wulin and Yuzi could hear the sounds of yelling coming from inside.

Disregarding courtesy, Wulin opened the straw door and walked inside.

"I WON'T GO ANYWHERE! I WILL NEVER LEAVE CHONG CHONG!" the childish voice of a girl pierced the air.

Her agitation and anger were conveyed as she stood strongly in front of an old man, her tiny hands balled into tight fists.

Wulin walked into the room and saw a little girl bravely confronting an old man while a middle-aged man and women were watching on the side.

The girl had messy and slightly dirty sandy-brown hair, which cascaded wildly down her tiny back.

While being hidden under a small layer of grime and malnourishment, Wulin could tell the little girl is extremely cute.

Her face was perfectly aligned and symmetrical, with her cheeks still appearing a little chubby compared to her slender frame.

As for the old man, he was a familiar figure to Wulin, the Village Chief.

The Village Chief had a sad and passive look on his face when confronted by the little girl.

"Little Niu, I also do not want you to part from Pachong, but this is the only way to protect her, and it is a great opportunity for you too!"

He was about to continue, but he noticed Wulin, Ning Yuzi and Little Niu's mother enter the house.

His eyes widened in fright, as did the little girl's.

Wulin and Ning Yuzi were not familiar figures to her, so she immediately associated them with the two that wanted to take her away.

Within half a beat, Little Niu turned around and fled deeper into the small house.

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