Douluo Dalu: Wulin's Legend

Chapter 124 Assassination!

Ning Fengzhi understood what Wulin meant when he suggested this prize, and he was surprised, "That is a big reward. Are you sure you want to use that?"

Ning Fengzhi also understood that any Spirit Master would highly covet the effects of the Spirit Liquid.

Wulin nodded his head, and he already had a reason prepared.

"Only we know the true effects of the Spirit Liquid. If we say that it only affects Spirit Trainee's, then it only affects Spirit Trainee's."

Ning Fengzhi's eyes brightened, and he nodded his head, "That's right, nobody would believe that we would use a limited Heavenly Treasure on a Spirit Trainee."

When the word is released that the Spirit Liquid only affects Spirit Trainees, the value of the treasure will decrease tremendously.

The only problem was that the person that uses the Spirit Liquid would enter the crosshair of other clans and groups like Spirit Hall.

However, that is a natural part of being a genius. Which genius isn't targetted by more immense, opposing powers.

Ning Fengzhi decided that it would be fine to use the Spirit Liquid as a reward.

"Then, it's decided. I'd better do some paperwork before I get flooded, see you, kids, later." Ning Fengzhi cheerfully stood up and left.

Wulin and the girls said goodbye to Ning Fengzhi before they were alone in the spacious lounge hall.

Wulin hugged Little Jing and kicked his legs onto the sofa, getting in a comfortable position to lay on Rong Rong's thighs.

"So, how was your shopping? Did anything happen?" He looked up at Rong Rong and asked.

Little Jing looked like she was already starting to fall asleep. She must have trained herself to feel sleepy whenever she lays on his chest.

"Teacher Liu Erlong came along as well. We were able to help her pick out some sexy lingerie to entice Grandmaster."

Rong Rong couldn't help but giggle imagining Yu Xiao Gang's reaction when he saw Liu Erlong's underwear, or rather, string.

However, her enjoyment crashed to the ground when Wulin mentioned a very crucial variable.

"You bought her sexy lingerie? Are Yu Xiao Gang and Liu Erlong that far in their relationship? Will she get a chance to show him?"

Rong Rong paused for a moment, then began kneading Wulin's forehead with her palm in annoyance.

"Why didn't you think of it earlier! I should have helped her buy some potent aphrodisiacs!"

Wulin smiled and grabbed her hand before taking a bite of it, causing her to jolt and pull it back.

Rong Rong pouted at Wulin as she caressed her hand, she could even see the indents of his teeth on her palm.

"You can't go and drug Yu Xiao Gang, it would only scare him away. He will come around. They have already made a lot of progress compared to before."

"Forget about them. What about you? Did you buy some lingerie for me to look at?"

Wulin inquisitively poked the underside of Rong Rong's breast with his finger.

It was so soft that his finger sunk in all the way to the first knuckle with ease.

As he was such a lustful creature, Wulin was immediately captivated by the feeling and continued.

He even used his entire hand to cup and squeeze her mounds of flesh, trying to feel if she was wearing unfamiliar lingerie.

Rong Rong couldn't help but blush when Wulin continued, "You rogue! Barbarian! Why are you doing this in the lounge, what if Daddy comes back?"


Six old men sat around a round table. They were just quietly sitting there as if there was nobody else at the table.

The room was utterly silent, eerily silent. There were no sounds at all, not even from the world outside the chamber.

It was as if all animals had instinctively avoided coming near or flying above this area.

Despite the deathly silence, the atmosphere was not awkward at all.

The old men just sat with their eyes closed, resembling statues.

Clack Clack Clack...

Suddenly, the sounds of wooden sandals broke the silent atmosphere as it echoed throughout the room.

The door opened to expose a handsome man, appearing around thirty to forty years old.

He seemed like an entirely normal middle-aged man, his face was calm, and no Spirit Power could be felt leaking from his body.

Instead, he gave off a strangely peaceful and tranquil aura, one which made people feel comfortable when around him.

However, the strange thing was that the middle-aged man had his hands hidden behind his grey robes.

It raised the question of how he opened the door when his hands were behind his back.

The middle-aged man strolled into the room, his wooden sandals clacked loudly, and the six old men opened their eyes.

Behind the middle-aged man, the door suddenly shut by itself.

The old men smoothly stood up and bowed to the middle-aged man, "Grand Priest."

The Grand Priest, Qian Daoliu, nodded his head and took the final seat.

The middle-aged man was Qian Daoliu, the Grand Priest of Spirit Hall and a rank 99 Titled Douluo.

He was one of the people closest to achieving Godhood.

The seven of them sat down together, and Qian Daoliu began speaking, "Today, I have gathered everyone to discuss something important,"

"What do you all think about the Continental Spirit Master Competiton?" Qian Daoliu asked quietly, but his voice drilled into the ears of the other priests.

The six priests looked at each other before one of them answered, "It is a tiny competition between the youths of Douluo Continent."

Another priest nodded his head in agreement, "I heard our Spirit Hall Team has 3 Spirit Kings competing, they are pretty decent."

However, Qian Daoliu shook his head, "I didn't want to talk about that, but instead about two academies originating from Heaven Dou Empire."

"Two academies from Heaven Dou Empire? What could be special about something from Heaven Dou Empire?"

One priest didn't bother hiding his despise towards the Heaven Dou Empire and nastily spoke.

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"You should not underestimate the Heaven Dou Empire that much, talents can be born anywhere under this sun."

Qian Daoliu was calm when dealing with the priests.

"Since it is a talent of Heaven Dou Empire, they must be incredible for Grand Priest to gather all of us." The second priest finally spoke.

"Are you planning to recruit them or kill them?"

Qian Daoliu released a gentle smile, "I don't think it is possible to recruit most of them, if not all of them. Have a look for yourselves."

As he spoke, bundles of paper appeared out of thin air and settled in front of the six priests.

The priests perused through the papers. It contained information about the two academies, Shrek Academy and Seven Treasure Team.

Inside the report about the two academies, the registration information of the two teams was revealed.

The six priests were unable to control their faces from contorting in astonishment.

Dai Mu Bai, Spirit Ancestor level Power Attack System Spirit Master. White Tiger Beast Spirit. 17 years old.

Oscar, Spirit Ancestor level Auxiliary System Spirit Master. Sausage Food Spirit. 16 years old.

Ma Hongjun, Spirit Ancestor level Power Attack System Spirit Master. Phoenix Beast Spirit. 14 years old.

Xiao Wu, (Peak) Spirit Elder level Power Attack / Agility System Spirit Master. Rabbit Beast Spirit. 14 years old.

Zhu Zhuqing, Spirit Ancestor level Agility Attack System Spirit Master. Hell Civet Beast Spirit. 14 years old.

Tang San, Spirit Ancestor level Control System Spirit Master. Blue Silver Grass. 14 years old.


"This is crazy! These children are monstrous geniuses! Spirit Ancestor and still 14 years old?"

"That Auxiliary System Spirit Master is only 16 and is already a Spirit Ancestor as well!"

"The captain is called Dai Mu Bai? That is the same as the imperial family of Star Lou Empire."

The Priests also had reports of every action Shrek Academy made in the Spirit Master Competition.

They read further and realised these Spirit Masters were incredible. At the same time, they understood the bond between all of them.

The priests looked at a couple of the names sadly, "Recruiting such a genius Food Spirit Master would be good luck for three generations."

"It is a shame that they don't look like they will side with Spirit Hall, so we much nip them before they can grow."

"Grand Priest, how do you propose we deal with these children?"

Qian Daoliu answered, "Of course, they must disappear as quickly as possible. However, you have yet to look at the most dangerous ones."

The priests furrowed their brows.

They just read about six children who exhibited talent that far exceeded their own.

Nevertheless, they were not even the most dangerous? What kind of monsters could there be left?

They looked at the other documents that were left aside. It was the other academy, Seven Treasure Team.

Feeling curious, they examined the documents and realised the team belonged to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

'So, it was the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan... They are wealthy enough to nurture a genius.'

'It will be a bit more difficult to deal with those from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan...'

'That Support Spirit is too strong. We will have to use our full power to go against the two Title Douluo there.'

Various thoughts went through the heads of the Spirit Hall priests as they read through the paper.

Ning Yuzi, Spirit Ancestor level Power Attack System. Golden Lion Beast Spirit. 24 years old.

Xue Mei, Spirit Ancestor level Auxiliary System. Blood Rose Tool Spirit. 18 years old.

Chen Yue, Spirit Ancestor level Control System. Ice Phoenix Beast Spirit. 14 years old.

Yan Xifeng, Spirit Ancestor level Power Attack System. Fire Phoenix Beast Spirit. 14 years old.

Huli Jing, Spirit Ancestor level Control System. Fox Beast Spirit. 14 years old.

Ning Rong Rong, Spirit Ancestor level Control System. Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Tool Spirit. 14 years old.

Chen Wulin, Spirit King level Power Attack / Control System. Elemental Monkey Beast Spirit. 14 years old.


Eyes wide like a fish, mouths opening and closing like a fish out of water.

This appearance was the same no matter which Spirit Hall priest one looked towards.

They were too surprised by the information provided, and it seemed like somebody was playing tricks on them.

Ignoring the monstrous geniuses that cultivated to the Spirit Ancestor Realm by 14 years old, Ning Rong Rong and Chen Wulin were by far the scariest.

"Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda! The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan has hidden this person well!" The Fifth Priest cried.

"No! This Ning Rong Rong is the only daughter of Ning Fengzhi, and I remember she awakened the same Spirit as her father."

However, he was overturned by the Seventh Priest, "This means... She discovered a way to cause her Spirit to evolve."

All the priests were stunned like a hammer hit them over the head.

"T...Then, could Ning Fengzhi have also evolved his Spirit into a Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda?" One of the Priests asked with a dry mouth.

"No. It is highly likely that the Ning child evolved via a heavenly encounter. It is almost impossible for there to be another."

Qian Daoliu was the one to answer.

"The other child, Chen Wulin, is likely to be a more significant threat than Ning Rong Rong herself." He changed the topic to Wulin.

The Priests nodded their heads in agreement, "A Spirit King before he even turned 15 years old. This transcends the level of a monster."

"They must die as soon as possible! If Chen Wulin goes into hiding, then he will become a massive threat in a couple of decades."

Qian Daoliu nodded his head, "Then it is decided, Yue Guan, Gui Mei, to the Elders Palace."

He only spoke in his usual voice, but it pierced through the world and arrived in Yue Guan and Gui Mei's ears.

In just a couple of seconds, the two of them appeared behind the seated Qian Daoliu, kneeling in respect.

The priests were a little surprised, Qian Daoliu was planning to have these two assassinate the children?

Yue Guan and Gui Mei were existences that were just below them. Gui Mei was even close to being able to become part of the Elders Palace.

"You two are tasked with assassinating this group of people. Use any means you have to, but I do not want to hear that these two are alive before the finals."

"If you can complete the task, you may seek shelter in the Elders Palace."

"However, if you can't, don't bother coming back to Spirit Hall, if you don't want to be killed by me."

Qian Daoliu released a pressure that almost crushed Yue Guan and Gui Mei.

Sweat poured down their foreheads, and they hurriedly nodded, "R-rest assured, Grand Priest. If we cannot, then we will kill ourselves to save you the trouble!"

Qian Daoliu retracted his pressure, and the two Titled Douluo's fled like scurried rats.

(Note: I know the Spirits are incorrect in the text, that is because Spirit Hall does not precisely understand what Spirits they have, only know what they registered at Spirit Hall and the competition.)

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