Douluo Dalu: Wulin's Legend

Chapter 127 Moon Pavilion

Wulin went to Xue Mei's cultivation room and opened the door.

In the middle of the room, Xue Mei sat still as a statue. Her eyes shut as she took even and drawn out breaths.

Her large and perky chest rose and fell tantalisingly, causing Wulin to stare at them in a light daze.

Remembering that Xue Ke was waiting for them, Wulin gently knocked on the door, breaking Xue Mei from her trance.

Her blood-red eyelashes fluttered open, exposing her similarly coloured luminescent eyes.

She looked at Wulin mesmerisingly, "...Master, why are you covered in dirt?"

"I was playing around with Feng Feng, and we got a little dirty." Wulin opened his arms and looked at himself.

"Anyway, Xue Ke arrived, so we need to go freshen up. Including you."

Xue Mei bit her luscious lips and lifted her arms towards Wulin, "Master, carry me!"

Wulin smiled and went over to Xue Mei, grabbing her hand and pulling her into his embrace.

"Whoa!" Xue Mei exclaimed. She wrapped her arms around Wulin's neck, while Wulin groped her thighs and held them intimately.

Suddenly, Wulin and Xue Mei were directly facing each other. Xue Mei turned a little flushed and looked away.

Wulin laughed and carried her out the room, before rushing to the bathroom.


However, shortly after he got out of Xue Mei's quarters, he felt her bite into his shoulder and swallow his blood like a vacuum.

Wulin was shocked for a second then helplessly shook his head, and pinched Xue Mei's buttocks in return.

Her body was trembling slightly, and she squirmed around gently, brushing her peaks on Wulin's chest.

Wulin was very familiar with these movements. It was the movements Xue Mei made whenever she got aroused by drinking his blood.

According to her, drinking from the source is hundreds of times better than drinking from her gourds.

"Little nympho, I will have to take care of you quickly inside the bathroom."

Wulin didn't waste any more time and rushed to the bathroom. He was going to relieve her before they went to Xue Ke.


"Xue Ke!"

"Big Sister Xue Ke!"

Rong Rong and Little Jing burst into the lounge hall and rushed over to Xue Ke's side.

The two of them were already bored after Wulin banished them to their rooms.

However, Xue Ke arrived like an angel, causing Wulin to lift the banishment for a while and letting them meet her.

Rong Rong sat beside Xue Ke and intimately held her slender arm, "Our saviour!"

Little Jing was even more exaggerated, and she jumped onto Xue Ke's lap and hugging her chest.

"I was so bored! I wanted to go to sleep, but I was afraid Daddy would come in while I was asleep."

Little Jing nuzzled her face in between Xue Ke's budding breasts like she naturally does with all the other girls.

However, Xue Ke wasn't like them and turned a bright shade of red. Nobody had touched her like this before.

"Wawawa!" Xue Ke didn't know what to do. She couldn't remain unabashed when suddenly faced with an intimate situation like this.

Fortunately, Rong Rong was a bit smarter than Little Jing and pulled her off, "Little Jing, you are making Xue Ke uncomfortable."

With Rong Rong's reminder, Little Jing remembered that Xue Ke wasn't part of Wulin's harem, and probably didn't have much sexual experience.

"Sorry, Big Sister Xue Ke!" Little Jing sat in Rong Rong's lap and bowed her head to Xue Ke, feeling sorry and embarrassed.

Xue Ke brought a hand to her chest. Her heart was pounding crazily, and her face was flushed.

She shook her head quickly, "It... It's okay. I was just surprised by the sudden action."

Little Jing lifted her head, "As an apology, I will let you touch my tails?"

Her big and bead-like eyes reminded Xue Ke of all the cute stuffed dolls she had in her room.

Only, Little Jing looked like a doll made by a Titled Douluo level master doll maker.

Every feature of her face was individually perfect, and when put together, they created a synergy that could charm anyone.

Xue Ke looked at Little Jing's tails. They were spreading to either side of Rong Rong and curling up lightly.

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With a bit of practice, Little Jing was able to make her tails stay put and curl up a bit, so they don't get in the way.

Xue Ke gulped, Little Jing's tails were the same mystical white colour as her hair, and they looked softer than the softest pillow in the Imperial Palace.

Little Jing saw Xue Ke's eagerness through the hesitation and smiled, "It's okay. You can touch them, just not too hard."

Rong Rong brazenly grabbed one of Little Jing's tails and used it as a brush, tickling Xue Ke's milky white arm.

"Ah!" Xue Ke was astonished. Such a soft and delicate feeling, she immediately thought Little Jing's tail could be the best paintbrush in the world.

With Little Jing and Rong Rong's encouragement, Xue Ke gained the confidence to grab Little Jing's tail.

With a red face laced with eagerness, Xue Ke slowly reached out towards Little Jing's tail, like she was afraid of alerting it.

Suddenly, the door opened without warning, causing Xue Ke to jump in startlement, and she quickly kept her hands to herself.

Little Yue walked in with a tray of teacups and a kettle, unaware of the fright she caused Xue Ke.

Her frosty face cracked a small smile, one which couldn't be seen if someone wasn't paying close attention.

"I brought the tea that Father-in-Law has been hiding." She said, placing the tray on the table in front of them.

"Ah! Little Yue, where did you find it? Daddy is always hiding nice things from me!"

Rong Rong went wide-eyed when she saw the packet of tea Little Yue found.

It was an expensive type of tea only produced in a small city in the western region of the Douluo Continent.

Ning Fengzhi had no choice but to hide it from Rong Rong and the young girls because none of them understood how to appreciate good tea.

It was a tea that Ning Fengzhi only brought out for special occasions and with Gu Rong.

"Ah? If it is precious to Uncle Ning, shouldn't we refrain from using it?" Xue Ke was worried.

Rong Rong shook her head, "Don't worry about it. We can always buy more, and it isn't that expensive for us."

Little Yue nodded her head and poured some cups for everyone, "That's right. Don't worry and drink."

Xue Ke accepted the cup and their words, before carefully taking a sip.

Suddenly, her shiny bright eyes widened, and she quickly downed the rest of the tea.

"!! This tea is so tasty! What kind of tea is it?" Xue Ke rarely drank tea because it left a bad aftertaste in her mouth.

However, this tea started with a soft and sweet taste of nature. The taste lingered on her tongue even after she finished, only the best flavours remaining.

Rong Rong grabbed her cup and drank the tea in an instant, not even waiting for a second to savour the taste.

"Kyah! It is delicious. Little Yue, pour me some more!" Rong Rong put the cup in front of Little Yue.

Little Jing, who just finished her cup, did the same and looked at Little Yue with her usual beady eyes.

Rong Rong explained which city produced the tea, and Xue Ke made her mind to buy a bunch of it for herself.

Feeling comfortable and drinking the tea like it was a fruit juice, the four girls continued to chat for a couple of minutes.

The door opened once more, and Wulin walked in with Feng Feng and Xue Mei.

Their hair was still wet as they just got out of the bathroom. Xue Mei was clinging onto Wulin's arm and using him as support as she walked awkwardly.

Both Wulin and Xue Mei had slightly heavy breaths like they just finished a strenuous exercise.

Little Yue, Rong Rong and Little Jing looked at Xue Mei and immediately knew the reason for her walk.

Wulin sat at the sofa, basically carrying Xue Mei as she relieved all her weight to him.

She was like putty in his arms. If Xue Ke were not here, she would probably be mewling like a kitten and seeking pampering.

They greeted Xue Ke with a smile, which Xue Ke also returned with a shy smile.

Wulin quickly glanced at her body. She was nothing like his well-endowed girls who showed maturity beyond their age.

She was more like Little Jing. Her skin was milky white, elegant and delicate.

Her fingers were small and pure, and it was apparent that Xue Ke had never worked a day in her life.

She also never exercised like Wulin and the others have, so her body didn't need to develop quickly.

She barely looked her age, her breasts were small, and she looked like a cute little doll.

Of course, Xue Ke was still very pretty, and when she grew up, she would become a real beauty.

Only, her body wouldn't quickly develop because she was a little princess that didn't experience hardships.

On the other hand, Xue Mei saw the tea on the table and frowned, "That is Father-in-Law's tea, right?"

"He is going to be angry if you girls drink all of it." She looked at Little Yue and Rong Rong.

Xue Ke was frightened and hurriedly put her cup down. She didn't want to make Ning Fengzhi angry.

However, Wulin pinched Xue Mei's cheek with the hand wrapped around her shoulders

"Don't be like that. We can throw Little Jing at him, and she will charm him with her cuteness." He said.

Xue Mei pouted her lips, while Little Jing confidently patted her chest, "Believe in me!"

Wulin gave Xue Mei some loving pats to appease her dissatisfaction and turned to the guest.

"Miss Xue, You came here to play with the girls?" He asked, curiously.

Xue Ke nodded her head, embarrassed, "... Yes."

She had one of her protectors drop her off at the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan so she could play around with the others.

There was no need for the protector to follow her as there was no place safer than the clan.

However, that was not the thing Xue Ke was embarrassed about.

Before she left, her father called her to meet him, and he told her that she should try to get closer to Wulin or Ning Yuzi.

She was a little sad to be used as a pawn, but she had no qualms about Wulin or Ning Yuzi, so she accepted the request.

Now, she faced the man she was supposed to seduce, and she had just recently seen him getting intimate with Feng Feng.

Xue Ke couldn't keep a straight face, considering she was just an innocent girl.

Wulin didn't know of the things flowing through Xue Ke's head and just assumed she was feeling strange in a new environment.

He tried to ease the mood and poured some tea while allowing the girls to converse amongst themselves.

As usual, Little Jing moved to her private spot on Wulin's lap, half leaning on Xue Mei as she was so close.

The girls asked her about her life in the Imperial Palace, the type of education she got, and her cultivation.

Xue Ke never put importance towards cultivation. While talented, it was not to the point of being able to reach the Titled Douluo level.

As a result, she only recently got her second Spirit Ring and is currently a rank 21 Spirit Master.

Eventually, the conversation directed towards their future, "Sister Xue Ke, what are you planning to do after the Continental Tournament finishes?"

Xue Ke thought for a moment, "I'm not sure... I don't have many things to do, but Father wants me to attend the Moon Pavilion."

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