Douluo Dalu: Wulin's Legend

Chapter 60 Perfect Combo!

Well, after all of this, I am left with only 200,000 Gold Spirit Coins. I don't waste my time waiting here as I want to see Xue Mei, I pull the pouting Rong Rong out of the room and meet Little Hua.

She has been waiting outside the door the whole time and heard us bidding, so she knows how much money we have used.

She bowed deeply to me, "Congratulations, Young Master, I will bring you to receive your items." Little Hua is very respectful as she speaks and leads the way to my items.

I will have to make some more money before I come back to the Heaven Dou Auction House, perhaps I should force the others to fight in the Great Spirit Arena so that I can bet on them.

There is also the Hidden Weapon deal that I could strike with Rong Rong's father, Tang San has already talked to Rong Rong about it, and I would feel awkward to scam Rong Rong's father of his money.

Soon, we enter a room deep in the Auction House, inside is all the items that we won from the auctions. I placed them all in my Immortal Realm, now there was only Xue Mei sitting on the ground with an old man standing next to her.

The old man looks at me, "I have already prepared the ceremony, as long as you give a drop of blood on her slave collar, she will completely belong to you."

I nod my head as I pull a knife I forged from the Immortal Realm. I slash my finger as a drop of blood flicks onto Xue Mei's collar.

The wound on my finger closes up almost immediately, all of my Spirit Rings have reached at least 4,000,000-years-old, so my Phoenix Regeneration heals at 2,000 times the normal rate.

The collar lights up in a bright colour, shocking Xue Mei out of her lifeless daze. The old man didn't spare any words as he directly left after watching me complete the ceremony.

Xue Mei stares directly at me since I am the closest to her. Her blood red eyes seem glazed over, but I can still see a hint of willpower behind them.

Her body is swaying, she is too weak to move and barely has any muscles, so I will have to carry her back to the Academy.

I pick her up in a princess carry, surprised by how light she felt. She is around as tall as Xiao Wu, yet she is almost as light as Little Jing, and her skin is cold to the touch.

I don't want any mishaps to happen, so I will head straight to the academy and make her a soup using some blood replenishing food, like Blood Ginseng.

A little while ago when I bought some normal ginseng I had the idea to feed the ginseng with blood instead of water, so I dug a pool in the Immortal Realm and filled it with my blood before planting a couple ginseng inside.

Luckily, my guess was correct, and they survived by absorbing the nutrients in my blood, turning a blood red colour. Eating a Blood Ginseng has the effects of increasing the blood production, kind of like a safe way of blood transfusion with slower effects.

Right now, they are around 600-years-old but with the abundant Spirit Power, they have the effects of a 1,000-year-old Blood Ginseng.

I carry Xue Mei's body to the exit of the Heaven Dou Auction House, Little Hua seems reluctant to let me leave but has no reason to keep me.

Once we reach the exit, Little Hua bows to me, "Goodbye, Young Master, I hope that you come back one day, Little Hua will always be your assistant!"

While carrying Xue Mei, I use one of her arms to wave goodbye to Little Hua as I laugh at myself before walking away.

Rong Rong is looking at Xue Mei intently but Xue Mei is just dazedly staring at me. Since she has been in a state of low blood for a while, her brain isn't working very well, and she is unresponsive.

We quickly arrive at Shrek Academy and I bring her to our dorm. The rest of the girls should be cultivating right now, so the dorm is empty.

I lay Xue Mei on the sofa in our living room before leaving Rong Rong to watch her while I leave to the kitchen.

I pull a Blood Ginseng and some other Herbs as well as a fish before creating a light soup. Xue Mei won't be able to take any solid foods right now, so I cut everything small and let them boil until they became soft enough to melt in the mouth.

Bringing the soup back to the living room, I see Xue Mei with her bottom rags flipped up and Rong Rong looking at her.

"Rong Rong, what are you doing…?" Did my little monster scare her off from men? Has she become a lily now?

Rong Rong got up and looked at me, "I was just making sure that she is a virgin, who knows what those people would do at the Auction House. Even if she can't become a part of our team as a Spirit Master, you can at least take her virginity and use her as a sex slave when we aren't around."

I shake my head helplessly, "I don't mind using her since she is my property, but I don't plan to keep her if she is useless as a Spirit Master… Prop her up for me, so I can feed her."

Rong Rong sits behind her as she leans Xue Mei on her chest, propping her up so I can feed her. I used my Fire Nature to cool down the soup as I brought it up to her lips.

However, Xue Mei wouldn't open her mouth, so I couldn't feed her properly. Rong Rong snickered behind her, "Brother Wulin, perhaps you should feed her using your mouth~?"

I gave Rong Rong a small flick on the forehead, "Stop playing around, open her mouth for me."

Rong Rong pouts but still pulls down Xue Mei's jaw, "I was just trying to help you get some liberties."

Once again, I bring the soup to Xue Mei's lips as I slowly pour a little into her mouth, "Why do I need to take liberties, she belongs to me, so even if I want to have sex with her, she can't say no. Plus what is so attractive about this bag of bones right now, at least wait until she has gained meat on her."

The soup melts in Xue Mei's mouth as she unconsciously swallows it. Like a small fire was lit in her stomach, her eyes brightened significantly as she tried to swallow even more.

"Good girl, drink up, you will be up and running in less than a month with all the rare herbs I am feeding you." I say to Xue Mei as I tilt the bowl to give her more soup.

Once she finished drinking all the soup, I could see that her eyes were no longer clouded like before and had some clarity to them.

She glanced around the room before fixing her eyes on me. Suddenly, her eyes roll back as she passes out and leans on Rong Rong.

I pick her up and let her lay down on the sofa again, pulling out a blanket from the Immortal Realm to keep her cold body warm. Later, I will bring her to the bath, the hot water will help with the circulation of blood.

There are still a couple hours until dinner time, so I brought Rong Rong to the bedroom as we lay down together.

"Have you heard of the Blood Clan before, Rong Rong?" I pull Rong Rong closely to my body as I lie on my side, resting her head on my bicep.

"No, I have never heard of it before… Daddy might know about it, he has many dealings with smaller clans and there are many different people that have become partners with our clan's people." Rong Rong said.

"Do you want me to send a letter to Daddy, I'm sure he can find it out quickly." She asks, she leans her chest towards me as she looks up at me.

I give her a little kiss on the nose, "No need, I can just ask Xue Mei when she is able to speak."

"You aren't bothered that I might have another potential wife now that I have brought Xue Mei in?" I ask.

Rong Rong giggles a little, rolling onto her back, "Of course not, in our clan, there are a couple strong Spirit Masters that have multiple wives, even some powerful women with multiple husbands…"

I roll on top of her as I quickly say, "No multiple husbands for you!"

She lets out another laugh, "Hehe~ I don't like any other men, I will only have Brother Wulin as my man… Besides, it's hard enough to just satisfy you in bed with my three sisters. I am glad that we might have another girl to share our suffering!"

"I can control myself, I just like it when I push you to almost pass out. If I wanted, I could have sex forever, adding one more girl isn't going to make the situation any easier for you…" I smile evilly as I say.

Rong Rong pouts, "Brother Wulin, you are so evil! Little Yue is a masochist and you are a sadist! Really a perfect brother sister combo!"

I laugh as I force a little kiss on her, "We still have a couple hours until dinner, let's get some rest, it has been a long day for you."

I lay my head down on her breasts and hug her waist while she hugs my head. A pure and fresh scent of flowers exude from Rong Rong's body.

I inhale a couple deep breaths of her scent as it relaxes my body. We cuddle in this position and fall asleep.

Three hours later, I wake up in the same position, Rong Rong is holding onto my head while still asleep.

I move my body up hers as I plant a kiss on her lips, even while sleeping, she tries to reciprocate it a little.

She wakes up after my kiss as she looks at me and smiles, I give her another kiss, but deeper and more passionate now that she is awake.

After a couple seconds, I break it off, "It's almost dinner time, let's go."

We walk out of the dorm, passing Xue Mei as we go. She is still in a deep sleep, so it will be fine to leave her alone for a while.

I walk to the dining hall with a hand around Rong Rong's waist. The students we passed by all glared at me in envy and hatred.

Rong Rong did mention that all the girls had fan clubs. A lot of people will be jealous of me, who has four of the most popular girls under his arms.

We sit down at our usual spot, waiting for the others to come. There are also a couple students already sitting down as they whisper among each other.

"Did you hear? Today, a bunch of guys got beat up by the Fiery Beauty of Old Shrek." I heard one student whisper to his friend.

"I heard about that! Apparently, it was that idiot Li Tian and his gang, Li Tian has been in secluded cultivation trying to break through to the thirtieth level and doesn't know about any of the changes in the Academy." Another student said.

"He finally broke through the thirtieth level and only came out today. He probably wanted to celebrate and saw the fire and ice beauties, he arrogantly asked them to come drinking with him and got viciously rejected by them." He continued.

"Li Tian was furious at being rejected and called the two of them cheap sluts that he could buy from any brothel. The red-haired beauty Yan Xifeng instantly burst when he said that, not giving him a chance to react as she beat him into a pig head."

"Yeah, she was really violent! She didn't even let off Li Tian's lackeys, beating them up while the Ice Beauty Chen Yue restrained them with her ice. She even burned their clothes off after she was done!"

"Li Tian is a small tyrant in the Academy, just because he broke through the thirtieth level at 20 years old, he thinks he owns the school, but he doesn't dare go near Tai Long, a typical case of 'bully the weak and fear the strong'. Tsk! He deserved his beating!" One student, probably a victim of this Li Tian said.

One girl whispered among the boys, "I heard that the Little Fox girl Huli Jing was also there, encouraging the girls to beat them some more, she was the one that told the girls to burn their clothes…"

"There have been a lot of rumours about this little fox girl today, they say that she appears in front of you and tries to entice you to do embarrassing things, a lot of people were tricked by her, she is like an evil spirit!" Another student added on.

Little Jing… I am away for only a day and yet you go wild. Well, I also didn't do any cultivation today, so I guess it's fine for her to play around for today as well…

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