Douluo Dalu: Wulin's Legend

Chapter 69 Progress!

I use my Observation Ability to see everyone's improvement.


Name: Chen Yue

Spirit Rank: 40

Spirit: Yin Ice Phoenix (3 Tails)



Name: Yan Xifeng

Spirit Rank: 40

Spirit: Yang Fire Phoenix (3 Tails)



Name: Ning Rong Rong

Spirit Rank: 37

Spirit: Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda



Name: Xue Mei

Spirit Rank: 40

Spirit: Blood Rose



Name: Dai Mu Bai

Spirit Rank: 40

Spirit: White Tiger



Name: Zhu Zhuqing

Spirit Rank: 38

Spirit: Hell Civet



Name: Ma Hongjun

Spirit Rank: 36

Spirit: Evil Fire Phoenix



Name: Oscar

Spirit Rank: 38

Spirit: Food



Name: Tang San

Spirit Rank: 37

Spirit: Blue Silver Grass

Spirit: Clear Sky Hammer



Name: Xiao Wu (Soft Boned Rabbit)

Age: 13 (100,013-years-old)

Spirit Rank: 35

Spirit: Soft Boned Rabbit

Spirit Ability: Nothingness



Name: Yu Xiao Gang

Spirit Rank: 30

Spirit: Luo San Pao


Half of us are already ready to get our next Spirit Rings. The girls quickly awoke and surrounded me while smiling brightly, even the less expressive Little Yue.

"Brother Wulin, I feel incredible! My Spirit Rank has rose by so much in a short amount of time!" Rong Rong clung onto my arm.

"Hehe~ I have reached the fortieth rank, I am ready to get my fourth Spirit Ring now. Little Yue, you are the same, right?" Feng Feng asked.

Little Yue nodded her head, her eyes are brightly lit with satisfaction, "Yes. I rose by 6 ranks."

Xue Mei was staring deeply at me with gratitude, she never expected that she would be able to reach the fortieth rank so quickly.

Her wish for revenge was suddenly seeming so much more believable, this feeling also extended to Feng Feng and Little Yue.

Although they believed in due time they would be able to get revenge, but who knows how long that would take.

Tang San had a slightly confused look on his face while Xiao Wu stood beside him, not minding his weirdness.

I knew from his eyes that he saw through Xiao Wu's true nature as a Spirit Beasts, perhaps I should move their progress further along, it will also help Tang San protect her better.

He wouldn't be able to see through Little Jing because I have been keeping up a permanent Illusion on her body since Dugu Bo arrived with Tang San.

Xiao Wu was the first person to awaken since Tang San only gave her a weak medicinal herb, not even an Immortal Herb, that strengthens her constitution slightly.

Her real treasure is the Yearning Heartbroken Red, so he could only give her something to help her absorb the Spirit Power, otherwise, the second Immortal Herb would harm her body.

"Haha! This is truly amazing! I was able to advance five levels in an instant!" Oscar happily laughed loudly.

"I also gained 5 levels! I would even consider going vegetarian if Brother San keeps feeding us these flowers!" Fatty exclaimed, his body was still slightly red and radiating heat.

Xiao Wu bounced over and gave Fatty a slap on the head, "Don't be stupid! Eating too many of these will be harmful instead of beneficial."

Fatty had a wronged look on his face, while the rest of us laughed.

Fatty and Oscar continued entertaining the rest of us as I turned to Rong Rong, she was gazing at her Spirit with dreamy eyes.

It looks much more glassy and graceful than it did before, there is even a white shine to it, causing it to look incredibly dazzling.

Naturally, the most important part is that the Spirit mutated to become a Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, but Rong Rong is so used to the old Spirit that she hasn't noticed.

"Rong Rong, have you noticed the special benefit yet?" I smiled lightly.

Rong Rong focused her eyes on me, "What special benefit? My body feels very nice, but I don't think I have gotten anything different than the others. Only Fatty has the added benefit of fixing his evil fire."

I let Little Jing down, so she can play with the others and circled around Rong Rong's back as I held her waist with one hand while leaning my chin on her shoulder.

"Well then, let's count the layers of your Spirit's Pagoda. One, two, three…"

I slowly lifted my hand to point at each layer as I counted, Rong Rong's eyes followed my finger.

"Four, five, six, seven... eight… nine…" I pointed at the top layer, Rong Rong's eyes were blown wide open when I counted past seven.

"N-nine layers… How is this possible! The legendary Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda!" Her voice was trembling as much as her body.

She was in utter disbelief that she possessed the legendary Spirit that is the lifelong goal of her father.

I hugged her from behind as I gave her a small peck on the cheek, "Congratulations, you have undergone a secondary awakening."

Rong Rong was still in disbelief as she questioningly said, "…Secondary awakening?"

"It is when your Spirit Mutates and becomes even stronger, like undergoing the Spirit Awakening again." I explained.

"Little Yue, Feng Feng and I underwent a secondary awakening when we first had sex, probably due to the synergistic effect of their Spirits using my body as a catalyst."

Rong Rong had a light of understanding as her eyes brightened in realisation, "This… Incredible!"

She quickly turned around as she wrapped her arms around my neck and passionately kissed me, I held her body tightly as I reciprocated the kiss, relishing in her soft body.

Everyone else overheard my words and quickly summoned their Spirits to see if they had undergone a secondary awakening.

However, secondary awakening isn't as abundant as grass in the wild. Rong Rong was only able to have a secondary awakening due to the synergistic nature of the flower.

Much like in the future, Fatty had a secondary awakening when he consumed the Ten Headed Fierce Yang Serpent's Neidan.

Rong Rong broke off the kiss and licked her lips, I smiled and let her go, "You should go thank Tang San, he was the one who gave you the Immortal Herb."

Rong Rong nodded her head and quickly stood in front of the daydreaming Tang San.

She bowed deeply as she sincerely said, "Brother San, on behalf of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, I sincerely thank you!"

Tang San broke out of his contemplation as he heard Rong Rong's sincere gratitude.

He smiled wryly as he waved his hand, "I didn't know that the Immortal Herb had such an effect on your Spirit. It is your own good luck for this to happen, not me."

Rong Rong shook her head, "You don't understand what this means to the clan, and to me. My Spirit only has seven layers, meaning that the furthest we can cultivate is to the 79th level."

"Now that my Spirit has undergone a secondary awakening and became a Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, I can cultivate as far as all of you!" Rong Rong had tears in her eyes.

She had been worrying about this problem ever since she became good friends with everyone.

Now, that burden has finally been put down and she couldn't help but let her tears flow. The rest of the girls gathered around her as they consoled her.

Yu Xiao Gang opened his eyes at this time, he was covered in black filth from the impurities being expelled from his body.

He has much more impurities expelled than us because he is older and gained more over the years.

Without delay, he left to find somewhere to bathe and change clothes. All of us looked at our bodies and found out we had some stinky impurities as well.

"Uh, how about we all go for a wash before continuing our conversations. If we don't wash the impurities off, it might seep back into our bodies." I suggested.

Everyone nodded and quickly left to their own dorms to bathe and change clothes.

Twenty minutes later, everyone started filing back into Liu Erlong's cabin, Yu Xiao Gang was the last to come in as he held Luo San Pao in his arms.

Luo San Pao seemed to grow a size larger than before and Yu Xiao Gang seemed a lot younger, his skin was glossy, and his wrinkles had vanished.

Tang San immediately ran up to Yu Xiao Gang as he hurriedly asked, "Teacher, how do you feel?"

Yu Xiao Gang had a slight smile on his face, "After more than thirty years, I have finally achieved what I have been hoping for on this day. My Spirit Power has reached the thirtieth rank…"

"Congratulations, Teacher! Perhaps you will be able to cultivate rapidly after breaking through this impasse." Tang San said hopefully.

Yu Xiao Gang sighed, he had a look mixed with elation and sadness, "Cultivation becomes more difficult the older one gets. I am already a bit over fifty, I only have a couple years left…"

"I've long since given up on the dream of becoming a formidable Spirit Master. The rest of you are my hope now." He said.

"Yu Xiao Gang, you shouldn't give up so easily. You still have a few more years of cultivation time. Who knows, you might come across some fateful encounters which will allow you to become formidable." I try to encourage Yu Xiao Gang.

His feeling of inferiority stems from Luo San Pao and his weakness, so I don't want him to give up on becoming a formidable Spirit Master so soon.

Yu Xiao Gang thought about it a little before saying, "If it is meant to happen, it will happen regardless, forget about it for now. Let's stay here and consolidate our realm for seven days before we get our next Spirit Rings."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, even though their foundation has been strengthened instead of weakened with the Immortal Herbs, they aren't used to the power increase.

Normally we wouldn't have to do this because our growth is gradual, but this time most of us jumped by at least 5 levels, a whole half realm, which is an enormous increase in power…

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