Douluo Dalu: Wulin's Legend

Chapter 7 First Spirit Ability

"Beast Spirit – Frost Monkey, don't be disappointed child, it is still better than a trash spirit like Blue Silver Grass. Come, place your hand on this orb to test your Spirit Rank." (Old man)

'Maybe Sun Wukong was right, maybe I am just a primitive ape as well.'

While still dumbfounded, I recall the spirit and put my hand on the Essence Orb. As soon as I touch it, a bright light bursts from the orb, blinding everyone. When the lights dissipate a number can be seen on the orb, 10.

"Heavens! He actually has Innate Full Spirit Power!" (Villager A)

"A genius! Our village has a genius!" (Villager B)

"I always knew he was destined for greatness, I could see it in his eyes from the day he was born!" (Random bull-shitter A)

The entire village got rowdy, cheering that their village will have a strong Spirit Master, while some people whom I have never met before started telling heroic stories about me. Including fighting snakes when I was a baby, and other similar stories. One story that pissed me off, however, was one guy saying I was the reincarnation of a Monkey god, I almost lost it and attacked him.

Although the crowd was still excited we moved along with the Spirit Awakening Ceremony, and next was Little Yue, followed by Feng Feng. Due to them having Innate Full Spirit Power I could guess they had a strong Spirit, and with the history of our clans it is likely they will have Phoenix Spirits. And sure enough, when the old man was awakening Little Yue's Spirit, an elegant and majestic caw emits from her body. A chilling feeling of cold exuded from her body as a Phoenix appears in the air behind her body, wings spread wide. Some frost begins to form around her and on peoples clothing. The Phoenix has blue flames for a body, with ice crystals for eyes. An ancient aura permeates from its body. Excitedly, she recalls the Spirit and put her hand on the Essence Orb, like me, she got Innate Full Spirit Power. Happily, she skipped over to me and gave me a hug, as I rubbed her head. Villagers started praising the two of us, saying we are twin geniuses and that the Chen clan really are descendants of the Ice Phoenix. Some arrogant people from the Chen clan started insulting the Yan clan, that they have no talents in their family.

Now, it was Feng Feng's turn however she didn't move, looking at her nervous expression I immediately understand what she is thinking. "It's alright Feng Feng, I believe that your spirit won't be the least bit inferior to Little Yue's, and even if it is, we will still be family. We won't leave you alone." Holding her hand, I give her a bit of encouragement, although I already know she will awaken a strong Spirit, she couldn't help but become nervous when thinking she wouldn't be talented enough to follow us. When she hears my words, the nervousness on her face disappears and is replaced by her normal beaming smile, "Of course! Even if you want to leave I will follow you everywhere!" her grip tightens on my hand for a second before letting go, she goes up to the elder conducting the ceremony with a face like she's going to war. The elder places his hand above her head and begins to awaken her spirit, another majestic caw comes out from her body as the area begins to heat up, as expected she awakened the Fire Phoenix. It is similar to Little Yue's Ice Phoenix except its flames are red and gets brighter the closer it gets to its core. Feng Feng lets out a sigh of relief as she puts her hand on the Essence Orb and unsurprisingly also has Innate Full Spirit Power. While beaming happily she charges towards the two of us and wraps us in a large hug, we both reciprocate the hug while patting her head. Taking this chance that we are close, I whisper to the both of them, "Tomorrow night, sneak out of the house when everyone is sleeping and meet up at the base, we will have a celebration party." They don't say anything but silently nod in acknowledgement. The reason I didn't say to celebrate tonight is because I want to get my first Spirit Ring. I plan on becoming an offensive Spirit Master with some control abilities to increase my combat effectiveness. After Feng Feng, there was nobody else of noteworthy talent, however the Chen clan and Yan clan didn't care, as they got ready to celebrate the birth of the Fire and Ice Phoenixes. Feng Feng went with her family to celebrate at the Yan clan estate while Little Yue and I went back to the Chen clan. At the party people would constantly come over to congratulate us and make conversation with us. However, Little Yue only stood behind me with a cold expression while holding my hand, as I gave the people come complimentary and dismissive talks. After a while I made an excuse that Little Yue was tired and left the party, as soon as we were away Little Yue's expression melted as she clung to my arm. Bringing her to our room, I quickly change her into her pyjama's while she changes mine before we crawl into bed. Giving her a peck on the forehead, while she wraps around my arm, we both go to sleep.

I appear in the Immortal Realm, ready to try out the new Spirit Ascension Platform, but I realise because of my shock I never got a proper look at my spirit. I summon the Frost monkey in front of me, so I can get a good look at it. It has silvery white fur, like me, except it covers the whole body. A long tail is attached to the back of its body, moving from left and right, as if looking for something to grab. The most surprising thing was a marking on its forehead, in character of King. It looks like it might not be such a common monkey Spirit as previously thought. I use observation on myself to properly check my Spirit.


Name: Chen Wulin

Spirit Rank: 10

Spirit: Frost Monkey King


As I thought, the old man conducting the ceremony mistook my Frost Monkey King for a common Frost Monkey Spirit. I try to integrate with my Spirit, my body grows larger, hair starts growing everywhere, only leaving my chest and part of my abdomen bare. My face grew a beard, not very manly looking as I am only 6 years old. My hands and feet grow larger, and my toes start to grow longer, like fingers. Most importantly, I grew a long silver tail, that swayed around on its own, curling around whatever it can find. The tail feels unfamiliar like an extra limb, I think I will be able to control it, but I will need a lot of practice to learn how to control it properly. It feels awkward trying to walk around with these long toes, but there is this unimaginable feeling of strength surging through my body, it seems integrating with the Monkey King Spirit gives me a strength increase of 100%. So, if I can carry 50kg without it, then when integrated I can carry 100kg. Spending a few minutes to get use to my body I go towards the Spirit Ascension Platform.

[ Spirit Ascension Platform – A teleportation formation which can teleport you to either the Spirit Ascension Realm or the Spirit Arena. In the Spirit Ascension Realm, you can survive in the endless wilderness and gain Spirit Rings. There is a total of 9 levels to the Spirit Ascension Realm. If you die within the Spirit Ascension Realm, you will be locked out of the Violet Jade Immortal Realm for one week.

The Spirit Arena is a battle simulation device to allow you to gain experience. You can choose specific beasts and their age, to fight, as well as the terrain to battle in. For example, you can choose to fight cat species Spirit Beasts in a desert terrain. Cannot gain Spirit Rings in the Spirit Arena.

Spirit Ascension Realm Current Level: Level One – 10 – 99-year-old Spirit Beasts. To unlock next level you must reach rank 20. ]

Seeing that I will only be battling weak Spirit Beasts, I quickly enter the Spirit Ascension Realm to get some experience while searching for my first Spirit Ring. My first Spirit Ring must be one with lots of potential to evolve as I will be growing it using my Spirit Ring Absorption, getting a weak Spirit Ring Ability will be wasting my cheats. I appear inside a forest filled with large trees, deciding to get a better look of my surroundings I climb one of the tallest trees while in my monkey form. Climbing while in monkey form feels extremely natural, even my tail grips to the trees unconsciously as I can't properly control it yet. Reaching the top of the tree I turn my gaze towards the horizon, Towards the north, there is a large ocean filled with storms and rain. Towards the West, there is a large mountain chain, some of the mountains are volcanoes while others look normal, there is even a couple that are constantly stuck by a lightning storm. Towards the South, is an area filled with snow, there is the outline of large glacial mountains, which is hard to be seen as there is a constant blizzard in the entire snow area. Towards the East, a giant sandstorm ravages an endless dessert.

Since my Spirit is a Frost Monkey King, I should go to the snow biome for a better chance at a suitable ability. Making my way towards the snow biome I come across a couple Spirit Beasts, however they are too weak, so in my monkey form I killed them all with one smash.


Name: Spirit Boar

Age: 23-years-old

Spirit Ability: Stench Bomb



Name: Poison Vine Spirit

Age: 56-year-old

Spirit Ability: Paralysing Bite


None of the Spirit Beasts I came across had a suitable Spirit Ability for me, however they did serve as training partners to help me get used to my monkey form. I would also swing from tree to tree instead of walking on the floor, I only fell down a couple times when my tail didn't grab the branch like I wanted it to. A couple hours later, I made it into the snow biome and began finding ice type Spirit Beasts.


Name: Ice Dog Spirit Beast

Age: 10

Spirit Ability: Frost Bite



Name: Frost Bear Spirit Beast

Age: 92

Spirit Ability: Ice Roar


The Frost Bear Spirit Beast was the strongest one I found so far, but it's Spirit Ability wasn't what I wanted, so I decided to test my strength on it. Charging up to it, I let out a full powers monkey form punch as the Frost Bear also let out a swipe at me. The Frost Bear was knocked back a few metres, while my body only shook a little, seeing that the Frost Bear couldn't be my match I quickly beat it to death and searched for more Spirit Beasts.

After an hour of searching and fighting, while I was playing around with a small Snow Ferret Spirit Beast, I hear a strong howl followed by heavy footsteps charging directly at me. Shortly after, a beast comes into view, it is a type of Fox Spirit Beast, but it is much larger and more threatening than any of the other fox spirits I came across. It looks to be more than 1000-years-old, but this realm should only have Spirit Beasts aged 10-99-years-old. Confused, I use my observation skill on it:


Name: Arctic Snow Fox Spirit Beast

Age: 87-years-old

Spirit Ability: Illusion Ice Transformation


'This Spirit Ability is quite good, to actually be able to transform its body into a 1000-year-old beast, it is even able to replicate the aura of a 1000-year-old Spirit Beast. I have decided, this will be my first Spirit Ring!' Quickly deciding that this will be my first Spirit Ring, I fearlessly charge at the Snow Fox. The Snow Fox, unaware that I have already seen through its disguise kept up its threatening howls while stamping its feet. Once I got close it lunged at me, however it was slow and weak compared to what a real 1000-year-old Spirit Beast should be, and I smashed its head in one hit. A white Spirit Ring appeared from the Snow Fox's corpse and I used my Spirit Energy to bring it towards me. Since it was a low aged Spirit Ring there was no problems with absorbing it. Quickly, I gain information about the Spirit Ability.

[Illusion Ice Transformation: Change body into ice to transform into anything, larger. Can also use ice to reflect light, creating an illusion that is hard to see through. Age of Spirit Ability determines how realistic the transformations and illusions are]

'So, it can be used for more than just transforming your body, the potential use of this ability is endless, from hiding my Spirit Rings, to making them more imposing and scaring off others. I can even use it to disguise myself and others when out in crowded areas. I should quickly try and evolve this ring to make the transformations and illusions more realistic.' Like this, I went on a rampage, slaughtering all the Spirit Beasts I could find, and integrating their Spirit Ring into my own. Although I can only get one tenth of the Spirit Beasts original age, I was able to make up for it with the sheer number of Spirit Beasts. By the end of my time in the Immortal Realm I was able to evolve my first Spirit Ring to become 158-years-old, strengthening the Illusion Ice Transformation Ability.

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Look Guys, I can be OP Too!', 'Wukong's 72 Transformations', 'One Step Closer to Wukong'

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