Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 14 Thrilling

After resting for a while and taking some medicine, Xiao Fei felt that his body was gradually recovering. Except for some burns on his left hand, which needed to be treated with medicine later, his overall condition had recovered.

Looking at the ground fire lizard still crawling on the ground, Xiao Fei was surprised that it was not dead, and its vitality was too tenacious. Then he carefully observed the ground fire lizard. This ground fire lizard was about 1.7 meters long and 7,000 years old. For some reason, it mutated and grew two heads.

Xiao Fei didn't care to think too much. At this time, there was no way out. Xiao Fei attacked the heart of the two-headed ground fire lizard with one claw. The two-headed ground fire lizard finally stopped crawling, and a purple soul ring appeared above the body of the ground fire lizard.

Xiao Fei sat next to the ground fire lizard and guided the soul ring to the fire phoenix. Suddenly, a force like a mountain and a river began to press on Xiao Fei.

Xiao Fei looked terrified, "No, there is something wrong with this soul ring. This is not a thousand-year soul ring, this is probably a ten-thousand-year soul ring. But how can a thousand-year soul beast have a ten-thousand-year soul ring? Mutated two-headed earth fire lizard?"

"I understand, these are two earth fire lizards, similar to the twins on Earth before. Due to mutation, they share one body, but have two heads, so that after killing, although there is only one soul ring, it has the energy of two soul rings, that is, this is a purple ten-thousand-year soul ring, and the age is as high as fourteen thousand years. Except for the lack of soul shock, the rest is absolutely the standard of a ten-thousand-year soul ring. Many people estimate that the fifth soul ring cannot be absorbed."

Xiao Fei secretly groaned, this is a big trouble. Now it has begun to absorb, and there is no way out. Xiao Fei felt like a mountain was pressing on him, and his body was gradually collapsing. Xiao Fei gritted his teeth and used the two external soul bones and the Qilin arm martial spirit on his body.

However, various abnormalities still appeared on his body: the skin all over his body began to crack, and the skin kept bleeding. In the blink of an eye, the skin was covered with blood. Then, Xiao Fei's body began to catch fire, and the blood that oozed out actually burned, a bit like the flames of a phoenix.

This lasted for a whole day. Xiao Fei collapsed countless times during this day, and then woke up again and again, a bit like the ancient Lingchi, constantly waking up, constantly feeling pain all over his body and even in his bones. In the end, Xiao Fei fainted in pain. After fainting, Xiao Fei's two martial souls and two external soul bones were glowing.

Another day passed, and Xiao Fei slowly opened his eyes. He felt pain in all his bones and felt weak all over, as if all the blood in his body had been drained. He exerted force gently and moved his body. Thinking carefully about what happened just now, he was really scared.

Then he observed his body and found that there was no major injury in his body. He carefully observed his meridians again and felt that his meridians had become thicker again. It's just that there is basically no soul power in his body, and the blood in his body is almost drained.

Xiao Fei sighed softly, "Oh, this is troublesome!"

Xiao Fei gently moved his body and used the remaining soul power to take out some food and medicine from the soul guide. He moved his body and ate a little. Then he fell into a deep sleep. In this way, Xiao Fei lay for almost half a month before he could barely move. This is the soul beast forest. Xiao Fei dared not move in this state. After another half a month, Xiao Fei's body recovered 80%. It is estimated that it will take another month to be completely healed.

Xiao Fei summoned his martial soul, and two yellow and one purple soul rings appeared. The soul power was actually level 35. Summoning his Kirin arm again, I always feel that the Kirin arm has become stronger. It is estimated that if I absorb another soul ring above the level, I can awaken it for the second time.

"Next, it should be the next target." Xiao Fei couldn't help but look in the direction of Tiandou City. "Ice and Fire Yin and Yang Eyes, I should go there too."

Half a month later, Xiao Fei came to Tiandou City. After entering the city, Xiao Fei first found a hotel, and then came to the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Field. Xiao Fei's funds were almost used up, and he hadn't fought for a month. He felt that only fighting could help him recover better.

Xiao Fei re-registered his account. This time he wrote that he was 22 years old and level 35, and named himself "Phoenix Flame". This name came from his third soul skill.

Xiao Fei's third soul skill is to turn his right hand into a phoenix, which is a bit similar to the dragon transformation of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex. The right hand becomes a phoenix claw, which can last for half an hour. The attack power and speed increase by 50%, the fire damage increases by 100%, the penetration ability increases by 100%, and the physical fitness of the right hand is greatly improved. The name is "Phoenix Flame Claw". This also allows Xiao Fei to partially transform his body into a beast.

Xiao Fei always felt very strange. How could the ground fire lizard have such a skill? Is the legend true? According to the legend, the ground fire lizard was transformed from an ordinary lizard. Their transformation was caused by drinking phoenix blood, which also gave them a trace of phoenix blood in their bodies and allowed them to control the flame.

Xiao Fei played 7 consecutive games in the fighting soul field and won 7 consecutive games. In the eighth game, he met a special person. He took a close look at the opponent's martial soul and soul power. It turned out to be Yu Tianheng from the Royal Fighting Team.

Yu Tianheng was already level 36, but only one level higher than Xiaofei. The two fought for about ten minutes, and in the end Yu Tianheng lost to Xiaofei's third soul skill. And there were many burns all over his body. But Xiaofei did not use the second soul skill. Xiaofei was recently studying the embodiment of the second soul skill, that is, the sparks in the rain of sparks formed a sword that could pierce, or each feather could be similar to a sword.

After the game, Yu Tianheng invited Xiao Fei to a private gathering, but Xiao Fei declined. The people of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family are notoriously overbearing. If the other party knows his age, the other party may force him to join the other family. The big families nowadays are basically similar.

I spent some time squatting in the Great Soul Fighting Arena and the Tiandou Auction House, hoping to see Dugu Bo and know his daily routine, but I didn't even see a hair. I saw Prince Xuexing a few times.

I can't squat in Tiandou City anymore, I must go to the Sunset Forest. And Xiao Fei also heard a piece of news that next month is the birthday of Emperor Xue Ye, and it seems that they have to make great preparations and celebrate with the whole country. For such a time, Dugu Bo, a guest of the Tiandou Empire, will definitely participate. Especially Dugu Bo is the only Titled Douluo in the Tiandou Empire.

So, Xiao Fei has fought with soul beasts many times in the Sunset Forest recently to exercise his body. Finally, he found a poisonous fog area in the center of the Sunset Forest. Now he just has to wait for Dugu Bo to leave.

Sure enough, Huang Tian will not let down those who work hard. Two days before Emperor Xue Ye's birthday, Dugu Bo left the Sunset Forest. Xiao Fei chuckled. This was the most rare opportunity. His eyes could not help but look at the center of the poisonous fog.

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