Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 152 Battle of Jialing Pass

The battle of Jialing Pass was going on in an orderly manner, and both sides invested more high-end combat power.

The titled Douluo of Wuhun Empire includes Pope Bibi Dong, and several elders including Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo, Magic Bear Douluo, Ghost Leopard Douluo, Spirit Luan Douluo, Snake Spear Douluo, Thorny Porpoise Douluo, and Holy Dragon Douluo, as well as many soul masters from the seven major sects. Among them, Holy Dragon Douluo Tuobaxi is the leader of the Holy Dragon Sect, and the leader of the Elephant Armor Sect Huyan Zhen is another titled Douluo in the seven major sects. There are only two titled Douluos in the new seven major sects.

Overall, Wuhun Empire has invested a total of ten titled Douluos.

The Tiandou Empire has invested relatively less, including Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, Tang Hao, Tang San and two elders of the Haotian Sect, plus Dugu Bo.

The Tiandou Empire has only seven titled Douluos, but there are many soul saints of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Tower, such as Ning Fengzhi, especially Ning Fengzhi, who is known as the first auxiliary soul master on the continent.

The difference in high-end strength between the two sides is not too big, and the Great Heaven Dou Empire is relatively at a disadvantage.

The Xingluo Empire was pinned down by the Wuhun Empire's army, and neither the soul masters nor the high-end combat power could support Jialing Pass.

On the surface, the Wuhun Empire lacked 400,000 troops, had three more Title Douluo, and tens of thousands of soul masters.

The battle between the two sides was very difficult. On the first day alone, tens of thousands of troops were killed and injured on both sides, which could be called a meat grinder.

Known as the first iron-headed Douluo, the leader of the Xiangjia Sect, Tianxiang Huyanzhen, relied on his amazing defense and led the army to rush forward and walk in the front, and he was the most popular.

The result was just like the original work, and he staged a good show of head-on confrontation with the artifact, becoming the first Title Douluo to die on the battlefield between the two sides.

The Emperor of the Wuhun Empire, Bibi Dong, killed all the enemies, and was barely stopped by Tang Hao and Tang San.

The sword douluo Chen Xin, whose arm was broken, had soul power of level 97, the highest soul power in the whole field except Bibi Dong. The sword douluo not only harvested the battlefield, but also suppressed the opponent's Lingluan douluo, and helped rescue everywhere, and also pinned down many titled douluos of the Wuhun Empire.

For a while, both sides fell into anxiety. After fighting for many days in a row, both sides suffered heavy losses.

The Wuhun Empire lost the titled douluo Hu Yanzhen, plus nearly a thousand soul masters and more than 100,000 ordinary soldiers.

The loss of the Tiandou Empire was even more serious. Although there were no casualties in the high-end combat power for the time being, the casualties of the low-end combat power were very exaggerated. More than 200,000 ordinary soldiers had died in battle, and more than a thousand soul masters had died. You must know that the soul masters of the Tiandou Empire are much fewer than those of the Wuhun Empire.

The overall number of soul masters in the Tiandou Empire is far inferior to that of the Wuhun Empire, and the quality is also uneven. Many soul master families or sects were forcibly recruited into the Tiandou Empire, and many of them were even newly graduated soul master students and teachers, and there were also many free soul masters. Within the Tiandou Empire, there was still a great deterrent effect on organizations without Title Douluo, especially the Advanced Soul Master Academy.

Dugu Bo, the guest Poison Douluo of the Tiandou Empire, was known as a battlefield harvester and invincible in group battles, but he was relatively weak on the battlefield recently. In order to deal with Dugu Bo, the Wuhun Empire specially arranged Thorny Porpoise Douluo and Snake Spear Douluo to target him. As long as he entered the battlefield, he would be besieged, which made Dugu Bo in danger.

More than ten days later, the battlefields of both sides seemed to have a slightly easing trend. After all, everyone was very tired in the continuous battles. Although the soul masters were powerful, they were not powerful enough to ignore many people. On the battlefield, if they were not careful, they would be attacked or even besieged.

At this time, all the high-level officials of the Tiandou Empire were discussing countermeasures together. In a large room, a huge sand table was placed in the middle, showing the comparison of the strength of the enemy and us and the gains of the war so far.

Obviously, the loss of the Heaven Dou Empire is relatively greater at this moment. After all, more lives are needed to deal with each additional Title Douluo.

Everyone at the scene looked very solemn. The strength of the Spirit Empire far exceeded their expectations. If they continue like this, they may lose this war.

As the supreme commander of the whole scene, Emperor Avalanche spoke first: "Everyone, we are slightly weaker than the Spirit Empire now. Do we have any external aid to invite?"

National Master Yu Xiaogang analyzed: "Now we still have the leader of the Haotian Sect, Tang Xiao, and three elders. There is no other external force. The army of the Star Luo Empire has been pinned down by the Spirit Empire. The Spirit Empire is in a defensive posture on the battlefield with the Star Luo Empire. Moreover, although the Spirit Hall Empire does not have a Title Douluo over there, the number of Soul Douluo is very large. Both sides are in a state of anxiety, and the Star Luo Empire cannot support us."

Xue Beng looked very serious: "Now the Tiandou Empire has used almost all its strength, including all the troops and civilians, and basically invested in the war. If we lose, there will be no force that can stop the Wuhun Empire from unifying the world."

"The current situation is very clear. The Wuhun Empire wants to concentrate all its high-end combat power to defeat us first, then fight a decisive battle with the Xingluo Empire, and finally complete the unification."

"Teacher, can we ask the Element Academy to assist our Tiandou Empire. As long as they are willing to assist us, even if the Element Academy splits the country, it will be no problem." Xue Beng still worshipped Tang San as his teacher as in the original book.

Tang San shook his head: "It's useless. No matter what conditions we offer, the Element Academy probably won't agree. I got the news that the Wuhun Empire also sent three masters to the Element Academy, but they also returned empty-handed."

"Besides, the Academy of Elements has now closed its doors. All students are strictly prohibited from going out. If they go out without permission, they will be expelled immediately. It seems that they are determined not to interfere in our war."

The scene fell into silence again.

During this battle, their Zhuge Liannu also appeared on the battlefield. Thousands of Zhuge Liannu also caused a certain amount of damage to the Soul Master Legion of the Wuhun Empire. Otherwise, the Wuhun Empire would not have thousands of souls. The division's casualties.

But in the real battlefield, the Tang Sect's hidden weapons seemed to be lacking. After all, hidden weapons are used for sneak attacks. If the enemy is prepared, their power will be greatly reduced. Especially on the battlefield, soldiers on both sides were wearing thick armor, and Zhuge's crossbows were not that effective. Moreover, the Zhuge Liannu was expensive to build.

The Spirit Empire is a little more relaxed. Emperor Bibi Dong is also looking at the battlefield sand table, thinking about some plans from time to time. The Spirit Empire has much more spirit masters, and all kinds of weird spirit masters can have unexpected effects. But the deaths of so many people also cast a shadow over the scene.

Of all the people on the battlefield, I am afraid that the students and even teachers who have graduated from the Elements Academy are the ones who regret it the most. They didn’t know the benefits of the Elements Academy before, but some of them couldn’t bear the pressure from their families, and some because they couldn’t bear it themselves. Temptation finally came to the battlefield.

Now they finally understand that the battlefield is not only about glory and victory, but also about death and endless killing.

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